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Health and Safety

Ex 4. Give some advises to your friend how to Preventing office injuries.

Causes of office accidents

Office injury claims tend to arise as a result of inadequate workstations and seating arrangements or due to faulty equipment or appliances.

If you’ve suffered from an office injury, it is worth investigating whether you can claim for office injury compensation – in particular if the injury has caused you to take time off work and lose out on earnings.

Office injuries could include:

 Repetitive strain injury – Bad ergonomic planning in the office can lead to this long-term injury, usually caused by typing

 Tripping over – Trailing wires not tidied up correctly or other walkway obstacles can lead to a trip

 Slipping over – Wet floors and icy courtyards that haven’t been gritted can cause considerable injury and broken bones if someone slips on them

 Electric Shocks – Usually caused as a result of faulty equipment and untested electronics, these can lead to particularly nasty injuries

 Carbon Monoxide Poisoning – Can occur if there are broken appliances that burn fuel, such as gas boilers. Usually the gas is disposed of safely but leaks can occur and poison those in the vicinity

 Back Injuries – If a job involves lifting heavy boxes or other weighty objects the employee would need to be fully instructed of how to lift properly. If not, and an injury occurs, the employer is at fault.

Ex 2. Name all types of office injuries.

Ex 3. Match the office injuries with their causes.

Slipping over Trailing wires not tidied up correctly or other walkway obstacles can lead to a trip
Repetitive strain injury Wet floors and icy courtyards that haven’t been gritted can cause considerable injury and broken bones if someone slips on them
Back Injuries Usually caused as a result of faulty equipment and untested electronics, these can lead to particularly nasty injuries
Tripping over Bad ergonomic planning in the office can lead to this long-term injury, usually caused by typing
Electric Shocks If a job involves lifting heavy boxes or other weighty objects the employee would need to be fully instructed of how to lift properly. If not, and an injury occurs, the employer is at fault.

Ex 5. Now read the passage below. Put the words below to the text: avoidable, roads, avoided, occur, workplace, accident, types, machinery

Many accidents are…... Our health & safety section shows you how.

A large percentage of the accidents which regularly …… at work and in public places in the UK can be …… by carrying out the appropriate risk assessments and health and safety checks. If you have been injured in an ……. that was not your fault and you believe health and safety regulations have been breached, you may be eligible to claim no win no fee compensation. The National Accident Helpline can help you claim, regardless of whether you were injured at work, whilst on holiday, on the ….. or in a public place.

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