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Exporting broadcast-quality output

Rendering the composition

You’re ready to prepare your travel show ID for output. When you create output, the layers of a composition and each layer’s masks, effects, and properties are rendered frame by frame into one or more output files or, in the case of an image sequence, into a series of consecutive files.

Making a movie from your final composition can take a few minutes or many hours, depending on the composition’s frame size, quality, complexity, and compression method. When you place your composition in the render queue, it becomes a render item that uses the render settings assigned to it. While After Effects renders the item, you are unable to work in the program.

After Effects provides a variety of formats and compression types for rendering output; the format you choose depends on the medium from which you’ll play your final output or on the requirements of your hardware, such as a video-editing system. You will prepare this animation for two formats so that it can be used for broadcast purposes as well as on a website.

_ Note: For more about output formats and rendering, see Lesson 14, “Rendering and Outputting.”

You’ll start by rendering and exporting the composition so that it can be broadcast on television.

1 Do one of the following to add the composition to the render queue:

􀁴 Select the Destinations composition in the Project panel, and then choose Composition > Add To Render Queue. The Render Queue panel opens automatically.

􀁴 Choose Window > Render Queue to open the Render Queue panel, and then drag the Destinations composition from the Project panel onto the Render Queue panel.

2 Choose Maximize Frame from the Render Queue panel menu so that the panel fills the application window.

_ Tip: The keyboard shortcut for the Maximize Frame command is the accent grave (`) character, which shares a key with the tilde (~) character.

3 Click the triangle to expand the Render Settings options. By default, After Effects renders compositions at the Best Quality and Full Resolution. The default settings are fine for this project.

4 Click the triangle to expand the Output Module options. By default, After Effects uses lossless compression to encode the rendered composition into a movie file, which is fine for this project. But you need to identify where to save the file.

5 Click the underlined words Not Yet Specified next to the Output To pop-up menu.

6 In the Output Movie To dialog box, accept the default movie name (Destinations), select the AECS5_CIB/Lessons/Lesson02/Finished_Project folder for the location, and then click Save.

7 Back in the Render Queue panel, click the Render button.

After Effects displays a progress bar in the Render Queue panel as it encodes the file, and issues an audio alert when all items in the Render Queue have been rendered and encoded.

8 When the movie is complete, choose Restore Frame Size from the Render Queue panel menu to restore your workspace.

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