

Архитектура-(3434)Астрономия-(809)Биология-(7483)Биотехнологии-(1457)Военное дело-(14632)Высокие технологии-(1363)География-(913)Геология-(1438)Государство-(451)Демография-(1065)Дом-(47672)Журналистика и СМИ-(912)Изобретательство-(14524)Иностранные языки-(4268)Информатика-(17799)Искусство-(1338)История-(13644)Компьютеры-(11121)Косметика-(55)Кулинария-(373)Культура-(8427)Лингвистика-(374)Литература-(1642)Маркетинг-(23702)Математика-(16968)Машиностроение-(1700)Медицина-(12668)Менеджмент-(24684)Механика-(15423)Науковедение-(506)Образование-(11852)Охрана труда-(3308)Педагогика-(5571)Полиграфия-(1312)Политика-(7869)Право-(5454)Приборостроение-(1369)Программирование-(2801)Производство-(97182)Промышленность-(8706)Психология-(18388)Религия-(3217)Связь-(10668)Сельское хозяйство-(299)Социология-(6455)Спорт-(42831)Строительство-(4793)Торговля-(5050)Транспорт-(2929)Туризм-(1568)Физика-(3942)Философия-(17015)Финансы-(26596)Химия-(22929)Экология-(12095)Экономика-(9961)Электроника-(8441)Электротехника-(4623)Энергетика-(12629)Юриспруденция-(1492)Ядерная техника-(1748)

Comparative Chart of Vowel Phonemes in Canadian English, General American and RP











' The articulatory and distributional differences between GA and RP are the following.

Front Vowels


This phoneme does not differ greatly in GA and RP. It is diphthongized in the final position in GA- and RP, as in see /sii/, Diphthongization is less noticeable before voiceless stops as in beat /bit/, meat /rait/.

This phoneme is a little more open in GA than in RP. In GA it is ■■often obscured, when followed or preceded by Ix. h v/ orM as^in will, fill, river, bear,


It is lower than the RP /e/ and resembles /ге/. GÄ /б/ may"be diphthongized before /pt t, k/, e. g. get /gs't/, bet /biat/.

- /*/

In j3A /e/ is long, tense and nasalized before /d, m, n/, e,g> 5^ДвеМ/, answer/iffi:ns3/. The GA W differs from the RP /as/ distnbulionally: (l)it is used in words in which the letter a is foltpwed by a consonant other than r, as in answer /i«ns>/, каЩШ1\ aurU /ant/; (3) 'in GA /e/ is used instead of /a/ in Ще words like, cc/T£i /iken/, marry /imen/, parrot /iperat/.

:' ^ The Кгопцад1вШп of American,.'Engt)*.,

Central Vowels


It is stressed, unrounded, mid-open, produced with the middle of the tongue slightly raised. The position of the tongue is close to low back /и, э/. When unstressed /л/ may be replaced by [э] or p], as in subscribe [sabiskraib], [stb...J-

Speakers of New York City and some in Eastern New England use [4i3ri] instead of /1плп/. In colloquial speech [waz], [av], Цй-лт] can be used instead of [wdz], [t>v], [from].

/3/ and its variant [зг] are tense, stressed and usually long vowels. [зг] variant is the more common of the two. It results from a retroflexion of.the tongue-tip toward the hard palate, a greater retraction of the tongue or a combination of both, e.g. bird /bard/, fir №/.

[9r] is the sound of suns tressed syllabic /r/ in such words as father, doer, better. The r-coloured, lax, central vowel is heard throughout the JJSA, except in the r-less areas, such as the South, Eastern New England, New York City. [эг] and its variant [9] vary as do the /з/, /зг/.

[з, зг] are used to represent stressed er, ur, ear, or, as in fern, burn, learn, worst.

г, э] * are used to represent unstressed er, or, oar, ax, ir, ur, lire» yr, re, as in better, actor, cupboard, wizard, tapir, pressure, hmrmur, satyr, sceptre.

The unstressed, central, lax vowel that can occur in any position of a word. It is the most commonly used vowel because of the exten­sive use'of uastressed syllables, /э/ is used in definite and indefinite articles, monosyllabic prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns and auxil­iary and modal verbs, as in a, an, the, but, or, for, from, of, her, them, shall, was, can.

High, central, unrounded. The lips are in the neutral position. The central part of the tongue is high, the bulk of the tongue retract­ed] from.thecposition for [i], [1], It is known as the "barred V and used in.the words like sister, thing, fist, fish, chips. This sound is rarely heard in GA, but in colloquial speech it is found in all dialects of Amer­ican English. It is used in both syllables of the word children. It varies withVi/ in the words'me, 'see. The unstressed hi is common in words like parted, horses, in the words can and just in the phrases:

,*te,,я'], [эг, з] are considered to be allophones of the hi phoneme, see •Br<ms№itb*A'. J, The Pronunciation of American English.— Prentice Hall,' 1960 (^central vowels").

/ can do it, Just a moment /km/, /eiset/. Many American scientists are convinced that the three high vowels /i, i, u/ "are as phonemically distinct from each other as the three mid vowels /s, л, о/."

Emphasized w, Ate, trift,»fe, i/, ftfe are pronounced with pj. Most people do not hear this sound because it has*no special form which can be associated with it.

The GA /a/ is more front than the [RP /a/. It is central, or mixed and low, broad variation. In contrast to the RP N the GA /a/ has a different distribution. It is used a) in words like hop, rob, not, lock; dolt, solve, on; b) in words before velar /rj/, /g/ both /a/ and /o/ can be used as in log /lag/—/log/, frog /frag/—/frog/, etc.

Back Vowels

It is a back, low, lax vowel. It is used as a variant of N in hot, stop, and of /d/ in rfog^, cough. For those who distinguish between (bam, bum, fn>0, frod, hug, hok[ /«/ is а separate^pho­neme, different from /a/ or /o/ in ca/m, Ыт, law, fall.

The GA /o/ is intermediate in quality between theJRP /o;/ and /«/■ In the production of the GA /a/ the lips are considerably less rounded than in artjculating^/o:/. This sound is commonly spelled with an a or o. Other spellings are ail, aw, al, oa, ou, as in a», border, fault, fawn, halt, broad, brought*


It is a high, back, tense vowel. The lips are rounded and may> be slightly protruded, as in boot. It is diphthongal in character, especially when stressed and lengthened — [uu]. Slightly fronted [м] may be heard in tune, new, duty, suit. The forms with [ju]t f» are also possible.

It is a slightly lower and fronted sound when compared with /u/. The lip rounding is less than for /u/. It is spelled oo, u, o, ou, as in book, full, wolf, could. The GA /u/ sounds like RP /«/• As a variant it can occur finally in the word into.

GA Diphthongs

Soviet phoneticians distinguish five diphthongs in GA: /ei, ai, oi, au, ou/.1

* Shakhbagova D, A. Varieties of English Pronunciation,—M., 1982.-» P. 27.


■ It differs from the RP /ei/ in diphthongization. It mostly occurs in word final position, or before voiced consonants, as in holiday /'hahdei/, game /geim/, grade /greid/. A monophthongal variant of /ei/ may occur before voiceless consonants as in gate /get/, date /det/. It may be reduced to /e/ in unstressed syllables, as in va­cation /veikei£n/, chaotic /keiatik/. In American books on phonetics and in dictionaries it is transcribed as /e/.

/ai/, /3i/

These diphthongs are practically identical in RP and GA.

In GA the nucleus of the diphthong is aback mid-open vowel, in RP it starts from the tongue position for the RP /a:/. It is, therefore, transcribed by some British phoneticians as /эй/. In GA the glide of the diphthong may be reduced to /o/ before voiceless Consonants and in unstressed syllables, as in boat /bot/, radio /'reidio/. It is transcribed as /of by American phoneticians.


This diphthong may be realized as /au/ and /аи/, the first va­riant usually predominates. In RP the starting point is the posi­tion of the tongue for /a/.

/at/, /о:/, /ю/, /еэ/, /ээ/, /иэ/

In GA these monophthongs and centring diphthongs are pro­nounced respectively as: /ar/, /or/, jit/, /er/,/ur/.

Principal Peculiarities of GA Vowels

1. No opposition between historically long and historically short.

2. /i/ may be obscured as in fill, river.

3. /e/—lower than the RP /e/.

4. /ge/—long, mostly nasalized, may turn into /e/ as in marry,
/a/ may be used instead of /a/ as in ask, past, dance.

5. /3/—retroflex in medial and terminal position as in bird,

6. M— "barred" /i/ in sister, parted, horses, in emphasized in,
his, with.

7. /a/ instead of /d/ as in dolt, hop, rob.

8. /o/ instead of /э:/ as in law, quality.

9. In GA the distinction between monophthongs and diphthongs
is not very consistent.

10. Within the orthoepic system the pronunciation of words in
GA is close to the reading rules and is therefore different from that of


The major differences in the accentual structure between RP and GA are mainly with the use of the tertiary stress (the primary stress isjonic, the secondary stress is pre-tonic, the tertiary stress is post-tonic, unstressed syllables are weak).

The tertiary, or post-tonic stress in GA falls on the suffixes -ary, -ery, -oryf -mony, -arily, -ative, -on, e. g.


'dictionary /en/ 'dictionary /эп/

I territory /эп/ 'territory /эп/

I monastery /en/ 'monastery /эп/

1 testijmony /mouni/ \ testimony /тэт/

'ordinarily /enh/ 'ordinarily /arili/

ad'minisjtrative /eitiv/ administrative

The suffix -ile is an exception, e. g. GA \agik /il/, /э1/, Л/, RP agile /ail/.

Other differences between British and American word-stress com­prise a) two, b) three, c) four, d) five syllable words:


a) Mbrate viibrate

b) confiscate (confiscate

c) primarily 'primarily

d) 'custoimarily 'customarily

In five syllable words the American secondary stress may fall earli­er than the British:


igesticu'lation gesticulation

There are exceptions:


a'ristojcratic (aristocratic

The major differences in the accentual types of compound words in GA and RP are the following:

i) In RP compounds with two primary stresses are more common than in GA:


New I York iNew 'York1

1 Exceptions are RP: \rainproof, Westminster, \midsummer.

2) Tertiary stress differences comprise compound place names end­ing in -borough, -burgh, -bury, -ehester, -gate, -ham, -moor, -shire4 -stead, -heath, -land, -mouth, -wood, -worth, e.g.


iBirraing|ham 'Birmingham

Tertiary stress^differences also comprise words with the second component -berry,"**-body, -land, -penny, e.g.


lanyibody 'anybody 'Sunday 'Sunday


American English intonation differs from British English intona­tion mainly in tmemphatJc, or emotionally neutral speech. Pretenni-nal pitch contour in RP is gradually descending stepping, in GA it is mid-level or mid-wavy-level. The unstressed syllables in GA fall' to a lower pitch, inRP unstressed syllables gradually descend. Ameri­can English intonation produces an impression of level or monotonous melody. The GA and RP differences in the direction of the voice pitch may lead to functional or attitudinal differences. For example, "low head" in RP conveys detached, reserved, dispassionate, unsympathet­ic, unemotional, sometimes cold or dull attitude oti the part of the speaker. In GA sentences like: Go out, Sit down, etc. pronounced with a low head and lowfall would sound quite normal. - The GA general questions take a falling tone, in RP they are pronounced with the rising tone. The rising tone'in'GA general ques­tions is used to show politeness, e. g.

usual form Ars you | Veady? polite form

The monotony of GA intonation is explained by the following fac­tors: 1) pitch characteristics, 2) narrow range of the utterance, 3) slow tempo, 4) more complicated than RP rhythmical structure of intona­tion (RP unstressed vowels are characterized by qualitative reduction,, in GA sounds in unstressed syllables are lengthened).

The differences between GA and RP sound, accentual structure-■and intonation do not affect the main language structures, therefore-GA is only a variety of the English language and cannot be considered. "American language" as some of the American linguists claim,

Given below are the diagrams in which vowel phonemes in Cana­dian English, General American and RP are summarized.1

The norms of GA and RP pronunciation are^highly variable. The-Variability of standard pronunciation should be taken into consider­ ation when teaching spoken language.

1 For details see: Shakhbagova D. A. Op. eit. 222

Table 10


CE GA RP Examples
I i к Seat
e, e e e, e set
  ж & sat
I i i sit
зг 3r a: bird, Hurry
эг, a Э э centre, data
A a и dot
a, & (ar)ae а: dance
Э   э: sort, shawl
Ц и   boot
Л л л but
V и и book
Ei er ei bake
SI ai ai bike
Ли au au now
ou ou ou go
  DI   boy
(ir) (ir)1 here
(er) (6Г) еэ there
(or) (ar) ээ more
(иг) (or) иэ sure

1 I»j. lea], [09], Eu»] correspond to the QA дпи СЕ (»), [srj. [srj,

There are three main types distinguished within RP pronuncia­tion; 1) conservative — used by older generation, by certain profes­sions or social groups, 2) the general RP used by the BBC, and 3) the advanced RP, used by young people, or in some circles for prestige purposes.

The main differences between standard and advanced RP are the following:

1) The closing diphthongs are pronounced with the weakened or
lost glide, e. g.

/tel/ instead of /teil/

/ou/ turns into /a:/, e. g. /Ьз:п/ instead of /boim/ /ai/ turns into /a3/ or /a/, e. g. /ba3d/, /bad/ instead of /baid/ /аи/ turns into /aa/, or /a/, e. g. /taa/, or /t<t/ instead of Даиз/ /oi/ turns into /o:/, e. g. /bo:/ instead of /boi/ {tall, call are exceptions)

2) The centring diphthongs are levelled with monophthongs:

/ia/, /бэ/ turn into /e:/ or long /ж/, е- g. bared, fared, pared are pronounced as /bs:d/, /fs:d/, /pe:d/

/is/ is opposed to /еэ/ in open syllables, e. g. hear—hair, fearfair. This opposition does not occur before voiceless, or before /1/.

/л/ turns into /a/, e. g. /san/ instead oi /sAn/

3) The glottal stop is used between words and syllables, e. g»
/ni?jehti/, /6i >?a:nt/, /Oet'?eib1/— that table.

4) /r/ is pronounced like the GA retroflex /r/.


1. What is standard pronunciation? 2. What are the main differ­ences between the RP and GA a) systems of consonants; b) system^ of vowels; c) accentual structure and intonation? 3, What is "advanced" RP?


1. Read the words below according to the GA standard.

• farm, bird, sister, leave, let, late, berry, merry, very, Bett у,.bottle* little, city, certainly, that one, mountain, which, what, when, due,1 new, suit, excursion, version, Persia, man, name, noun, nationa^

2. Read the words below

(a) with the vowel /i/ obscured:

will, fill, building, river, spirit, miracle, beer

(b) with the vowel lei lower than the RP /e/:
bell, well, best, lest, nest, hell

jc) with the vowel /el diphthongized /W, /a»/:

bet, get,-detr met,.neck,-check,iet; - Ш

3. Read the words below

(a) with the OA Ы more frönt arid longer than the RP /je/:

ask, dance, last, answer,' half, aunt

(b) with the RP /se/ nasalized before I A, m, n/:
bad, man, land, answer

4. Read the words below according to the GA standard.

hurry PWij, current /*кзтэп1:/, courage /^idg/, worry /lW3ri/„ furrow /'{эгэи/, squirrel />skw3r3l/, stirrup /Ыэгэр/, clerk /кЬЧ?/г derby /Wbi/

5. Read the words below with the /r/-colouring terminally.

winter, perceiver, doctor, mister, sister, Webster

6. Read the words below according to the GA standard-
not, crop, dock, nod, father, palm, balm, calm

7. Read the words below according to the GA standard,

hop, rob, not, lock; doll, solve, on; frog, log, long; law, court

8- Read the words below. Compare the pronunciation of theJRP and GA diph­thongs, of the Jong monophthongs /?:, a/.

gate, date, late, Kate, mate, make; radio, goat, coat; far, formr fare, bare, poor, mare, near, door

9, Read the words below. Mind the tertiary stress differences in RP and OAl


'dictionary idictiojnary

iFerbuary >FebrU|ary

'ordinary 'ordinary

'category icateigory

•territory lterri|tcry

'cemetery 'cemetery

'monastery 'monastery

'matrimony 'matrimony

'testimony 'testimony

'necessarily 'necessarily

'ordinarily 'ordinarily

10. Read the words below. Mind the place of primary stress on thejsecond com­
ponent in RP and on the first component in GA compounds.


'apple'source 'appleisource

'beefsteak 'beefsteak

'elseiwhere 'elsewhere

ifarraJhouse 'farmihouse

'mean'time 'meanitime

White 'House «White iHouse

J-midf<Jay 'working 'man

'mid|day 'working

11. Read the place names below. Mind a single primary stress in RP and a primary and a tertiary stress in GA.

GA iBirming|ham 'Bloomjbury ^kih


* Birmingham


gi iDartjinoor 'Moor | gate •Newfoundland 'Peterborough iDhi



) Moorgate




j <Ex(mouth iHampistead 'High|gate ^ll

'Ex moor




yj' Man (Chester



12. Read the GA general questions with a Jailing tone (the counterpart tone
In RP would be rising).

Are you going? Does he care?

13. Read the GA casual requests with the falling tone (this intonation in RP
would suggest a command).

Come in, Sit down. Shut the door. Ojjen the book.


Exercises p. 14

1. witches /witj, -iz/, glasses /glas, -iz/, foxes /ftjks, -iz/, gases /gaes, -iz/V
judges /dgAc^, -iz/, crashes /kraj", -iz/, calves /kaf, -vz/, elves /elf, -vz/, halves
/haf, -vz/, knives /naif, -vs/, leaves /Itf, -vz/, lives /laif, -vz/, loafs /lauf, -vz/,
selves /self, -vz/, sheaves /Jif, -vz/, thieves /6l:f, -vz/, wives /waif, -vz/, wolves
/wulf, -vz/, actresses /Isektns, -iz/, hostesses /Ihaustis, -iz/, mistresses /Imistns, -iz/,
■sculptresses /IskAlptns, -iz/, waitresses /Iweitns, -iz/, lionesses /Harems, -iz/

2. begged /begd/, lived /!ivd/, opened /laupand/, travelled /Itrsevld/, cancelled
/Usensald/, compelled /kamlpeld/, recognized /Irekagnaizd/, arrived /alraivd/,
rained /rerad/, informed /mlfoimd/, stopped /stupt/, wrapped /rsept/, helpedi
/helpt/, asked /a;skt/, discussed /dislkAst/, worked /werkt/, passed /past/, shipped
/Jtpt/, packed /psekt/, looked /lukt/, nodded /InDdid/, permitted /palmitid/,,
waited /Jweitid/, expected /ikslpektid/, invented /inlventid/, rested /Irestid/,.
.loaded /llsudid/, depended /dilpendid/

3. /Ineifcn—Insejanl/, /greiv—Ignsviti/, /pratvauk—pralvukstiv/, /zfcl—
Jzebs/, /sju(:)lprtai—sjulprenrasi/, /alkg.' — alkArsns/, /adlvais—adlvaiz/, /jus —
jt*z/, /haus—hauz/, /ikslkjirs — ikslkjua/, /dilvais—dilvaiz/, /Il^s—bz/,/kiaus —

4. /Jredbrest/ малиновка; /Iblitbe]/колокольчик; /Ibbsfeun/медный купорос;-
/ibmlamz/ авиационные линии, идущие с севера на юг Америки; /lbto|bDtl/
василек; /Iblaekjait/ чернорубашечник, фашист; /Iblsekfeis/ (полигр.) жирный
шрифт; /lba:dzai/ первоцвет; /lbred3n(d)tbAte/ детский, юный, незрелый;
/Ibreikipromis/ не хозяин своему слову, ненадежный человек;/fheviweit/ боксер,
Сорец тяжелого веса; /Iredbuk/ красная книга; /tbluitsbkirj/ «синий чулок»;
/iblumauz/ сорт картофеля; /Iblmkaut/ учащийся в щколе для бедных; солдат;
матрос; /Iblitjbtinit/ крестьянин; шотландец; /Ibtekhaul/^ темница.^, карцер,

ауптвахта; /Iblaäkrnss/ реквием

5, /stil/ неподвижный, спокойный; /sti:l/ сталь; /pml/ лужа, /pul/ тянуть;
/,fip/ корабль; /j"Ifр/ овца; /sit/ сидеть, /sfct/ место; /til/ наполнять, /Ш/ чув­
ствовать; /liv/ жить, /liiv/ покидать; /il/ больной; /1:1/ угорь; /slip/ ошибка,
/slip/ сон; /sei/ продавать, /seil/ продажа; /Imudl/ модель, /Irraudi/ модальный;
/so:/ пила, /sau/ так, таким образом; /IpauhJV польский, /IpühJ/ лоск, глянец;
/дм/ охрана, стража, /gaid/ проводник, гид; /W8:6/ ценность, значение, /W3:s/
Худший, еще хуже; /tiu-9/ правда, /tiixs/ перемирие; /bAt/ за исключением,
кроме, /Ьа9/ ванна; /breD/ дыхание, /bredG/ ширина; /Idaian/ дневник, /Idean/
маслобойня; /sjuit/ удовлетворять, /swtt/ свита; /paltreul/ патруль, /ipetr(s)l/
венаин; /теэ/ мэр, /Imeid-sa/ майор; /raut/ бунт, волнение, /rust/ маршрут

8. Rhythm.

9. То give particular importance to the word think.

_,. i0; (a) Tne sounds /s, J/ are repeated to express the idea of sea movement. Thls„\hIIPe helPs to Practise their differentiation.

(b) The sounds /u, ae, i, л/ are repeated in the rhyme to practise thei* pronunciation and differentiation.

.11. /bau-wau, mJiE-mjur, grAnt-grAnt, skwi:k,;tuihu:, kau-kau, kwffik-kwffikrmu;/. Onomatopoeia.

Control Tasks p. 17 3

s/; riotroutroute /raiatrautmt/; 7. bea /^8ЭЛ1Ь''; 8-, year—ear /js:(jis)—ia/; 9, quay—queue /kis—kj.is/t 10. admit — admittance /adlmit-adlmibns/; II. affect-effect /elfekt-ilfekt/t 12. draught-drought /draft—draut/,- 13. hair—hare—heir/hea—hea—ea/j 14. pour—poor —

4. very— vary /Iveri — Ivean/; 2. personal —personnel /Ipaisnal — tpa:saln el1/;
tf. suit—suite/sjujt—swH/; 4. patrol—petrol /paltraul—Ipetral/; 5, mayor—major
/теэ- imeidsa/; 6. riot-rout-route /Iraiat—raut-mt/; 7. bear-beer
/^8ЭЬ'; 8 /j(j)/ 9 /kikj/ 10 dit


paw /ря— риэ—рх/; 15. courage—carriage /Ikindg—Iksciij/; 16. inquire — acquire /mlkwais—elkwaia/

6. wolves /wulf, -vz/, wives /waif, -vz/, lives /laif, -vz/, leaves /li:f, -vz/,
knives /naif, -vz/, sheaves /jfcf, -vz/, halves /hccf, -vz/, selves /self, -vz/, elves
/elf, -vz/, loaf /lauf, -vz/, calves /kaf, -vz/, echoes /lekau, -z/, potatoes
/palteiteu, -z/, hostesses /lhaustas, -iz/, tigresses /Itaigras, -iz/, bases /ibeisis, -Iz/,
theses /löfcsu, -fcz/, crises /Ikraisis, -i:z/, analyses /alnselasis, -fcz/, men /msn—men/,
feet /flet—fit/, geese ДИ8—gfcs/, mice /maus—raais/, baths /ba:9, -8s/, houses
/haus, -iz/, classes flalas, -iz/, boxes /bioks, -iz/, dishes /dij, -iz/, inches /ratj", -iz/,
phenomena /fclnomman, -э/, foci /Ifaukas, -sai/

б./эи—"D,3-9/;/ei—a.z—s/;/3—9/;/tu—u, z—s/; /v—S/; /i—«,v—f/; /v-f/; /v-f/

7. /fmsilt—inlsAlt/ оскорбление—оскорблять; /lübdgikt—abtdsekt/ пред­
мет—возражать; /lautgau — lauttgau/ уход, выход—превосходить; /Iprudjus —
praldjt»/ продукция—предъявлять; /lsAbd3ikt —sabldgekt/ предмет—подчинять,
покорять; /lautgreuO — lautlgrau/ отросток—перерастать; /lautiei —autflei/ издер­
жки, расходы—тратить, расходовать; /laut(l)9reu—autlörau/ извержение—бро­
сать дальше (кого-л,); /Ipreznt—pnlzent/ подарок—преподносить, дарить;
/Iprsutest—' praltest/ протест—протестовать; /itoimsnt—talment/ мучение—

8. Alliteration, rhyme, rhythm.

9. Through the repatition of the sounds /ju:, ei, ai, A/, syllabification and

Exercises p. 33

8. In the articulation of /p, t, k/ the vocal cords are taken apart and do not vibrate. In the production of /b, d, g/ the vocal cords are drawn close together and vibrate. In the /p, t, k/ articulation the force of exhalation is much greater than that in the production of /b, d, g/, therefore /p, t, k/ are voiceless fortis and /b, d, g/ are voiced lenis.

4. In the articulation of /m, n, rj/ the soft palate is lowered. In the articu­
lation of /ij/ it is not only lowered, but forms a complete obstruction with
the back part of the tongue. The air escapes through the nasal cavity.

5. In the articulation of /b/ the noise is produced when the flow of air
breaks the complete obstruction formed by both lips, /b/ is an occlusive plosive
stop noise consonant. In the articulation of hi the noise U produced when the
flow or air passes through the incomplete obstruction formed by the lower lip
and the edge of the upper teeth, hi is a constrictive noise consonant. In the ar­
ticulation of/tf/ the noise is produced by the flow of air first breaking a complete
obstruction between the tip of the tongue and the teethridge and almost imme­
diately passing through the narrowing formed between the tip of the tongue
and the teethridge, /tf/ is occlusive-constricttve, or affricate.

6. In the articulation of /w/the active organs of speech are the lips, which
form a round narrowing. In the articulation of /j/ the active organ of speech is
the middle part of the tongue which is raised to the hard palate and forms a
narrowing with it, through which the air goes out rather freely. In the articu­
lation of /h/ the walls of the glottis are slightly contracted when the air goes out
through it almost without any friction, /w/ is bilabial, /j/ is medlo-lingual,
/h/ is glottal.

8. The place of articulation (focus) in the production of /s/ (lenis) its be­tween the teethridge and the front part of the tongue. There is groove-shaped depression in the front part of the tongue, through which the air passes with friction: it passes through a round narrowing. The place of articulation (focus) in the production of III is between the lower iip and the edge of the upper teeth. The air passes through this narrowing with friction. The narrowing in III ar­ticulation is more or less flat.

10. /Iptpl/, /Ipeipa/, /lpa:p3S/, /Ipusabl/, /put/, /pens/, /Ipiti/, /pua/, /Iptsiz/, /pst/, /Ipeni/, /t«k/, /taim/, /taun/, /taiz/, /items/, /tuk/. /Iteeksiz/, /hl/, /itfctjaz/, /ta:nd/, /Itsutl/, /tus/, /tm/, /Unz/, /to:ts/, /kauid/, /Ikeaful/, /kcu/, Дик/, /IkAirad/, /küst/, /kist/, /Iksmpas/, /lke:tli/, /Ikutwig/, /IkAraits/, /)кл1э/

Exercises p. 44

4. Cardinal vowel No. 1 is pronounced with the position of the tongue
higher than for the Russian accented /и/ in such words as пили, били, лили.

Cardinal vowel No. 2 is pronounced with the position of the tongue narrower than for the Russian /e/ in the words месть, тесть.

Cardinal vowel No. 3 is similar to the Russian /э/ in the words ахо, это.

5. For instance: /t—d/bit—bid, bat—bad, debt —dead; /k~g/ duck —dug,
Dick —dig, tuck — tug; /т—д/ кот—код, вот—вод; /к—г/ док—дог; /с—з/
кос—коз, рос—роз.

П. The beginning of the articulation of (k —u>/ coincides with that of /i — u/

/ф/ (e) /did—did/ /dd

12. (a) /si:m—sins/ /mi:l—mil/ /mi:n—mins/ /sli.-p-slip/ /Ibst — list/ (c) /ttm—tim/ /Ш-fil/ /bto—ф


/3—dgtm/ /IfMin—Ifilirj/ /fct-it/ /slits—sits/ (g) /Itv-lw/ /Iffcve—Ihfti/ /Iblikan—bil/ /tj-fck—tjm/ /btt—bit/

33. (a) /bed—b£ed/ /9en—Эаеп/ /tplenti—plasn/ /els—Iffilis/ /Itete—dsede/

(c) /frentj1-—ran/ /pens—psents/ /Ibenal—Ibawau/ /Itwenti —twffin/ /I mem—Imaetg/

(e) /ded—deed/ /leni —tjelrs/ /IJeb-Jal/ /)men — Imasrid/ /Ihenn —lhaepi/

<fi) /Iheti-hajt/

/Isentral—Isaandi/ /ltjev»t-lt,fenl/ /Iraem—rneep/ /ivesl—Ivsljus/ /leldah — lenkfts/

t4. (a) /kam—клт/ /ISa—1глтп/

(b) /riid—nd/

/Stfel — Stil/

/krfck—knk/ /slfct—sht/ /sfck—sik/ (d) /sfcn—sm/ /Idtb—Idina/ /htt—hit/' /bbt— bit/

(f) /f!:Z—fiz/

/mt—mist/ /Jffcz—9is/ /sttp—stik/

(h) /ht—him/ /Glim—9in/ /sfets—sits/

/Sti:p —Stlf/


(b) /hed—had/




/sillekt—nllseks/ (d) /end—and/




/Ihelpin — Ihspi/ (f) /ten—tsen/




/t Jest-t Jap/ (h) /lern —teokjbs/




(b) /ant—Unda/ /had—Hundred/

/dak —/ /'baskit—э'Ьлу/ /lak—flAf/ (d) /dan—dAn/ /bat —bAt/ /kat—kAt/ /matf — mAtf/ (f) /lhadli —!плш/ /1гаЭэ—rAbd/ /last—lAk/

/ban— IbAtn/ /Iak-Uk/ /Iklasiz— IbAsiz/

(c) /Imaval — 1шлш/ /l<tf—IIavIi/ /past —IpAzhrj/ /'makit—тлд/ /last—Плпаэп/

(e) /fanld —1лЗэг/ /Imasta — ImAgki /Istatid — IsUdi/ /lldlt

fh) /am—1аЗэ/ /lhadli —Ih/ /Istatid—istAdid/ /matf—nutf/ /haf—strAk/

/last—l (g) /frans—frAnt/


/adlvccntids—al Ьллг/


/post—bAt/ (i) /stffl—stAn/




/mask —inAst/

/tl;m—ten—tsen/ /hid—hed — hjed/ /lift—left-ted/ /lit—let—tek/ /m tn—Imem—
/torn—te:n—teen/ /кж1—кз:1—kffii/ /bad—bs:d—bsed/ /tjktj:trJtj
/jjr /ss—S3:—sad/ /Ikj— Ik3:tn—kset/

15. /bid-bed-bffid/

16. /э:1-з:1—Jffil/
/wD;k—W3:k — waek/
До:-fa: —fat/

[Control Tasks p. 57

2. The allophones of the It! phoneme are for example: labialized in: rockr roof, rook, raw; devoiced in: present, practice, problem, protract; affricated in: tree, trim, troop, try, drain, dry, drop, draw; single tap in; throw, throng, three­pence, thrust.

3. As a result of palatalization in the Russian language consonants alwy
occur аз soft phonemes and the vowel phonemes turn to the /j/+V positional"
allophone of the vowel phoneme.

4, The examples may, for instance, be as follows: complementary distribu­
tion of /u/: pool, food, shoe, youth, cool, who, stoop, tube, hoof, booth, boot, rouge,
(Each word is given as an example of different /u/ environment, which
cannot be observed in other words.); contrastive distribution of /u/: book—beak,
foot—fit, book—back, book—beck, book—bark, put—pot, put—port;
free varia­
tion in the pronunciation of the words: decapitation /fäiiktepitteij'an, dUjksept-
Iterjan/, deciduous /dilsldjuas, dtlsidjwgs/.

Exercises p. 62

1. Work of the vocal cords: voiceless fortis vs. voiced lenis: pin—bin, pack—back, pie—bye, tie—die.

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