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Сгруппируйте следующие слова по принципу общности корня, т.е. в словообразовательные гнезда

Unit 2

2.1. Определите значение однокоренных слов, обратите внимание на словообразовательные суффиксы:

A Friend – friend ship; comrade – comrade ship; partner – partner ship; member – member ship; leader – leader ship;

B To lead - lead er; to hold – hold er; to operate – operat or; to instruct – instruct or; to supervise – supervis or;

C Command – to command; control – to control; group – to group; name – to name; rank – to rank; function – to function; order – to order; recruit – to recruit; back – to back;

D To identify – identifica tion; to form – forma tion; to select – selec tion; to instruct – instruc tion; to promote – promo tion; to recommend – recommenda tion; to supervise – supervi sion;

E To appoint – appoint ment; to require – require ment; to enlist – enlist ment;


2.2. Сгруппируйте следующие слова по частям речи, назовите словообразовательные суффиксы и переведите эти слова на русский язык:


Officer, majority, specialist, specific, special, supervise, responsible, typically, entirely, regulate, leadership, selection, useful, appointment, eliminate, presidential, position, faithful, promotion, independently, operate, commonly, variously, traditional, presence, general, faithfully, modernize.


Заполните таблицу:


Имя существительное   Глагол Имя прилагательное   Наречие



2.3. Из данного ряда слов выберите слова с отрицательными значениями и переведите их на русский язык:

Individual, independently, promotion, antipersonnel, private, mislead, antiaircraft, demobilization, insignia, non–combat, enlist, non-line (officer), include, discuss, undeclared, colonel, counter-attack, denuclearized, disorganize, incapable, uniform, misinformation, ineffective.


2.4. Переведите следующие слова, обращая внимание на подчеркнутые префиксы:

Re arm, sub unit, anti war, pre war, pos twar, sub divide, inter governmental, dis arm, extra ordinary, co -ordinate, en circle, sub ordinate, super sonic, over fill, over fulfil, over work, under sized.


Supervise, to subordinate, leader, rank, to promote, to instruct, subordinate, significant, to appoint, commission, to rank, promotion, to supervise, to outrank, insignificant, instruction, to lead, to be commissioned, instructor, commissioned officer, supervision, significance, subordination, appointment, leadership.


2.6. Определите, какой частью речи являются подчеркнутые слова, переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Men of arms have used some form of the military salute since the earliest times.

2. Several platoons form a company.

3. Squads are grouped into a platoon.

4. The Commissioned officers consist of three groups.

5. The military heads of Department form the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

6. Defense Secretary heads the DOD.

7. The mission of this unit was to attack the enemy.

8. Their mission in attack is to destroy the enemy.

9. Captains or majors usually command a company.

10. NCOs are under the command of an officer whose duties are to supervise other military members.

11. Enlisted personnel are personnel below commissioned ranks.

12. The most senior NCO officially ranks beneath the most junior Commissioned officer.


2.7. Подберите пары слов близкие по значению:

А Noncommissioned officer, rank, Company officer, Field officer, significant, General officers, to be commissioned, to enlist, to comprise, post, warrant, active service, grade insignia, extended periods of time.


В Active duty, rank insignia, Senior officer, Petty officer, Junior officer, grade, Flag officers, important, to receive commission, to include, to recruit, position, commission, significant length of time.


2.8. Подберите пары слов, имеющих противоположное значение:

А Line, officer, Senior officer, Company officer, combat, significant, dependently, indirect, presence, permanent grade, short periods of time.


В Junior officer, Field officer, Non-Line officer, insignificant, non-combat, independently, temporary grade, absence, direct, significant length of time.


2.9. Переведите цепочки слов, обращая внимание на последовательность перевода их компонентов.

Command positions, platoon sergeant, artillery regiment, staff positions, staff roles, squad leader, unit commander, four – star general, warrant officer positions, high school diploma, company officer ranks, Field officer ranks, General officer rank, grade insignia, arm or service insignia.


2.10. Объясните различие (сходство) в значении терминов, словосочетаний:

1. Noncommissioned officer – Petty officer.

2. Junior officer – Senior officer.

3. Junior officer – Company officer.

4. Senior officer – Field officer.

5. Noncommissioned officer – Commissioned officer.

6. Line – officer - Non – Line officer.

7. General officers – Flag officers.

8. To be commissioned – to be promoted to the rank of …

9. Rate – rank.

10. First Sergeant – Sergeant 1st class.


2.11. Найдите соответствия:

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