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Youth in America and Britain


D e f


Lesson 5.2.1. Youth Problems

Дидактические материалы к занятиям 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3

Самостоятельная работа

Занятие 5.2.3. Негативные социальные явления среди молодежи. Negative social events among young people


Цели занятия:

Oбразовательная: приобретение знаний о странах изучаемого языка

Развивающая: развитие речевых способностей в процессе овладения языком

Воспитательная: воспитывать потребность в практическом использовании языка

Практическая: формирование монологической и диалогической речи


1. Освоить лексику по теме «Негативные социальные явления среди молодежи»: clubbing, rafting, surfing the net, smoking cannabis, drawing graffiti, taking ecstasy, a raver, a clique, to mean well, to rave about something, to coagulate, a drug dealer

2. Выполнить упражения № 1-4

3. Прочитать текст «Ecstasy, Euphoria… and Death» и выполнить упражнения № 5-7

4. Прослушать текст и выполнить задание (упр. № 8-9)

5. Научиться: рассуждать по поводу наличия у молодых людей вредных привычек; обмениваться мнениями по поводу путей решения этих проблем, предлагать другие виды деятельности, которыми можно заняться в свободное время вместо вредных привычек

6. Научиться: переводить текст с английского на русский язык по теме

Составить анкету и провести опрос среди друзей о негативных социальных явлениях, представить результаты анкетирования в группе

Ex 1. Match the problems to the pictures

unemployment, unrequited love, lack of money, bulling, racism, harmful

habits, generation gap

a b c





Ex 2. Match the sentences to the problems from Ex. 1

1) A young man fells in love with a girl, but she refuses to date him.

2) Grown-ups always teach the youth how to live.

3) Someone thinks that different skin, religion or nationality makes some people better than others.

4) The number of young people looking for a job is constantly increasing.

5) Someone uses strength or power to hurt or frighten a weaker person.

6) Unfortunately, we often meet young people with cigarettes and beer.

7) Young people often try to find a part-time job, because they have not enough money.

Ex 3. Can you think of any other youth problems? Do any of these problems affect your personality?

Ex 4. Read about young people in America and Britain and decide what problem does this text describe?

American youth problems are connected with their beliefs and values. Hard work is part of the American Dream. To be a success is important in America. Society doesn’t like those who have achieved nothing. That’s why all young Americans want to work hard and be a success. The first step to it is a diploma. Without it, it’s almost impossible to be successful. In order to get it you should compete. In Britain life used to be fun for teenagers. They have money to spend, and free time to spend it in. But for many young people life is harder now. Jobs are difficult to find. There is not so much money around. Things are more expensive, and it’s hard to find a place to live. Teachers say that students work harder than they used to. They are less interested in politics and more interested in passing exams. They know that good exam results may get them better jobs.

Ex 5. Read the text again and write A for American, B for British

1) Young people want to be a success.

2) They know that good exam result get them better job.

3) Hard work is a part of their dream.

4) Their society doesn’t like those who have achieved nothing.

5) Young people life became harder now.

Ex 6. a) American and Britain youth want to get a diploma and a good job. But sometimes they haven’t enough money to live in big cities and they need to do part-time jobs. Read the information and decide which jobs these teenagers do:

babysitter, shelf stacker, paper boy, cook, shop assistant

b) Add the sentences in the text:

a) But I don’t like getting them to bed! b) I’d like to serve the food. c) Then I can have a laugh with my mates. d) On Sundays the papers have extra sections and they are really heavy. e) He bought a printer too.




I’ve got a new job. I work at the supermarket. I hate it. I work three evenings a week, from six to ten. I have to put products on the shelves. The staffs aren’t allowed to have a chat except in the breaks. […] I earn £4 an hour, which is OK. But it’s hard doing my homework before I go out to work.




I’m so tired. I’ve worked three evenings this week in the local fast food restaurant. I come home and have a shower before I go to bed because my clothes smell of grease. My job is to cook the burgers and chips. All evening! We have to wear a special uniform which I hate too. I get paid badly, but I do it so I can go out with my mates.[…] It must be better than making the food.




Hi, there. I’m back from my paper round. I’mexhausted. I do this five times a week. I get up at6.00 am. I have to get to the paper shop early toget the newspapers. I always deliver to the samestreets so I know which house has which paper. […]Why do people want to read more on a Sunday? Iearn £25 a week.




Hi! I’m writing this at 11 o’clock at night. I dobabysitting, and I’ve just got back! I love children –I like playing with them. […] Once they’re in bed, Ican watch TV. This evening I did my homework.The family I babysit for left me a pizza and a cola.They brought me home too. I get £3.50 an hour forbabysitting – I think it’s good money. I’m saving fora new computer.




Well, it’s 7.00 a.m. and I have ten minutes before I leave! I work in a computer shop. I do it because I know a lot about IT. I like helping the customers, even the rude ones! I get extra money if I sell a computer, which is brilliant. Yesterday I sold a laptop to this guy. […] I never get bored. Well, I’m working with computers – and I love them. I’d like to work here when I leave my college.

Ex 7. Fill in the words from the list, then make sentences using the completed phrases: to do, to go, to have, to wear, to be, to help, to earn, to get, to be, to save….. a chat 2.….. £ 4 an hour 3. ….. bored 4. …… exhausted 5. ….. the customers 6. …. Tired 7. ….. a special uniform 8. …..babysitting 9. …. for a new computer

Ex 8. Make the sentences using the prompts

babysitter self stacker paper boy cook shop assistant     has to put products on the shelves make burgers and chips deliver the newspapers look after children help the customers

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