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Management qualities

Lesson 8.2.2. Qualification requirements. Professional and personal qualities of a specialist

Ex 1. Read the following text and try to understand as much of its content as possible.

What is a manager?

A number of different terms are used for “manager” including “director”, “administrator”, and “president”. The term “manager” is used more frequently in profit-making organizations such as universities, hospitals and social work agencies.

What, then, is a manager?

When used collectively the term “manager” refers to those people who are responsible for making and carrying out decisions within the system. An individual manager is a person who directly supervises people in an organization.

Some basic characteristics seem to be applied to managers in all types of organizations. They include hard work on a variety of activities, preference for active tasks, direct personal relationships.

Almost everything a manager does involves decisions. The reason for making a decision is that a problem exists. In decision making there is always some uncertainty and risk.

Managing is a hard job. There is a lot of to be done and relatively little time to do it. The engineer can finish a design on a particular day, and the lawyer can win or lose a case at a certain time. But the manager’s job is like “Old Man River” it just keeps going.

Notes to the text:

Collectively – в собирательном значении

Old Man River – название песни

Ex 2. Say what you have learned from the text about:

1) different words which mean ‘manager’;

2) the meanings of the word “management” and “manager”;

3) characteristic features common to all managers;

4) the job of a manager.

Ex 3. Translate the text “What is a manager?” into Russian.

Ex 4. a) Read the following dialogue and fill in the table given below marking the opinions of the three interviewees:


Interviewer: In the second part of this interview I’d like to ask each of you in turn what you consider to be the three most important qualities for a good manager. Perhaps we could hear your ideas first, Mr. Renolds.

Renolds: Well, I think that at present the most important quality is the ability to deal with other people. I know we are manufacturing industry: but I feel very strongly that we also have a great responsibility towards our personnel. Secondly, … well, let men see. Yes, in my opinion, the second most important quality must be the ability to talk to our personnel about their jobs, their future, their problems etc. To be able to relate to them, you know.

And thirdly, … well …, I suppose I’d put adaptability as the third most important quality. I think that fits in with the other two points I mentioned to give you my idea of a good manager.

Interviewer: Well, thank you for your opinion, Mr. Renolds. Perhaps we could hear your views now, Mr. Pritchard.

Pritchard: Well, I consider the present situation requires a rather different approach to the whole question of management and therefore different qualities for managers.

I believe that a good manager is one who can persuade people that his way is right. Isn’t that why he is a manager? Getting people to accept his decisions and to follow his leadership ‒ that’s, in my view, the mark of a good manager. Secondly, I feel that he should be firm with his people ‒ that’s how they’ll come to respect him.

And thirdly …, I’m of the opinion that he should be physically fit. In this day and age the pressures and strains are so great that only the fittest can survive, and those are the ones who should be the managers. Both mentally and physically competent.

Interviewer: Well, thanks, Mr. Pritchard. Could we hear what you think, Mrs. Stainton?

Stainton: Yes, certainly. I think my views probably represent a mixture or synthesis of my colleagues’ opinion. The most important quality is, in my opinion, the ability to think flexibly ‒ to find new answers and new solutions. Secondly, I feel that as managers we should be able to handle people, as I’m sure that for the company, good labor relations mean a happy and secure future. But this doesn’t mean that we should be too lenient nor too dogmatic.

Now, the third quality should be, in my view, the ability to direct and control people effectively.

Interviewer: Well, thank you all for your opinions.

Management qualities John Renolds Mark Pritchard Susan Stainton
Communicative skills      
Sensitivity to others      
Foreign language skills      

b) What other qualities of a manager can you add into the table?

c) Now, act out the dialogue.

Ex 5. Think of the five most important qualities for the manager of tomorrow. Discuss your choice either in pairs or in larger groups. Explain and justify the qualities you have chosen.

Ex 6. Discuss the following topics in groups:

a) The present situation requires a rather different approach to the whole question of management and therefore different qualities for managers.

b) Management is usually to be blamed for bad industrial relations.

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