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Refurbishment of a Historical Industrial Building at Lavrio, Greece, to Improve Energy Efficiency



Look through the text to answer the questions. What can new employment opportunities create? What can result in enhanced environmental protection?

Where has a small-scale gas-fired Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant been installed?

How is lighting obtained?

What is the role of an integrated building management system?

6. What are the impacts of the innovative technologies used in this project?

Regeneration of old industrial areas and refurbishment of historic buildings can improve the attractiveness' of an area and create new em­ployment opportunities. Such activities can also provide the opportunity to install innovative renewable energy technologies and measures to make rational use of energy. Use of these systems can result in a reduction in energy consumption and emissions of C02, and in enhanced environ-s mental protection.

In this project at Lavrio, a small-scale gas-fired Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant has been installed to produce electricity and heat for a refurbished building, which is part of a new technology park. Space heat­ing is by means of recirculation of air through ducts2 in the walls and roof, j

Cooling is achieved by use of absorption chillers3 using heat recovered from the CHP unit. Lighting is obtained by a combination of natural and artifi­cial lighting, and innovative, transparent, insulation materials are used in the roof and windows to allow natural lighting without compromising en­ergy efficiency. The control of all of the new components is by means of an integrated building management system and any surplus of power or energy will be used by other installations and buildings in the technology park.

Successful demonstration of the innovative technologies used in this project to capitalize on the expertise gained and multiply the positive impacts on energy conservation, employment and environmental pro­tection.

1 - привлекательность; 2 - трубы; З - охладители

IT IS INTERESTING TO KNOW • Read and try to memorize.


Today most countries have a standard currency with a basic mone­tary unit. The chart below shows the basic monetary units for several countries and gives the origin of the name of the unit.


Country Basic Monetary Unit Origin of Name
France Italy Costa Rica Poland India franc lira colon zloty rupee Franc comes from the Latin words Francorum rex ("King of the Franks") which used to be engraved' on French coins. Lira comes from the Latin libra, meaning "bal­ance or measure". The colon was named in honour of Christopher Columbus, Cristobal Colon in Spanish. Zloty comes from the Polish word zlyoto, mean­ing "gold". Rupee comes from the Sanskrit word rupya, meaning "wrought2silver".

гравировать; 2 — украшенное



Section I. Power Engineering!


• Read and smile. Tell your friend.

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