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В. Renewables

Combination of a Waste Incineration Plant with a Combined Cycle Power Plant in Netherlands

This innovative project linked a waste incineration furnace' with a combined cycle power plant. Three incinerator units were built, re­quiring some 80 t/h waste, with an average energy content of 10.45 MJ/ kg. The gross capacity of the integrated operation — the incinerator and the combined cycle unit — is some 73 MWe.

Recent analysis of the plant's performance indicates a 7% increase in the net efficiency of the integrated plant compared to a convention­al stand-alone waste incinerator. Nearly 70 GWh/y of extra electricity is generated as a result of this system, with a payback relative to the investment costs and extra operating/maintenance charges2, of only three years.

Renewables Unite

Several renewable energy trade groups banded3together to promote renewable energy policy in the course of electricity deregulation: the Geothermal Resources Association, the California Biomass Energy Alliance, the National Biolndustries Association, the Solar Energy In­dustries Association and the American Wind Energy Producers Alliance. Members will be working to ensure future legislation to support renew­ables and commercialization programs for emerging technologies.

1 - печь для сжигания; 2 - расходы; 3 - соединились

Floating Nuclear Plant to Be Built in Russia

Barge-mounted power plants based on diesel engines, gas turbines, or oil-fired boilers are already a reality in many parts of the world. Developers in Russia hope to expand the concept to build the world's first floating nuclear heat and power station.

Many naval and marine engineers migrate to jobs in the electric pow­er industry when their seagoing days are over. It seems appropriate then, that floating power plants are beginning to follow the same migratory path, shifting from shipboard propulsion' duty to land-connected pow­er-generation applications.


Section II. Supplementary Reading

Over the past few years, numerous such barge-mounted power plants have entered commercial service around the globe, based on diesel engines, gas turbines, or oil-fired boilers. Now one of the most ambitious2projects is slated3to be developed: the world's first floating nuclear heat and power station.

Construction of the floating station is scheduled to begin this year to provide power by 2006 to Russia's Sevmashpredpriyatiye. Design­ers are envisioning4 a barge of 20,000-ton displacement, equipped with two nuclear reactors and two electric generators.

1 - двигатель; 2 - претенциозный, амбициозный; 3 - планируется; 4 - пред­ставляют


1. Read the following texts about wave energy without a dictionary and answer the given questions.


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