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Warrant Officers

Part I

In the US Armed Forces


There are three general categories of rank/rate (Note: The Navy and Coast Guard call it “rate”, the other services refer to it as “rank”).

The personnel of the US Armed Forces consists of three main categories: Enlisted Men (EM), Warrant Officers (WOs) and Commissioned Officers (Com Os).

ENLISTED PERSONNEL. Enlisted personnel are personnel below commissioned rank, they make up the vast majority of military personnel. Enlisted members are the “backbone” of the military. They perform the primary jobs that need to be done. Enlisted Men group comprises Other Grades, Specialists (SPs, Sps, sps) and Noncommissioned Officers (NCOs).

The Other Grades are Private 1st class, Private and Recruit.

The specialists are Sp – 9, Sp – 8, Sp – 7, Sp – 6, Sp – 5, Sp – 4. They are trained to perform specific specialties in the military.

As Enlisted Personnel progress up the ranks, they assume more responsibility and provide direct supervision to their subordinates.

Enlisted personnel in certain grades have special status. In the Army, Air Force and Marine Corps this status is known as “Noncommissioned Officer status” or “NCO”. In the Navy and Coast Guard such enlisted men are known as “Petty Officers”. Noncommissioned Officer are enlisted personnel under the command of an officer whose duties are to supervise other military members and perform significant administrative responsibilities. They are responsible for the care and direct control of junior military members.

NCO ranks typically include a varying number of grades of Sergeant and Corporal (Air Force, Army and Marines) or Chief Petty Officer and Petty Officer (Navy and Coast Guard).

There are the Noncommissioned Officers: Sergeant Major, First Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant, Sergeant 1st class, Staff Sergeant, Sergeant and Corporal. NCOs are usually squad leaders (sqd ldr) or Platoon Sergeants (Plat Sgt).

Even the most senior NCO officially ranks beneath the most junior commissioned officer or warrant officer. NCO are appointed by their unit commanders.

To join the military and become an enlisted member requires a high school diploma. However the majority of enlisted members on active duty have some college.


1. to perform – выполнять, исполнять;

2. to assume responsibility – брать на себя ответственность;

3. to supervise – руководить, надзирать, заведовать.


II. Прочитайте 2-ю часть текста А и скажите:

1) На основании чего производят в уорент-офицерское звание?

2) Каково различие между уорент-офицерами и офицерским составом?

3) На какие должности назначаются уорент-офицеры?


Part II


Warrant officers receive authority by virtue of a warrant. Warrant officers are a hybrid rank treated slightly differently in each country or service. WOs may other be effectively senior noncommissioned officers or an entirely separate grade between commissioned and noncommissioned officers, usually held by specialist personnel. WOs are very highly-trained specialists. This is where they differ from commissioned officers. Unlike commissioned officers warrant officers remain in their primary specialty to provide specialized knowledge, instruction and leadership to enlisted members and commissioned officers alike. With few exceptions, one must be an enlisted member with several years of experience, recommended by their commander and pass a selection board to become a warrant officer. The Air Force is the only service which does not have warrant officers. The Air Force eliminated their warrant officer positions in the late 60s, the other services elected to retain the warrant ranks. The WOs include five separate warrant grades: WO, Grade 1, Chief WO, Grade 2, Chief WO, Grade 3, Chief WO, Grade 4, Chief WO, Grade 5.

Warrant officers outrank all enlisted members. WOs are not required to have college degrees (their selection is based upon technical skills and experience), but many of them do. WOs are selected from the NCOs and appointed by the Secretary of the Army.

1) warrant – приказ о производстве в высшее уорент-офицерское звание;

2) to eliminate - уничтожать;

3) to retain - сохранять;

4) skill – мастерство, умение.


III. Прочитайте заключительную часть текста А и скажите:

1) Кем назначаются и утверждаются в должности и звании офицеры?

2) На какие группы подразделяется офицерский состав?

3) Назовите звания, которые относятся к каждой из этих групп.

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