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First aid aims


Lead in

Lesson 6.3.3. first aid procedures


Health and safety in public places

Health and Safety Claims and Industrial jobs

Health and Safety at Work

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the most important piece of legislation relating to occupational health and safety in the UK. It clearly sets out the requirements that employers must follow to try to ensure the welfare of employees. Of course, it may not be possible to avoid every accident, but the Health and Safety Act states that employers must ensure employee welfare “as far as is reasonably practicable”.

Since the introduction of the Health and Safety Act in 1974, employers have been legally required to run regular health and safety checks and risk assessments to make sure the …… is as safe as possible. In addition to these checks, appropriate training is an important part of making sure people aren’t injured in accidents that could have been avoided.

Attention to health and safety at work is absolutely vital if your job involves using dangerous….., and there are certain extra precautions that your employer should take. You should always be fully trained on the machinery you use and must be provided with any protective clothing or equipment necessary. This may include earplugs to prevent noise induced hearing loss, gloves, goggles, a hard hat or safety boots.

According to the Health and Safety Executive, the most common …. of accident are slips, trips and falls, many of which happen in public places. The causes of slips, trips and falls vary from slippery floors which have not had a warning cone put in place, to sudden changes in floor level or poor lighting conditions which make it harder to see potential obstacles.

Ex 6. Write a letter to your employer with the advices how to make your workplace trouble-free.


1. What do you know about first aid procedures?

2. What happens to you mentally and physically when you are injured?

3. Is it necessary to know first aid procedures?

Ex 1. Study the information about first aid procedures

First Aid procedures: burns and scalds

What are they?

Burns are caused by dry heat and scalds are caused by wet heat.

Both burns and scalds damage the body by removing the layer of skin that protects the body from infection.


· Extreme pain

· Swelling around site of burn

· Redness and blistering

· Halt the burning

· Alleviate pain

· Minimise risk of infection

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