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The string must be released by the total relaxation of the string fingers, thereby allowing the string to push the fingers out of the way. More often than not, we see the fingers of the release hand opening up till the fingers are just about straight. This is a sure indication that the archer consciously is trying to open the fingers on release.

A good initial method of teaching how the string should feel leaving the fingers is by drawing the string back 1 or 2 inches and letting the string push the fingers out of the way. The fingers must stay pretty much in the same bent position when releasing, as when placed upon the string. This is the feeling the archer must try to reproduce when letting the string go at full draw.



A better method would be to bend the bow arm and bring the bowstring and bow towards the face. This will then allow the draw elbow, rear shoulder, and scapula and draw hand to be properly positioned, when carrying out this experiment. Again draw the bow string 1-2 inches back and carry out the same release action but push through with the bow hand and have a full follow-through, as with a normal shot.

Many archers when at full draw are too tight in the chest muscles. This prevents them from expanding through the clicker. As an exercise, clasp the fingers together in front of the chest with the elbows horizontal and the Scapulae in the correct position. Now pull as hard as possible trying to pull the fingers apart, holding your breath. Then start to breathe slowly, relaxed and evenly, relaxing the chest muscles, but continuing to pull with the same intensity. Carrying out this exercise will give the feeling of what the chest should feel like when expanding through the clicker.



When trying to establish the correct position of the clicker for beginning archers, have them draw the bow to their physical anchor, with the proper positioning of the shoulders, Scapulae and bow arm. Then have them bring the drawing elbow in line with the arrow. Do this a couple of times with an arrow in the bow, but not under the clicker and watch for consistency of draw length. Then set the clicker approx. 3-4mm from the end of the point, before expansion. Now repeat and let them draw about three times with the arrow under the clicker, but they should not be looking at the arrow point while drawing. Check for consistency and adjust clicker accordingly.


The coach should check this at least every 3-6 months for experienced archers, taking into account changes in physical characteristics, such as height, weight, body size change and any technical changes, which might have occurred in the period.




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