| Form
| Examples
| Notes
1. An Attribute
| P I Simple
Active &
| The roaring (бурлящая) water of the river made a deep impression on him. (перед определяемым словом) Great Britain is situated on the British Isles lying to the west. (после определяемого слова)
The country being shown on the map now is Great Britain.
| 1. Причастие I в качестве определения может стоять как перед, так и после определяемого слова.
2. Кто-то, сделавший что-то → Причастие не используется, а только придаточное предложение.
The boy who had visited the USA, told a lot about it.
2. A Predicative
| P I Simple Active
| The answer of the student is disappointing (разочаровывающий)
| to be astonishing (изумлен-ный)
to be disappointing
to be exciting
to be humiliating
to be inviting
to be tempting
to be terrifying
3. A Paren-
thesis (вводное предложе-
| P I Simple Active
| Judging by his words he has visited Great Britain.
Generally speaking the best way to get a general idea of a country is to study the map.
| generally speaking
judging by appearance (words)
mildly speaking (saying)
speaking frankly
strictly speaking
saying nothing of
roughly speaking
4. An Adverbial modifier of time when?
| All forms
| While getting breakfast ready, the girls began to light the camp fire.
Being thanked for his help, he left.
| 1. Действие, выраженное причастием в функции обстоятельства, всегда относится к подлежащему всего предложения.
2. Союзы when и while часто употребляются с P I Simple Active для выражения действия, происходящего одновременно с действием, выражаемым глаголом-сказуемым.
While making a tour of England, we were impressed by its beauty.
3. P I Simple глагола to be не используется в функции обстоятельства.
Придаточные предложения типа когда он был в Москве переводим → when in Moscow.
5. An Adverbial modifier of cause (reason)
| All forms
| Not knowing the topic well, he got confused.
Having been left alone, the child felt miserable and lonely.
| why?
An Adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances (of manner)
| P I Simple Active
| He was standing on the top of the mountain admiring the beautiful view.
I spent the morning on the cliff reading.
| in what manner?
(союз «и»)
An Adverbial modifier of comparison
| P I Simple Active
| He was silent for a while, as though pausing for a reply.
She shivered with fright as if realizing the danger.
| as if
as though