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Words relating to gender

Words Meaning/comment Example
male, female used for gender classification in biology male and female bees
masculine, feminine having qualities felt to be typically male or female masculine pride, feminine charm
manly, womanly having positive qualities felt to be typically male or female manly strength, womanly grace
virile manly (usually used in a sexual context) handsome and virile men
effeminate resembling a woman (used of men, negative) his effeminate walk
mannish resembling a man (used of women, negative) her mannish haircut
a tomboy a young girl who behaves and dresses like a boy She's a real tomboy.
a sissy a boy who behaves like a girl, or a weak and cowardly person He's such a sissy!
butch used of men and women, aggressively masculine in looks and behaviour (informal) butch stars of cowboy films


Ex.4.11. A modern editor would probably alter these sentences. How would this be done?

1) Three firemen helped put out a fire at a disused warehouse last night.

2) A spokesman for the Department of Education provided us with a statement.

3) Cleaning lady wanted for house in Priory Street.

4) The switchboard is continuously manned even during holiday periods.

5) All our air hostesses are fluent in at least three languages.

6) Miss Jones is in charge of the Manpower Department of the company.

7) Policemen today spend more time in cars than on the beat.

8) Brenda's husband is a male nurse.

9) It took a great many man-hours to clean up the stadium after the concert.

10) This was a great step for mankind.

11) The man in the street has little time for such issues.

12) They manhandled the hostage into the van.


Ex.4.12. Choose the best of the underlined words to complete each sentence.

1) That suit makes her look rather mannish/manly.

2) Go on, jump. Don't be such a tomboy/sissy!

3) Younger men are said to be more male/virile than older ones.

4) She always dresses in a very feminine/effeminate way. You never see her in trousers.

5) The masculine/male cat is less aggressive than his sister.


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