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Raving about Ecstasy


J k

G h

D e f

A b c


Lesson 5.2.3. Harmful habits

Follow-up (Speaking)


Ex 5. Look at the picture. Do you know this man? What is he famous for? If you don’t know try to guess what was his life like?


Muhammad Ali was a famous American boxer. He experienced racism during his career and felt very strongly about the rights of black people in America. Now he is well known for his social work and charity.

Ex 6. а) Listen to some teenagers talking about Muhammad Ali. What is the image of Muhammad Ali in today’s American society?

б) Listen again and circle the nine words that you hear.

Graceful, popular, strong, dignified, interesting, heroic, charming, chatty, witty, intelligent, inspiring, boastful

Ex 7. Muhammad Ali was a famous sportsperson who stood up for black rights. If you were famous, would you support a particular cause? What would it be and why? Can you think of advantages or disadvantages of famous people being involved with a cause?

Ex 8. Think of a famous person you admire who is of a race different from your. What is he/she famous for? Why do you admire this person?

Ex 1. а) Match the different ways of spending free-time to the pictures: clubbing, smoking tobacco, rafting, surfing the net, drinking beer, listening to music, taking ecstasy, skateboarding, smoking cannabis, drawing graffiti, going to a gym





б) Look at the pictures and answer the questions: Which youth ways of spending free-time are harmful and which are not?What harmful habits can you add?

Ex 2. Read the title of the text and answer the questions:

· How dangerous is Ecstasy?

· How do you think, which situations make the drug more dangerous?

· How do you think is the title of the text accurate or sensationalist?

Ex 3. Read the text to look for words or phrases to match the definitions:

1. a person who goes to clubs, dances all night and often uses drugs to reach a


2. an exclusive group of people who do not mix with people outside their group

3. to take action through good intentions (even though the result is often not good)

4. to talk very enthusiastically about something

5. to change from liquid to a solid state

6. a person who sells drugs

Ecstasy, Euphoria… and Death

Originally used by club-scene ravers, the drug Ecstasy, known as E or MDMA, has now spread from the dance floor to schools, offices and homes. Cliques in American High Schools use it; executives in high positions use it. But is it safe?

One of the main arguments E-users cite to defend their choice of drug is that it is safer than alcohol which claims thousands of lives a year. It is certainly true that for teens in the USA, alcohol is still the deadliest drug. For Americans aged 16-20 car crashes are the leading cause of deaths, and 37 percent of those involve alcohol. Ecstasy, however, can still endanger life.

Users of Ecstasy will defensively declare that taking it is completely safe. Anti-drug agencies will say it is completely unsafe. Both sides are guilty of stopping people understanding the true risks and assessing the real impact the drug can have on your body. Although anti-drug agencies mean well, their scare tactics often annoy young people who sense that they are being presented with an exaggerated story. This means many young people often refuse to listen to the scientific facts.

The rave scene is indisputably cool – the electronic music, the clothes, the people, the DJs. For many, the experience is made even better by ‘taking an E’, the music sounds incredible, you feel a sense of ‘love’ for you fellow clubbers and you just want to dance all night long. There’s no denying that this is true, however, the biological way Ecstasy gives you a high is also the way it can harm or kill you.

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