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Recommended shooting practice



Footwear is one of the most neglected areas, even though it should be considered as part of equipment.

The feet contain 26 bones or about one quarter of all the bones in the body. There are some 107 ligaments and 19 related muscles. The structure of the feet is very complex and inherently unstable. It is therefore important to reduce fatigue and instability in this area.





The majority of archers usually wear running shoes or joggers. Running shoes have generally spongy inner soles, which might be beneficial for jogging and running, but they do not add to the stability for archery. For archery, it is better to use a flat soled shoe with a hard inner sole to provide for greater stability. This has been researched and confirmed by force plate experiments, using the "Insole" system.



There is a maxim in real estate, which states "LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION!"


In archery it is, "TIMING, TIMING, TIMING!" If the timing is off, the shot will be off.


27 How can we shoot better in windy conditions?

Firstly, in windy conditions, it is recommended that we aim off. Initially, we adjust our sight during the practice for the average prevailing wind. Once the scoring starts, it is suggested not to make any further sight adjustments to compensate for changing wind conditions. If we do, especially under competitive stress, we can become terribly mixed up. In the end, we do not know where the sight should be anymore. It is better to leave the sight where it is and aim off. Whenever we aim-off, the eyes must stay focused on the spot we aimed at, until the arrow hits the target. The better archers in the wind, are the better eye controllers.



Four points for shooting better in the wind:


•Eye control

•Be more relaxed

(Most archers tighten up in the wind and try, erroneously, to make a "strong" shot)

•Maintain a consistent triangle between shoulders and chin


•Maintain timing

(In windy conditions the tendency is to focus too much on aiming, causing tension in the body and loss of timing)



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