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Finger sling


It is recommended not to use a shelf tab. The shelf tab prevents a solid and consistent position between the hand and the jawbone and as such has a greater potential to move up and down on the face and create changes in finger pressure.


It is further recommended that a finger spacer be used to provide for a more relaxed draw hand. Without a finger spacer the archer has a tendency to spread the fingers to avoid pinching the arrow, but as a result will create extra unwanted tension in the fingers.


Every time, make sure to set the fingers in the same place on the tab and the tab on the string. It is very important to visually check this when hooking/gripping on every shot; any variation here will translate in high or low arrows.


To make the bow jump cleanly out of the hand on release, a finger sling must be used. There are various types of slings, one being a bow sling which attaches to the bow below the handle. Second, the wrist sling and thirdly the finger sling, which goes around the bow and loops either over the middle or index finger and thumb.



There are various opinions as to which one is the best.


The finger sling is recommended for the more experienced archer. However, as with any finger sling there is a subconscious tendency to try to grab the bow on release or with the finger sling to spread the fingers to prevent the sling slipping off. All of these reactions will cause torque on the bow.

The archer must learn to let the bow jump cleanly from the hand. To teach an archer to let the bow jump cleanly, the shot should be made without a finger sling and the coach should catch the bow on release. Refer Photo No.62 below. This is easily done, and after a few times the archer will get the proper feel of letting go of the bow, without tensioning the fingers of the bow hand.




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