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B) Explain the words in bold from the text and make up sentences of your own. Use English-English dictionaries to help you


Walls are constructed to enclose areas and to separate the spaces inside and outside a building. This unit describes the main characteristics of external and internal walls.

External walls should have the following characteristics:

1) strength to resist being crushed by the loads from floors and roofs;

2) stability to resist other forces such as wind pressure and roof loads;

3) weather resistance to keep out wind and rain;

4) thermal properties to keep the interior cool in hot weather and retain warmth in cool weather;

5) durability;

6) fire-resistance to provide security and stability in the event of fire;

7) openings for daylight and ventilation;

8) good construction and use of materials.

External walls can be divided into the load-bearing external walls and non-load-bearing external walls.

Load-bearing external walls (Figure. 10.2) are normally used for domestic buildings or other small structures that are one or two storeys high. The weight of the roof and any upper floors is supported by load-bearing masonry of brick, block or stone construction.

Figure 10.2 Load-bearing external walls

Non-load-bearing external walls (Figure.10.3) are often built from corrugated sheet cladding that is attached to a framework of timber or steel rails and column. The cladding sheets do not support the structure of the building. Support is provided by the framework. The cladding sheets must be wind-resistant.

Figure 10.3 Non-load-bearing external walls

Internal walls should have the following characteristics:

1) positions that provide separation between rooms;

2) sound insulation that provides a reasonable level of noise control between adjoining rooms;

3) stability to resist normal impact and to support fixtures and fitting;

4) fire-resistance to prevent the rapid spread of fire to adjoining rooms.

Internal walls can be divided into the load-bearing internal walls and non-load-bearing internal walls (Figure 10.4).

Figure 10.4 Load-bearing and non-load-bearing internal walls

Internal walls are load-bearing if additional support is needed for the roof or floors. These walls will need to be strong and stable. They usually stand on concrete foundation.

Non-load-bearing internal walls divide the internal space in buildings and stand independently of the main structure. The majority of internal walls are in this category.


4 Read the text again and answer the questions that follow (1-7):

1. What characteristics of external walls can you offer?

2. How can you classify external walls?

3. What is the function of load-bearing external walls?

4. What is the role of sheet cladding in non-load-bearing external walls?

5. What are the characteristics of internal walls?

6. What have you learnt about internal load-bearing walls?

7. What types of walls divide the internal space in buildings?


6 a) Find in the text the synonyms for the following words:

principle features, to withstand, not allow to, thermic qualities, to hold warm temperature, small buildings, brickwork, plating, is ensured, acceptable rate of sound control, to obviate fast spreading, adjacent space, extra bearer/ bearing.

7 Give the English equivalents to the following and use 5 of them in small situations:

делить площади/пространство; несущий; сопротивляться силам; тепловые свойства; обеспечивать безопасность и прочность; жилое здание; кирпичная кладка; блочная конструкция; каменная конструкция; прикрепляться к деревянному каркасу; звукоизоляция; допустимый уровень шума; арматура и фитинги; предотвратить быстрое распространение огня; дополнительная опора для крыши; бетонное основание.

8 Ask questions to the following:

1. Non-load-bearing external walls are often built from corrugated sheet cladding. (5)

2. Sound insulation provides a reasonable level of noise control between adjoining rooms. (5)

3. External walls should have fire-resistance to provide security and stability in the event of fire. (4)

4. Load-bearing internal walls usually stand on concrete foundation. (3)

5. Non-load-bearing internal walls divide the internal space in buildings. (4)





9 Fill in the gaps with derivatives of the words in capitals:

BUILDING MATERIALS for EXTERNAL WALLS Part I Some 1) _____ methods use locally available materials and techniques that are economical and 2) _____ sound. Many different types of material are available, but the two main 3) _____ for building materials are stability and durability. The tree most common materials for external walls are: 4) _____ stone, bricks, cement-based blocks. The first two building materials were discussed in the previous units, so here cement-based blocks should be 5) _____in detail. They are manufactured from a 6) _____ of ingredients. The cement binds the aggregate that forms the bulk of the block into a firm 7) _____ material. The strength and 8) _____ of the block depends on the type of aggregate used with the cement. Blocks consist of natural materials that are 9) _____ and cured such as: 1. sand (sandcrete (Portland cement and sand in a ratio of circa 1:8)). The sand is mixed with the cement in 1:4 or 1:6 proportions; 2. stone (concrete). The 10) ______ blocks are made from a mixture of cement, sand and crushed stone.   CONSTRUCT ECOLOGICAL REQUIRE NATURE CONSIDER MIX BUILD DURABLE MOULD STRONG

10 Use the words bellow to complete the sentences:

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