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Tastes are different

Language Development

Vocabulary Practice

Ex 2. Fill in the correct word from the list below: cooking ingredientsafternoon beef oily pasties steak and kidney waters pudding unfussy

1. roast … 2. Cornish … 3. cold offshore … 4. … pie 5. … fishes 6. quality local … 7. … tea 8. … traditions 9. Yorkshire …. 10. … dishes

Ex 3. Act out Dialogue

A: What do you think of British food?

B: That's a very difficult question to answer, because if you look in two supermarket trolleys, you'll see that what people buy is completely different. Some people will go for fresh vegetables and whole meal bread, while others prefer tins and packets of highly processed food.

A: Is there such a thing as British food?

B: That's the second problem, because a lot of what we buy comes from other parts of the European Community or further a field. Many trolleys will contain both New Zealand butter and South African fruit.

A: Well, what do people mean when they say they don't like British food?

B: I think it's probably possible to generalize about what is eaten at main meal-times. Northern Europeans, including the British, tend to eat more potatoes than Asians, who prefer rice.

A: Can you explain why many Asians prefer French or Italian cuisine to British cooking?

B: That's both a question of what different Europeans eat and how it's prepared. For example, pizza has become international. People are accustomed to eating it and Italians prepare it well.

A: Do the British prepare food badly?

B: In fact, we have some of the top chefs in the world, but only people with a lot of money experience British cooking at its best. Students staying in English families often have to put up with convenience foods, quick preparations served up by working couples who have little time for anything other than their jobs.

A: Surely, not all host families offer fast food.

B: No.... some are very careful about what they eat. They may buy brown rice, whole meal bread, muesli and organically grown fruit. They may eat a mainly vegetarian diet. But this can cause different problems. Japanese students are used to eating white rice, while Southern Europeans are used to eating a lot of meat. Certain versions of the British diet are probably very healthy, but don't appeal internationally. People simply aren't used to them.

Ex 4. Topics for discussion in a class. Compare your opinion with your groupmates.

Speak on advantages and disadvantages of fast, junk food and healthy food. Name different features of British food life as you can. Speak on the fast-food restaurants.

Speak on the range of restaurants available in Britain.

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