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Vocabulary booster



Language Development

Lesson 4.2.2. Clothes shops

Ex 1. Fill in the words from the list, then make sentences using the completed phrase. Wide,thick, prominent, seasonal, fitting, cool, harmful

1. an ……effect 2. a ……range of fabrics3. …….clothes 4. a ……problem

5. …… air 6. …..looks 7. a …..effect

Ex 2. Fill in the correct preposition, then make sentences using the completed phrases.

1. seasons are involved …them 2. can be used … parties 3. to protect them … the harmful weather 4. to be easy … use 5. to be the best… a winter season 6. to be fitting … a season 7. to keep… … cold air

Ex 3. Read the text in ex.4 again, then make notes under these headings. Add the sentences with the names of different clothes for each season.

· Types of seasonal clothes

· Description

· The functions of seasonal clothes

Ex 4. Listen to the clothes words and pay attention to the sound of the underlined letters

1. /i:/ jeans 2. /ȝ:/ skirt 3. /ɑ:/ scarf 4. /ɔ:/ shorts 5. /u:/ shoes

Ex 5. Listen and say the sounds. Make them long.

Ex 6. Listen to the words in the box. Put the words into the suitcases, according to the sound (not the spelling!) of the underlined letters.

cheap call sleep door word car soon true third banana you learn

/i:/ /ȝ:/ /ɑ:/ /ɔ:/ /u:/

Ex 7. Can you think of at least 5 more words with these sounds in them? (One word for each sound.) Use a dictionary or ask your teacher to check the sounds. Add them to the suitcases in exercise 9.

Ex 8. Match a word from the box with each word in phonetic code.

bead bird bored far four fur he hard heard tea two who

1. /bɔ:d/ > bored

2. /bȝ:d/ >

3. /hɑ:d/ >

4. /bi:d/ >

5. /fȝ:/ >

6. /fɔ:/ >

7. /fɑ:/ >

8. /hi:/ >

9. /hu:/ >

10. /hȝ:d/ >

11. /tu:/ >

12. /ti:/ >

Ex 9. Match the symbols to the weather adjectives: cloudy, windy, sunny, stormy, snowy, rainy

Ex 10. Listen to the following people talking about their holiday plans, and complete the notes in the table below. Then, use your notes to talk about what they are going to do, as in the example.

Name Where to go Weather Clothes Things to do
John 1)……… freezing 2)…………& lots of snow lots of 3)…………… clothes go 4)……….. …………….., skiing&fishing
Sally Jamaica boiling 5)…………   shorts,T-shirts & swimsuit   6)…………… on the beach, go scuba diving& sailing
Sue & Clive Orkney Islands, Scotland 7)…………. but changeable clothes for all types of weather visit historic sites, go to 8)…………., go hiking

eg: John is going to Alaska. The weather is freezing cold, so he is taking lot`s of warm clothes. He is planning to go climbing, skiing and fishing during his holiday.

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