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Words are syntactically organized

The word is the basic unit of the lg.

A word is the basic unit of a given lg. resulting from the association of a particular meaning with a particular group of sounds capable of a particular grammatical employment.(I.V. Arnold)

Indicates most essential characteristic features of the notion expressed by the term under discussion distinguishing it from other notions (the word from the morpheme and the word group).

Semantic motivation of words

Morphological motivation of words

Phonetic motivation of words

Semantic triangle


DESCRIPTION: aims at enumerating all the essential features of a notion.

· It unites meaning and form,

· is composed of one or more morphemes,

· each consisting of one or more spoken sounds or their written representation.

Morphemes are also meaningful units but cannot be used independently, only as parts of words, but words can be used as complete utterances (Look! Listen!)

Words can be formed with the help of derivational affixes: work > worker.

Words fulfill different grammatical functions with the help of functional affixes (work, works, worked) or analytically with the help of auxiliaries (I am working now).

But their freedom of entering into syntactical constructions is limited by different factors and constraints (They saw me. They looked(not saw) at me attentively).

Word Definition


Th. Hobbes (1588-1679) - (materialistic approach)

Words are not mere sounds but names of matter.

I. P. Pavlov(second signal system):

A universal signal that can substitute any other signal from the environment in evoking a response in a human organism.

Machine translation Sidney M.:

A word is a sequence of graphemes which can occur between space, or the representation of such a sequence on morphemic level

In linguistics:

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