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Methods of shoe construction





VI. Render the text in brief in a written form.

III. Make up a plan of the text.

IV. Translate the paragraph in italics in a written form.

V. Questions for discussion:

  1. What does the last determine?
  2. How is a master last created?
  3. How are production lasts made?
  4. What is a last?
  5. What materials are used in last production?
  6. How are modern lasts designed?
  7. What does the fit of the shoe depend on?
  8. What is taken into account when creating each shoe last?
  9. How does the style of the shoe affect the choice of a last?
  10. What is the starting point for any footwear development?

I. Mind the following words and word-combinations:

  1. researcher – дослідник
  2. annually – щорічно
  3. to match – відповідати, підходити
  4. width – ширина
  5. to grade – сортувати, ранжувати, змінювати
  6. consideration – увага, розгляд

II. Listen to the text ‘SHOE LAST DESIGN’ and decide if the statements are true or false:

  1. A proper fitting pair of shoe lasts is the last step towards creating proper fitting and fashionable footwear.
  2. Footwear researchers help to build better lasts by taking pictures of thousands of feet and analyzing them.
  3. All styles of shoes can be made on the same shoe last.
  4. There are over 13 measurements required in the construction of a modern last.
  5. Design considerations include: foot movements, manufacturing process, intended population, purpose of footwear and fashion.

III. Listen to the text again and be ready to answer the questions:

1. What does a model maker do?

2. What determines the design of the last?


I. Read and remember the words and their translation:

  1. to attach – з’єднувати, накладати, прикріплювати
  2. lasting – затягування взуття
  3. bottoming – прикріплювання низу взуття, виготовлення низу взуття
  4. an adhesive – клей
  5. bonwelt – строчково-рантово-клейовий метод
  6. a strip – стрічка
  7. a welt – рант
  8. to bond – скріплювати
  9. a runner – обвідка
  10. genuine – достеменний

II. Read and remember the following phrases:

  1. labour intensive – трудомісткий
  2. cement or “stuck on” (UK) construction – клейовий метод кріплення
  3. to be attached by stitching or cementing – бути приєднаним прошиванням або склеюванням
  4. a flat lasted – рантово-прошивний метод кріплення
  5. to curve under the last – загинатись під колодкою
  6. to be supplemented by – супроводжуватись чимось, кимось
  7. stitchdown or veldt construction – сандальний метод
  8. to convert uncured rubber into a stable compound – перетворювати не вулканізовану гуму у стійку суміш
  9. a force lasting method – 1) строчково-клейовий спосіб; 2) безобтягувальний однопроцесний паралельний внутрішній спосіб
  10. Goodyear welt – конструкція рантово прошивного взуття

III. Read and translate the following text:


There are many ways to attach the sole to the upper but commercially only a few methods are preferred. Shoes were traditionally made by molding leather to a wooden last. Modern technology has introduced many new materials and mechanized much of the manufacture. Remarkable as it may seem the manufacture of shoes remains fairly labour intensive. No matter the type of construction the first stage in construction is to attach the insole to the undersurface of the last. Two main operations follow: lasting and bottoming. Lasting describes the upper sections are shaped to the last and insole. Lasting is followed by bottoming, where the sole is attached to the upper. The process of bottoming will determine price, quality and performance of the shoe.

Cement or “stuck on” (UK) construction is used for lightweight and flexible footwear, where the outsole is stuck to the upper by an adhesive. Bonwelt is a variation with its distinguishing feature being a strip of welting attached by stitching or cementing to the top edge of the insole. The shoe is then flat lasted. This is not a true welt construction wherein the welt is attached to the rib of the insole.

Goodyear welt is applied for high quality dress and town shoes with the top section or welt being chain stitched to the upper and insole rib at the point where it curves “under the last”. This is supplemented by a lockstitch outseam bonding the welt and outsole. The outsole is then sewn to the welt around the edge. Goodyear welt creates heavier less flexible footwear.

A cheaper method used to produce lightweight flexible soles for children's shoes and some casual footwear is stitchdown or veldt construction. It describes the upper turned out (flanged) at the edge of the last. This is then stitched to the runner.

Thought to be the oldest shoe construction moccasin consists of a single layer section which forms the insole, vamp and quarters. The piece is molded upwards from the undersurface of the last. An apron is then stitched to the gathered edges of the vamp and the sole is stitched to the base of the shoe. This method is used for flexible fashion footwear. The imitation moccasin has a visual appearance of a moccasin but doesn't have the wrap around construction of the genuine moccasin. In molded methods the lasted upper is placed in a mould and the sole formed around it by injecting liquid synthetic soling material (PVC, urethane). Alternatively, the sole may be vulcanized by converting uncured rubber into a stable compound by heat and pressure. When the materials in the moulds cool the sole - upper bonding is complete. These methods combine the upper permanently into the sole and such shoes cannot therefore be repaired easily. Moulded methods can be used to make most types of footwear.

Force lasting or the Strobel-stitched (sewn in sock) method has evolved from sport shoes but is increasingly used in other footwear. Sewn in sock method describes one of many force lasting techniques. The upper is sewn directly to a sock by means of an overlooking machine (Strobel stitcher). The upper is then pulled (force lasted) onto a last or moulding foot. Unit soles with raised walls or moulded soles are attached to completely cover the seam. This technique is sometimes known as the Califomian process or slip lasting.


IV. Answer the questions:

  1. How was footwear traditionally made?
  2. What is the first stage in shoe construction?
  3. What process is called “lasting”?
  4. What is bottoming?
  5. What method is used for lightweight footwear?
  6. What method is applied for high quality dress shoes?
  7. What method of shoe construction is used to produce children’s shoes?
  8. Which method of shoe construction is the oldest one?
  9. In what method is vulcanization of the sole applied?
  10. What technique is known as the Californian process?


V. Complete the sentences with the words from the text:

1. There are many ways to attach ….

2. Shoes were traditionally made by ….

3. The first stage in construction is ….

4. … describes the upper section are shaped to the last and insole.

5. The process of bottoming will determine ….

VI. Find the English equivalents to the words:

трудомісткий, устілка, клейовий метод, рантовий метод, дитяче взуття, модельне взуття, ремонтувати, процес формування, взуття для повсякденного носіння, підметка.


VII. Make up sentences with the terms:

to be preferred, to mould, labour intensive, lightweight and flexible footwear, town shoes, children’s shoes, an apron, synthetic material, sport shoes


VIII. Give definitions to the words:

lasting, bottoming, cement construction, Goodyear welt, moccasin construction, moulded methods, Californian process


IX. Translate the sentences into English:

  1. Існує багато методів прикріплення нижньої частини взуття до верхньої, але переважно використовуються тільки декілька.
  2. Першою операцією в процесі конструювання будь-якого взуття є приєднання устілки до сліду колодки.
  3. Повсякденне взуття виготовляється клейовим методом, це коли підошва прикріплюється до верха взуття за допомогою клею.
  4. Рантово-прошивний метод кріплення застосовується для виготовлення модельного взуття високої якості.
  5. Для виготовлення деяких видів дитячого та повсякденного взуття застосовується прошивний або сандальний метод кріплення.
  6. Мокасини – це взуття, яке становить конструктивну єдність з устілкою, союзкою та берцями.
  7. Формоване взуття важко ремонтувати.
  8. Метод формування можна застосовувати для більшості типів взуття.
  9. Строчово-клейовий метод є одним з безобтягувальних внутрішніх способів формування заготовок.
  10. Верх взуття пришивають до вкладної устілки на машинах з обкидним швом.


X. Speak on the topic using the following words and word-combinations:

to attach the sole to the upper, undersurface of the last, lasting, bottoming, cement construction, an adhesive, high quality dress shoes, stitchdown or veldt construction, moccasin construction, moulded methods, force lasting method

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