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VI. Make an outline of the text and retell it following your points




Translate the words and word combinations in bold type and the sentences which illustrate them:

1. The text, by the poet Da Ponte, began to take shape.

to take shape - become definite in form or outline The new building is beginning to take shape. Suspicion began to take shape in my mind.

2. He was determined to write a comedy of intrigue.

to be determined to do smth, on (upon) smth - be resolved, be firm in one's intention

He was determined to prove his friend's innocence.

3.... the more it fired his imagination.

to fire vt - excite or stimulate

The more he read the book the more it fired the boy's imagination.

4. He was unconcerned about what kind of an opera...

to be unconcerned about - not care about, be free from anxiety

They were still young and quite unconcerned about the future.

To be concerned about (for) smb, smth - be unhappy or troubled or anxious

Please don't be concerned about me. We are all concerned fcr (about) her safety. We were very concerned to hear that our beloved Professor had fallen ill. Is he much concerned about what happened?

5. … and he concentrated on breathing musical life into...

to concentrate vt & vi (on, upon) - focus one's attention on You should concentrate (your attention) (up) on your work. You'll solve the problem if you concentrate upon it (give all your attention to it). It's hard for me to concentrate today.

6.... and adjust the text to the singers...

to adjust vt - make slight changes in order to set right; regulate; make suitable or convenient for use

She will have to adjust herself to the new conditions if she accepts the job (change her way of living, thinking, etc). The machine needs adjusting. I can't adjust myself to the climate here. Adjust your tie.

7.... so that they could consult with each other from window to window.

to consult with smb - take counsel, seek information or advice I must consult with my fellow workers before I start doing the job.

8.... to prepare some punch to keep him awake.

awake pred adj - no longer asleep; not yet asleep

to be (keep, stay) awake; to keep smb awake

Is he awake yet? I'm not wide awake yet. The noise in the street kept me awake most of last night.

9. She said, " Take a nap on the sofa, I will arouse you in an hour."

nap n - short sleep esp during the day, not necessarily in bed The old man always had a nap after lunch. It I don't take a nap, I won't be able to work tonight.

10.... she didn't have the heart to disturb him.

to have the heart to do (usu neg) - be hard-hearted or unsympathetic enough to do or say something (also used interrogatively with can, could)

How can you have the heart to say such things to your sister? I haven't the heart to do it.

11.... he was not that positive.

that adv (colloq) - to such a degree; so

I can't walk that far (as far as that). I've done only that much (as much as it is shown, indicated, etc). It's about that high (as high as that).

12. The overture went off very well.

to go off (of events) - proceed well, etc

The performance (concert) went off well. How did the sports meeting go off? Our meetings generally go off very smoothly.

Translate the following sentences paying careful attention to the words and word combinations in bold type. Give possible variants:

1. Fired with the desire to buy a motorbike, Brian made his own decision about getting a job. I'm ready to answer questions, fire away. 2. Can we put it down to his ignorance? He's putting on weight. The least thing puts him out. She was very much put out by your rudeness. I feel quite put out about it. Please put me (this call) through to the director. There are many inconveniences that have to be put up with when you are camping. 3. James went to the office to consult his lawyer. You should have consulted us before making final plans. From time to time she consulted the catalogue. 4. He's a hearty eater, but still he's very thin. He seemed to lose heart in the business after that. You could hardly pass an evening with her and not lose your heart. "You're wonderful, Jane," he said. She took heart: "I wish your friends would think so." 5. Let's go through the arguments again. Don't let go of the rope till I tell you. I'm going out to dinner tonight.


1. Translate the following sentences from the text:

1. Mozart saw the opera as the tragedy of the Don who had to follow his nature to its destruction. 2. Da Ponte felt the plot should come first, but Wolfgang stressed the characters and their emotions. 3. Gradually he convinced Da Ponte that they should create flesh-and-blood people rather than the stock figures of melodrama. 4. The more he became involved with the drama of the Don, the more it fired his imagination. 5. Yet while the surface of the music appeared gay, there was somberness underneath. 6. Bondini cast Don. Giovanni without considering the composer or poet, and when they questioned several of his decisions, the impresario stated....7. After the dress rehearsal he informed the composer that the opening would have to be cancelled. 8.... the strain of nodding and dozing, then abruptly awakening at the sound oi her voice was exhausting. 9. He made it sound like a great compliment, but he was not that positive. 10. At the final curtain there was an ovation. 11. Composing doesn't become easier with time, but harder. I want more from it, I have to have more.

II. Give English equivalents for the following sentences:

1. Наконец текст оперы начал принимать определенную форму. 2. Опера представлялась Моцарту как трагедия Дон Жуана. 3. Да Понте был полон решимости (твердо решил) написать веселую комедию интриг. 4. Главным для либреттиста был сюжет. 5. Он увлекся этой мыслью и создал яркие (впечатляющие) сцены. 6. Прекрасный текст еще больше заставлял работать его воображение (разжигал его воображение). 7. Трагические мотивы сами собой проникали в музыку оперы. 8. Его не беспокоило, какой по жанру

выйдет опера. 9. Он уже записал половину партитуры оперы. 10. Он хотел присутствовать при распределении ролей в "Дон Жуане" и подогнать текст и музыку к голосам певцов. 11. Он был не в состоянии нанимать других певцов. 12. Он сказал, что увертюра должна содержать (в ней должны найти отражение) все главные темы оперы. 13. "Сомневаюсь, что вы успеете написать увертюру, даже если проработаете целую ночь (не будете ложиться спать целую ночь)". 14. "Прикажите переписчикам прийти в гостиницу в семь часов утра". 15. Мысли о предстоящем спектакле не давали ему уснуть. 16. От пунша его клонило в сон. 17. Он не мог сосредоточиться. 18. "Вздремни немного, я подниму тебя через час". 19. У нее не хватило духа разбудить его. 20. Бондини был вне себя от гнева. 21. Переполненный зал волновался. 22. Он уверял их, что они способны сыграть увертюру без репетиции. 23. Оркестр превзошел себя. 24. Первый акт прошел успешно.

III. Reproduce situations from the text using the following words and word combinations:

1. to take shape, to convince smb that, to create flesh-and-blood people, now that; 2. to be involved with, to fire one's imagination, to be concerned about; 3. to attend the casting of Don Giovanni, to adjust the text to; 4. to question smth, to afford smth, a great risk; 5. the dress rehearsal, to be cancelled, the essential themes, to stay up all night, to be apprehensive, to be calm and unexcited; 6. to keep smb (oneself) awake, to stay awake, drowsy, to nod, to doze, to blot the score, to take a nap, not to have the heart to dp; 7. to rehearse the overture, to be restive, to be capable of, that positive, to be 'distributed, to go off smoothly; 8. to conduct (the orchestra), to overdo oneself, an ovation, applause; 9. to be unable to sleep, to sit up (on the couch), to hear the entire score, to be proud of

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. Where did Da Ponte derive the plot for the new opera? 2. What was the point of difference between the composer and librettist in treating the theme? 3. Why couldn't Wolfgang arrive at a definite decision as to what kind of opera it should be? What kind of music dud Wolfgang compose for the opera? Was it a comedy or a tragedy? 4. Why did Bondini say that Don Giovanni was a great risk? 5. Why did Bondini consider it necessary to cancel the opening of the opera? 6."How did Mozart manage to calm him? 7. How did Wolfgang get the overture down on paper that night? 8. Was the overture copied for the orchestra in time? How was it done? 9. Was Mozart pleased with the performance of the unrehearsed overture? 10. Was the first night a success? 11. What were Constan'ze's thoughts as she looked at Wolfgang standing on the stage greeted by thundering applause? 12. What did she remember hearing Wolfgang say in the afternoon before the first performance of the opera? Why was he so nervous? 13. What did Mozart mean when he said, "Composing doesn't become easier with time, but harder, I want more from it, I have to have more"?

V. Find evidence in the text to support tfie following statements:

1. Mozart's interpretation of Don Giovanni's character was more realistic than that of Da Ponte. 2. The creation of the overture to Don Giovanni proved to be very strenuous work for Mozart. 3. Mozart always perfected his music.

VII. Read the sentences with while -clauses. State the meaning of while and the time relations of the actions:

1. It was Louisa Mebbin who drew attention to the fact that the goat seemed to have died of a mortal bullet-wound, while no trace of the rifle's deadly work could be found on the tiger. 2. I sat in the comfortable kitchen, while she heated the water on the shining range and we talked as she moved to and fro. 3. The Senior Lieutenant had been holding forth on the merits of the girl he was engaged to, and the ladies were purring approval, while the men yawned. 4. That night while his mother wasn't looking, he slipped his toy-bear under the pillow. 5. "We can't get atong in the store without you, Enid, while Gordon is away," old Day said. 6. Mrs. Clowes pressed her handkerchief to her mouth with one hand while with the other she was fanning the face of Mr. Cowlishaw with her bonnet. 7. The next day a reporter and photographer arrived at our house while I was off selling my oil burners, and Betsy did the honours. 8. Satisfied with the stage of the project, the chief engineer left the construction site while his assistants were still dismantling the mechanisms. 9. During those, long minutes, while Less was trying to discover what was happening there, Jules did his best to keep awake. 10. The photographs were brought while they were talking.

VIII. Translate the following sentences using the structural patterns:

1. Поговорив с Харлингом, корреспондент поехал на ферму Анни Дайкерс. 2. Проведя несколько дней у Тайеров, Бен объявил, что ему надо вернуться в Нью-Йорк. 3. Увидев отца, молодой человек повернулся к Грейс и сказал: "Уйдем отсюда. Здесь нечем дышать". 4. Прежде чем идти спать, Джон обычно заходил в комнату родителей и рассказывал им, как он провел день. 5. Оглядев мальчика с ног до головы, мистер Дик сказал: "Он убежал из дома, не так ли?" 6. Войдя в комнату, Эрнест заметил, что среди гостей было несколько человек, которых он уже встречал. 7. Прочитав ваше письмо с начала до конца несколько раз, я понял, что в нем нет ни слова правды. 8. Эрик рассказал профессору Фоксу, как он ходил из города в город в поисках работы.

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