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A Short History of Youth Street Fashion


Lesson 4.1.3. Fashion of the Future

Grammar in use

Vocabulary practice

Ex 1. Look at the words in bold in exercise 3 and try to explain them.

Ex 2. Fill in the correct word from the list below. Use the words only once.

code, competent, casual, well-tailored, inch, light-colored, professional, materials, pin-striped, well-trimmed, cleavage, closed-toe

1. look ……………… 2. ………………… career 3. dress …………….. 4. ………………. approach 5. …………………. Suit 6. good-quality ………….. 7. keep it ………………….. 8. …………………..pantsuit 9. …………..of the knees 10. show ………………… 11. ……………….leather shoes 12. ………………….makeup

Ex 3. Fill in the correct prepositions, then choose any three and make sentences.

1 in the world ……business; 2 a big role …..your professional career; 3 part …..the culture; 4 easy ……follow; 5 start ….a solid suit; 6 sleeve must end ….your wrist bone; 7 stay away ….large beer logos; 8 your face …..fluorescent lights.

A compound adjectiveis formed when two or more adjectives work together to modify the same noun. These terms should be hyphenated to avoid confusion or ambiguity.


Stress in Compound Adjectives Generally, primary stress in two-word compound adjectives is on the second component. Both parts of compound adjectives are stressed. dark-green, old-fashioned, good-looking

Ex 4. Insert the appropriate compound adjectives.

1. I have just discovered an insect with many legs that eats fungus in my carrot patch.

I have just discovered a _______________________ insect in my carrot patch.

2. It has red knees and flat feet.

It is _________________________.

3. My professors refuse to believe in my discovery because they have narrow minds; besides, these old fools drink carrot juice!

My professors refuse to believe in my discovery because they are ______________________; besides, they are _________________________ fools!

4. The surgeon pulled out a worm that was thirty-five centimeters long.

The surgeon pulled out a _______________________ worm.

Ex 5. Convert the descriptions of the underlined noun phrases into attributive adjectives.

1. Her daughter is a ping-pong player who slams hard. She has a...

2. It looked like a trophy that had been hard to win. It looked like a...

3. Our sumo champion weighs 200 kilograms. We have a...

4. After that T.V. program, our baby’s hair turned green. We now have a...

5. The tail of the lizard I caught was three feet long. I caught a lizard with...

Ex 6. Read the text in ex.3 and explain the words in bold.

Ex 7. Read the text again and make glossary.

Ex 1. Describe the people’s appearance in the pictures. Which style do you prefer?


Ex 2. Read the following article and fill in the table below. Then say what characterizes each fashion.

In the early 1960’s youth street fashion was born. Full employment made it both possible and fashionable for young people to look very smart. Many youngsters had short neat haircuts and bought expensive tailor-made suits. They were known as mods. However, fashion changed very quickly and by the late 1960’s the first hippies were appearing. They had long hair and wore loose, brightly-colored clothing. They believed in peace and love. Youth fashion changed again in the mid 1970’s. Many youngsters began listening to extremely loud, violent music. Punk had arrived. Spiky hairstyles in wild colours, scruffy T-shirts and leather trousers became trendy. Things changed once again in the early 1980’s. sporty designer labels and expensive trainers became popular. Hairstyles returned to being short and neat. The casual look was fashionable. By the early 1990’s fashion was again repeating itself. The grunge look was taking over. The followers of fashion were growing their hair, buying loose, untidy clothes and looking remarkably similar to the hippies.

Mods early 60’s short and neat haircut, expensive tailor-made suits

eg In the early sixties, mods were characterized by short, neat haircuts and expensive tailor-made suits.

Ex 3. Fill in the gaps with one of the words from the list below: accessories, designer label, classy, fashion victim, high street fashion, chic, made to measure, fashion statement, poser, trend-setter

1. It was a very ……..boutique as it sold expensive and stylish clothing. 2.She looks so ……….when she wears that black evening dress. 3.Because he was so tall he had to go to a tailor to have his suit ………… 4.She spent more money than she could afford on clothes and was becoming a……… 5.…………like earrings and handbags can make you look more elegant. 6.Some teenagers wear the latest ……….because it usually doesn’t cost too much. 7.Some people wear up-to-date clothes that they don’t really like simply to make a ……….. 8.Armani is a very popular ……………..

9.Jack is such a …………; he drives around in his fancy car showing off. 10.As a ………..., Alicia wears clothes even before they have become fashionable.

Ex 4. Look at the photographs and in pairs a) describe the clothes the people are wearing and b) discuss how fashionable they are.

Eg SA: In the first picture the boy is wearing a checked shirt, a black hat and some denim dungarees.

SB: He’s dressed quite fashionably in the grunge style

Ex 5. Below is a quiz where you have to match the jobs to their descriptions.

Talk-Show Host, Public Relations Consultant, Agent, Video jockey, Party Organizer, Therapist, Image Maker, Stockbroker, Computer Programmer, Record Producer.

Trendy occupations:

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