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Affixation, the process of forming a new wordby adding a derivational affixto (the rootor stemof) a word.

E.g., objection (fr. object)

unforgettable (fr. forgettable)

suitcaseful (fr. suitcase)

Affixation results in the formation of a derived or compound-derived worddepending on the character of the stem.

Derivatives are formed from simple or affixed stems.

E.g., mile + -age = mileage

dis- + continue = discontinue

beautify + -ication = beutification

Compound-derivatives are formed from compoundstems.

E.g., selfconscious + un- = unselfconsious

self-righteous + -ness = self-righteousness

Affixation is divided into prefixation, suffixationor infixation.

Prefixation, the adding of a prefixto (the rootor stemof) a word.

E.g., dis- + service = disservice

sub- + conscious = subconscious

il- + logical = illogical

Suffixation, the adding of a derivational suffixto (the rootor stemof) a word.

E.g., tiger + -ess = tigress

literary + -ism = literarism

partner + -ship = partnership

subconscious + -ness = subconsciousness

Infixation (tmesis), the adding of an infixto (the rootor stemof) a word.

E.g., I was born in West-by God-Virginia. (Chapman)

I can’t find it any-blooming-where (Chalker & Weiner)

abso-bloody-lutely (Chalker & Weiner)

Besides derivation, an affixed wordcan result from:

Compounding: eye-catcher; inn-keeper; looker- upper

Conversion: reclaim n.; manual n.

Abbreviation: decaf (fr. decaffeinated)

Back-formation: unease (fr. uneasy)

Blending: transistor (fr. transfer + resistor)

Borrowing(loanderivative): subject; doctrine


Synchronically derivational affixes may be classified according to:

1) the lexico-grammatical class of words they form

E.g., noun-forming (disbelief, drainage, mobster)

verb-forming (untie, uglify, etc.)

2) the lexico-grammaticalcharacter of the sourcestem(the stem they are added to)

E.g., noun-stem (expresident, boyhood, rainy)

verbal stem (shipment, readable, rewrite, etc.)

Monovalentaffixes are added to one lexico-grammaticaltype of stem.

E.g., -eer is added only to noun-stems: auctioneer

a- is added to adjectival stems to form adverbs: afresh [see table 1, table 2]

Multivalent affixes are added to more than one lexico-grammaticaltype of stem.

E.g., non-: non-fat, non-stick, non-criminal

-ness: agelessness, otherness, oneness

Transpositive affixes change the lexico-grammaticalmeaningof the word.

E.g., be- + friend (n.) = befriend (v. t.)

non- + stop (v.) = non-stop (adj)

employ (v.) + -ee = employee (n.)

Non-transpositive affixes do not change the lexico-grammaticalcharacter of the word.

E.g., ex- + wife (n.) = ex-wife (n.)

mis- + inform (v.) = misinform (v.)

mob (n.) + -ster = mobster (n.)

green (adj.) + -ish = greenish (adj.) [

The majority of suffixes are transpositive. The majority of prefixes are non-transpositive.


Morphological Structure of Stems involved in affixation:

1) root: unkind, hopeful

2) derived (prefixed and/or suffixed): childishly, replacement

3) compound: nightmarish

4 ) compound-derived: absentmindedness

5) abbreviated: ex-con, hubby

6) phrase: middle-of- the-roader, out-of-towner


Allomorph is a positional variantof an affixoccurring in a specific environment and characterized by complementary distribution.

E.g., in- /il- / im- / ir-

inactive, illegal, immortal, impure, irreducible

com- / col- / con- / cor- / co- (Lat. cum: with, together, jointly)

conduct, collaborate, commensurate, correlate, coexist

ex- / ef- / e- (Lat. ex)

exclude, elect, emit, effort

-able / -ible

capable, legible [see table 2]


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