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Lesson 3.1.3. Food Advertising


Ex 14. Look at the two photos, which show different ways of shopping. Compare and contrast them, including the following points: availability / opening hours, prices, deliveries staff, guarantees

Ex 1. Complete the summary of the advertising techniques by matching the descriptions to the correct heading. Be careful! One heading doesn't have a description.

Advertisers use several recognisable techniques in order to convince the public to buy a product. These may include:

■repetition____________________ ■ bandwagon_____________

■testimonials__________________ ■ pressure_______________

■association___________________ ■ advertising slogans_______

By implying that the product is widely used, advertisers hope to convince potential buyers to 'get on the bandwagon.'

6) Some advertisers concentrate on making sure their product is widely recognised. To that end, they simply attempt to make the name remembered through repetition.

7) By attempting to make people choose quickly, and without long consideration, some advertisers hope to make rapid sales. 'Buy now, before they're all gone!'

8) Advertisers often attempt to promote the superior quality of their product through the testimony of ordinary users, experts, or both. 'Three out Advertisers often attempt to associate their product with desirable things, in order to make it seem equally desirable. The use of attractive models, picturesque landscapes, and other similar imagery is common. 'Buzzwords' with desired associations are also used.

of four dentists recommend....'

9) This approach often involves an appeal to authority.

( Дворецкая О.Б. Business English. – Обнинск: Титул, 2009)

Ex 2. Work in groups of three or four. Think of examples of advertisements which correspond to each technique. Which technique works best in your opinion?

Ex 3. In pairs, write two or three advertising slogans you have recently heard.

a) Do you like them? Why do you remember these slogans?

b) Have you ever bought or used the products they advertise?

Ex 4. Read the article, and give it a title.

It was one of the most enduring advertising slogans in the history of confectionery, but now the 47-year-old 'Have a Break - Have a KitKat' is to be abandoned.

The snack's maker, Nestle Rowntree, said it was dumping the catchprase which has been a favourite of generations, because it no longer shifts the chocolate bar. The firm says it is replacing it with a new slogan 'Make the most of your break' in a new campaign starting next month. KitKat's famous tagline was first used with the chocolate bar's debut TV advert in 1957.

Nestle Rowntree decided to make the change after extensive market research showed that while most people knew the slogan, it had little effect in convincing them to buy the product, which is made in the firm's York factory.

A company spokeswoman said: 'We are introducing a new advertising campaign to consolidate KitKat's position as one of the UK's best-selling chocolate bars.'

'It reinforces KitKat's ownership of key snacking occasions, and offers consumers a fresh reason to buy the brand for these occasions.'

Earlier this year, the firm announced that sales dipped last year despite KitKat remaining Britain's favourite chocolate snack.

But the spokeswoman said sales had picked up recently, pointing to a ten percent rise in the last eight weeks.

( Stephen Brook, The Guardian, Tuesday August 3, 2009)

Ex 5. Answer the questions.

1. What has happened to the KitKat slogan? Why? 2.What was the decision based on?

3. Is KitKat still popular in Britain? How do you know?

Ex 6. Find the words or phrases in the text which mean:

1. a business activity which involves collecting information about what goods people buy and why.

2. people who buy and use products or services.

3. a short easily-remembered phrase used by an advertiser.

4. a type of product made by a particular company.

5. very popular, bought by many people.

6. a series of actions intended to achieve a particular result.

Ex 7. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from Ex. 5.

1. If you want to succeed in business you should think of the changing needs of

2.I think... can help us decide where to advertise our new product.

3.This mobile phone is last month's…model.

4.We need a catchy……for a new advertising ……...

5.What ………..of computers do you think is the most reliable?

Ex 8. Match the words with their definitions. Translate them.

a) a piece of paper advertising a product, service or event, that is given to people on the street or delivered to their homes

b) (informal) an advertisement

c) an advertisement on the television or radio

d) a large piece of paper, usually with a picture on it, used for advertising

e) a large outdoor sign used for advertising, usually placed in a busy area

1.commercial 2. Billboard 3.poster 4.flyer 5.ad

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