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Seasonal clothes for women




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Lesson 4.2.1. Choice of clothing and footwear, depending on the season

Дидактический материал к занятиям 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3


Ex 1. Look at the pictures. What seasonal clothes do they shows?

Ex 2. Match the clothes to the seasons – winter, spring, summer, autumn. Can you think of any other clothes for each season?

Сoat, sundress, fur coat, scarf, down-padded coat, leather jacket, boots, hat, raincoat, gloves, spikes, T-shirt, felt boots, tunic, sandals.

Ex 3. a) Read the article and explain the words in bold.

b) What adjective describe seasonal clothes for women?

Women clothes have different types. If we visit any shop or market for ladies, its quiet difficult to choose which clothes are best for them. There are huge ranges of clothes available in these markets. One of category is seasonal women clothing. As the name represents its type, seasons are involved in them. We have four seasons in which winter is mostly prefer for women clothing. Winter women clothing is designed to look fashionable and these clothes must have the capability to block the seasonal effect. Ladies clothes have wide range of fabrics which are the best for such winter new clothing. Velvet, satin and wool are some fabrics which are fitting for a winter season.

The second category of these seasonal women clothing is spring season. This season is normally a blend of winter and starting condition of summer. In this season women clothing don’t need to be extra populated because it’s the end of winter and start of summer. In short we can say that women need to wear thick clothes in the evening and at nights and in day time they should prefer thin clothеs to avoid any sweating problem. These types of women clothes normally have both uses; they can be used for parties and office uses.

The third seasonal women clothing is summer clothes. Summer clothes do normally need not much effort. Designer are little relaxed that they don’t need to put extra effort on dresses. In summer women want those clothes which are easy in use. Easy use means that they will be no fitting problem. Sometimes due to fitting dresses there would be swear sweating created. Due to this in functions ladies have to face many problems.

The fourth seasonal women clothing is autumn clothes. This season is the season of reminder about start of winter. Due to cool air in day time, ladies need such dresses which cover them from the harm of cold air. Not only this, they also need to protect their personality. This can be explained with an example. To keep away from cold air, they used to wear over coat and jackets. Such thing hide their dressing and the whole personality get vague. So they need such dresses which not only give them prominent looks but also protect them against the harmful effect of cold air because sometimes due to the demand of any function, they have to suffer many problems.

c) Read the text again and answer the questions.

1. What are four types of seasonal clothes? 2. What are the differences between them? 3. What are the main functions of seasonal clothes?

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