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Interior wall construction

Drywall sheets are applied to studs, joists, or rafters with special drywall nails, drywall screws, or adhesive. Joints between panels are taped with a paper or fiberglass tape and are coated, along with nailheads, by several layers of smooth, plaster-like wallboard compound (“mud”). Most outer corners are reinforced with metal or square-edged or rounded corner bead. The sheets, which are relatively inexpensive, are 4 feet wide, 1/4 to 5/8 inch thick, and from 6 to 16 feet long. The standard size is 1/2 inch thick and 8 feet long.    
Plaster is a mixture of Portland cement, sand, and water that is applied in a thick, mud-like consistency to a base of wood or metal lath or perforated plasterboard. Plaster is applied in layers: First, a scratch coat is troweled onto the lath so that it oozes through and grips the backing when it hardens. After that dries, a second, or undercoat, is applied. Then, a finish or white coat is troweled on the undercoat for the final, smooth surface.
Wood paneling has been used as a wall covering since walls have been walls, though it’s now used primarily as an accent for a study or family room where its warmth and character are desired. Wood paneling is made both in sheets and in individual, interlocking strips. They’re glued or invisibly nailed to existing walls or furring strips; furring is always needed when paneling is applied to masonry walls.

b ) Choose ten unfamiliar expressions from the text, consult the dictionary and use them in your own situations.

13 Look at the text, separate the words to make sense:

· Modernbuildingwallsmaybedesignedtoserveaseitherbearingwallsorcurtain wallsorasacombinationofbothinresponsetothedesignrequirementsofthebuildingasa whole.

· Bothtypesmayappearsimilarwhencomplete,buttheirsequenceofconstructionisusuallydifferent.

· Bearing-wallconstructionmaybemasonry,cast-in-placeorprecastreinforcedconcrete,studsand sheathing, andcompositetypes.

· Thedesignloadsinbearingwallsaretheverticalloadingfromabove,plushorizontalloads,bothperpendicularandparalleltothewallplane.

· Bearingwallsmustbeerectedbeforesupportedbuildingcomponentsabovecanbe erected.

· Curtainwallconstructiontakesseveralformsincludinglighterversionsofthoseusedforbearingwalls

· Thesewallscanalsocompriseassembliesofcorrugatedmetalsheets,glasspanels,orceramic-coated metalpanels,eachlaterallysupportedbylightsubframingmembers.

· Thecurtainwallcanbeerectedafterthebuildingframeiscompleted,sinceitreceivesverticalsupportbyspandrelbeams,orrelievingangles,atthewallline.




14 Listen to the audio “Wall Construction” twice and be ready to answer the questions below(1-5):

1. What are the three concepts for wind resistant wall construction?

2. What measures should be taken to resist uplift forces?

3. What forces are shear walls subjected to?

4. In which case is the wall subjected to overturning force?

5. How to resist lateral forces in wood frame construction and in concrete masonry?


15 Watch the video and present the main idea of each episode in 4-5 sentences using the expressions from Appendix 2.


16 Render the text in English using the expressions from Appendix 2:

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