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Side anchoring



The shoulders must be rotated such that, when an arrow is laid across the Scapulae, it points to the right hand side of the target (RH archer). Quite often we see that archers will also rotate their hips in line with the target, irrespective of their stance.


Obviously, when that is the case, it is a parallel stance, irrespective of the feet position. The hip position determines the stance. With an open stance, the hips therefore, must be open to the target, as this will also create some torque just under the rib cage, adding to the stability.

This is a trait displayed by many archers and is mainly caused by pushing out the chest when drawing. In addition, this can be further aggravated when archers are instructed to distribute more weight on the balls of their feet. They often accomplish this by leaning forward and moving their hips backwards thereby, making it even worse. To correct this, the body as a whole, should look like it is slightly leaning forward to get the 60-70% / 40-30% weight pressure distribution on the feet, which will position the center of gravity more towards the middle of the feet, providing a more balanced arrangement. In addition, the sternum must be tucked in, pushed towards the navel, when drawing the bow. The latter can be illustrated by having the archer visualize their own reaction, to being punched in the stomach.


To be able to obtain the correct drawing alignment, it will be necessary to employ a slight side anchor, which will result in a better eye position and drawing elbow alignment.

If the string is positioned touching the tip of the nose and center of the chin, it will be near impossible to come in line as recommended. Additionally, it can result in the head being tilted back or forward.

Care must be taken not to have too large a side anchor as the chin could interfere with the string on release, affecting string harmonics.





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