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Positioning the slide show

Wasn’t it easy to make the slide show? Now, you’ll position the slide show on the canvas of the easel. The slides are actually larger than the canvas, but because they’re in a composition, you can size them as a unit.

1 Switch to the CarRide Timeline panel, and go to 11:00, which is when the canvas is centered in the composition.

2 Drag the Artwork composition from the Project panel into the CarRide Timeline panel, placing it at the top of the layer stack.

Currently, the Artwork layer is set to start at 0:00. You need to adjust the timing of the layer so that it appears at 11:00.

3 Drag the layer duration bar (from the center) for the Artwork layer in the time ruler so that its In point is at 11:00. You can click the Expand Or Collapse The In/Out/Duration/Stretch Panes button () to see the In point precisely. Now, you’ll scale the slides to fit the canvas.

4 With the Artwork layer selected in the Timeline panel, press S to reveal its Scale property.

5 Set the Scale values to 45, 45%.

6 Select the Artwork layer in the Timeline panel, and choose Layer > Blending Mode > Darken. This drops out the pure white in each image and replaces it with the softer white of the canvas.

7 Click the RAM Preview button () in the Preview panel to watch a RAM preview of the slide show. (Make sure From Current Time is selected to start the RAM preview at 11:00.)

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