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What are the really fashionable doing to earn their living

1. He/She buys and sells stocks and shares. ……..2. He/She helps people in the spotlight to remodel their appearance……… 3. He/She organizes musicians when they’re recording a song………… 4. He/She makes sure that the right image of their client is projected through the media………. 5. He/She talks through the patient’s problems with the patient………… 6. He/She is responsible for the organization of social events…………7. He/She represents their clients’ business concerns…………8.He/She writes software programs………… 9. He/She invites celebrities on to their television programme to be interviewed…………. 10. He/She introduces music clips on the television…………

Ex 6. Read the following short texts, then match the headings to the texts.

a) The book on everybody’s reading list b) The latest music craze c) Fashionable eating places d) On holiday with the rich and famous e) Interior trends f) Trendy treatment


1 ……………

Check out the Planet Earth Club which is the place to be seen these days. Actors, musicians and agents have found the ideal meeting place. Taking photographs is not allowed so don’t even think of taking a camera to prove to your friends that you were in this exclusive club.


Among the latest bestselling novels, the one that’s causing the biggest storm is Jackie Dickens’ “Fashionable Scandals”. The book has been in the top ten bestsellers for more than a month now. Jackie’s publisher couldn’t have been more pleased with her work. The novel reveals the scandals and drama backstage in today’s fashion shows.

3 ……………

Staying in an Alpine village is the ultimate in glamorous holidays. Every winter they’re considered the place to be. Trendily-dressed skiers frequent the smart cafes where they exchange advice on skiing techniques while sipping their brandies.

4 …………….

We can see a return to the brightly coloured furnishings of the sixties. So decorate your house in the style that has always been associated with “Le Corbysier”. This will undoubtedly win your friends’ and associates’ admiration. More and more interior decorators are advising their clients to adopt this unforgettable style.

5 …………….

These totally wicked sounds have created a huge commotion on dance floors around the country. Ravers join together to enjoy the hypnotic and mesmerizing beat. It is definitely catching on all over Europe.

6 …………….

V.I.P. s usually expect luxurious treatment. Aromatherapy is really gaining ground along with the use of healing crystals among famous people, such as Vanessa Balladur and Cindy Baldwin. The guru of acupuncture, James Canova, can barely cope with the demand for appointments from the rich and famous who are keen to experience the benefits of his treatment.

Ex 7. In pairs, discuss the role of fashion in people’s lives. Use ideas from exercises 15 and 16.

eg SA: I think fashion can influence our lives in many ways.

SB:You’re right. Sometimes people go to certain restaurants just because they are fashionable.

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