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Vocabulary notes 3 страница
45. record keeping ведення обліку 46. grading класифікування 47. computer litaracy комп’ютерна грамотність 48. simulation моделювання WORD-STUDY EXERCISES I. Read the following international words and give their Ukrainian equivalents: category, hobby, business, engineer, management, analysis, climate, control, calendar, address, program, document, monitor, display, grammar, paragraph, diskette, broker, consultant, manager, graphic, microcomputer, design, student, instructor II. Read and translate the following words of the common root: person – personal, to apply – application, hobby – hobbyist, to program – programmer, capable – capability, to invest – investment, end – endless, to secure – security, to manage – management, able – to enable, to place – to replace, profession – professional, to occupy – occupation, particular – particularly, account – accountant, finance – financial, to advise – advisor, to educate – educator, to prepare – preparation III. Arrange the following words in pairs according to: a) similar meaning: application, major, engineering, exciting, to modify, manner, printing, persons, particularly, to include, by far, to continue, to assist, simulation, to enable, to delete, play, post, mode, test, book-keeper, director, teacher, error, thrilling, specially, modeling, way, surely, to erase, accountant, mistake, usage, people, technical, game, control, to go on, typing, to involve, to help, to give possibility, mail, manager, way, educator b) opposite meaning: a lot of, exciting, extensive, popular, to increase, important, literacy, real, to finish, to switch on, illiteracy, unpopular, boring, to start, to switch off, intensive, unreal, unimportant, few, to decrease LEXICAL AND GRAMMAR EXERCISES I. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word-combinations: personal computer, some major categories of applications, word processing, to enjoy great popularity, an exciting hobby, the full capabilities of a computer, checking account management, investment analyses, applications software, to correct or modify any document, to correct mistakes, to add or delete sentences, income tax preparation, have a profound influence upon the classroom, to give impetus to the design of programmed learning materials, to meet the demands of students and teachers, computer-managed instruction, computer-assisted instruction, computer literacy, programming languages II. Find in the text equivalents of the following Ukrainian words and word-combinations: опрацювання текстів, користуватися великою популярністю, список інших застосувань, ведення поточних рахунків, аналіз економічної ефективності капіталовкладень, коректувати чи видозмінювати документ, вилучати речення, перемістити абзаци, фондова біржа, брокер фондової біржі, комп’ютеризоване навчання, широко використовуватись професіоналами, комп’ютерна грамотність III. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the active vocabulary of the text: 1. Personal computers are supposed to appear in the late 1970s. 2. One of the first and most popular personal computers was the Apple II, introduced in 1977 by Apple Computer. 3. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, new models and competitive operating systems seemed to appear daily. 4. A personal computer is a small computer based on a microprocessor, its central processing unit, called a microprocessor unit, or MPU, is concentrated on a single silicon chip. 5. A personal computer has a memory and word size that are smaller than those of minicomputers and large computers. 6. A PC is a general-purpose, stand-alone (автономний) system that can begin to work when plugged in and be moved from place to place. 7. Probably the most distinguishing feature of a personal computer is that it is used by an individual, usually in an interactive mode. IV. Translate into English using appropriate forms of the Infinitive. 1. Речовина, яка мала використовуватися, була ретельно досліджена. 2. Цінна інформація, яку повинні зібрати супутники, допоможе поліпшити раніше отримані результати. 3. Для того, щоб розв’язати цю проблему, вони застосували комп’ютери. 4. Час, необхідний для того, щоб здійснити певну операцію, залежить не тільки від швидкості обчислювального пристрою, а й від швидкості введення (інформації). 5. Завдяки здатності зберігати значну кількість інформації великий комп’ютер використовується для того, щоб робити переклад з однієї мови на іншу. 6. Здатність комп’ютера управляти собою, приймати рішення робить його особливо ефективним. V. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meaning of the word “times”: Note: time n – час, період, момент time v – хронометрувати числівник + times – (стільки-то разів) at times – іноді at all times – всякий раз in time – вчасно for the time being – поки, на даний час 1. After this process was repeated hundreds of times, a liquid finally resulted that contained the first in the world radium obtained. 2. There are times when it is necessary to express energy values in a number of equivalent units. 3. Of course, the purpose of the slide rule is to solve problems more difficult than 2 times 3 or 8 divided by 4. 4. The idea of certain atoms reacting in the same way at all times still holds good. 5. For the time being, this phenomenon cannot be considered here. 6. The results of the experiment were received in time. 7. It is true that Venus at times comes closer to the Earth than Mars. VI. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meaning of the word “means”: Note: means n – засіб, спосіб mean (meant) v – означати mean a – середній, середньої величини by means of prep – за допомогою by no means – ні в якому разі by all means – обов’язково 1. The investigations which followed the discovery of the electron, of X-rays, and of radioactivity provided the means, both experimental and theoretical, for studying the chemical bond, the structure of molecules and the structure of the solid state. 2. The solubility of a substance means the amount of that substance which will dissolve in a special solvent. 3. The colour of plastics is rather stable, which means that they need to be repainted less frequently than metals and other materials. 4. Oxidation and reduction are by no means confined to the change from the atomic state and vice versa. 5. For our experiment we must find the means of several temperature measurements by all means. 6. Small amounts of the substance are added or taken away from the weighing bottle by means of spatula. 7. At any given temperature the molecules of gases have the same mean kinetic energy. VII. Translate the word-combinations paying attention to the meaning of prefixes. under unusual conditions, a lot of unsolved problems, interatomic structure, a new subway, supernatural phenomena, to organize a subcommittee, to reheat the liquid, to reassemble the model, to discover oil, inaccurate amount, irregular form, to misunderstand a rule, to overfill the vessel, inefficient attempt, independent of each other, unlimited investigation, to overcool the substance, to enlarge the surface, to reuse the equation. VIII. Translate the text using a dictionary. Text B. Virtual Reality Computers are about to take people to places they have never been able to visit before, including the surface of other planets. Such a trip will be an illusion, but one that comes closer to a real life than anything on stage or screen. Artificial worlds are being built up in a computer memory so that people can walk through at will, look around, and even touch objects. The system is called virtual reality, so called from the mathematical concept of an image that has the virtues (якість) of a real object without the substance. Virtual reality systems are being developed throughout the world for a range of uses including enabling people to walk “inside” nuclear power stations, while controlling a robot that actually goes into an area in which no human could live, and conducting architects through a computer-generated building before it is constructed. In Britain systems are being developed that could put men on Mars without shooting them into space and could plunge divers under the North Sea without taking them out of the office. A virtual reality system consists of a helmet with a color display in front of each eye, and wide-angle lenses (широкоапертурні лінзи) to cover the entire field of view and gives a stereoscopic effect. The helmet contains sensors, rather like electronic compasses, to record where it is pointing. A computer calculates what the wearer should be seeing in that direction and displays it on the screen. In more advanced systems, the operator wears an electronic glove that detects exactly what the fingers are doing and transmits the information to the computer. If the user tries to pick up something, the computer will make the object follow the hand to give the illusion of carrying it. The biggest initial market is likely to be for a new generation of video games. These is a new virtual reality system which consists of a cockpit (кабіна) in which a player sits, wearing the helmet, at a set of controls that can mimic a spaceship or whatever the imagination of the games programmer can devise. The computer can link and control several games at once for a group game. COMPREHENSION I. State the most important facts from the text and write them down. II. Answer the following questions on the text: 1. What are the main spheres of PC application? 2. Do you enjoy computer games? 3. Is it necessary for a person to be a programmer to play computer games? 4. What other home and hobby applications, except computer games, can you name? 5. What is a word processing program? 6. What possibilities can it give you? 7. Can you correct mistakes while typing any material and how? 8. How can computers be used in education? III. Make a short summary of the text according to your own plan.
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