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Lesson 9.1.3. Reserving an Airline Ticket. Making a hotel reservation.



Jeff goes to pick up his briefcase.

Jeff Kramer is going through the Security Check.

Listening and Speaking Practice

Ex 7. a) Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions:

•Why do you think Security asked Jeff to turn on the electronic items?

•Why was the woman worried about her camera?

•Why did the scanner "beep" when Jeff went through it? What other items might it detect?

Security: Please put all carry-on baggage on the conveyor... Please put all carry-on baggage on the conveyor. Step right this way, ma'am. This way, sir. (Beep) Please empty your pockets and go through again, sir. (Beep) Please step this way, sir. Pardon me, what do you have in this pocket?

Jeff: Oh, sorry, just some keys. I forgot.

Security: That's fine. Thank you, sir. Please put all carry-on baggage on the conveyor. Step right this way...

Woman: Is this machine film-safe?

Security: Yes, it is, ma'am. Please put all...

Woman: Are you sure? They're pictures of my daughter's wedding...

Security: You can give the camera to me, ma'am. It doesn't have to go through the scanner. Please put all carry-on luggage on the conveyor. Step right this way...

Security (2): Would you mind opening your briefcase, sir?

Jeff: No, not at all... there you go.

Security (2): Would you mind turning on the MP3 player for me, sir?

Jeff: Oh. sorry. Yes.

Security (2): Thank you. And could you please remove your shoes for examination?

Jeff: Of course. There you are.

Security (2): Thank you for your co-operation, sir.

b)Workin pairs: Role-play a similar dialogue.

Ex 8. a)Fill in the Security Survey. Then compare your answers with a partner.

b) Discuss in groups of six an airport security system using the information from the survey:

How do you feel about airport security? Check (V) the boxes.

1. When you are at an airport, what do you prefer?

    Some security checks
    Very careful security checks
    No security checks

2. Do you mind opening your carry-on luggage?

  No, I don't mind   Yes, I feel embarrassed.

3. Do you mind when security ask you questions?

  Not at all.   Not if they are polite.   Yes

4. Are you embarrassed when they search you after you have walked through the scanner?

  No.   Yes.

5. How do you feel about airport security staff?

  They're doing a difficult but important job. I wouldn't like to do It. Why do they always stop me? I think they could be more polite.

Ex 9. Discuss:

• Is it important to have customs at international borders? Why? / Why not?

• What kind of items do people try to smuggle?

• Could more be done to stop smugglers?

Ex 10. Find the Customs Declaration form for entering the UK in the Internet and fill it in. Interview another student and find out what's on their form. Mind the given recommendations:

Before arriving in the UK, each traveler is required to fill out a Customs Declaration Form. You should complete the form In English and in capital letters. Most of the questions on the Customs Declaration Form can be answered by writing "Yes" or "No". Please remember to sign your name at the bottom of the reverse side. This form will be distributed during the flight.

Ex 11. Translate into English the following dialogue:

- Элен, офицер паспортного контроля просит показать твой паспорт. Покажи его пожалуйста.

- Ой, да, вот он. Я думаю, он спросит нас, куда мы направляемся.

- Это верно. Кроме того он спросит нас как долго мы планируем пребывать здесь.

- И я обязана ответить на все вопросы. Это так?

- Несомненно. Ты должна будешь сообщить ему цель своего визита.

- Что-нибудь еще?

- Больше ничего. Обычно они очень вежливы.

- Спросит ли он о наличии у меня визы.

- Конечно он может спросить. Он будет интересоваться какой тип визы у тебя.

- У меня Бизнес виза. Я недавно получила ее и собираюсь продлить.

- ОК. Не нервничай. Все будет хорошо.

- Это все?

- Нет, после паспортного контроля ты пройдешь через таможенный контроль.


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