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A concept and attributes of a state

Theories of a state origin

A legal state and a civil society.

A form of a state.

A mechanism and an apparatus of a state.

Functions of a state.

A concept and attributes of a state.

Theories of a state origin.



There are many theories of a state origin.


THEOLOGYCAL (Thomas Aquinas (Foma Akvinsky) A state was created by God. That’s why the state is eternal and inviolable.  
PATRIARCHAL (Aristotle, R. Filmer) A state appeared from a patriarchal family and is continuation of the father’s power in a family.  
CONTRACTUAL (B. Spinoza, Th. Hobbes, J-J Rousseau)   States appeared on the basis of public agreements as a result of association of people for the general aim.  
VIOLENCES (L. Gumplovich, E.During, K. Kautsky) A state appeared as a result of conquest with the aim to fix the domination and victory.  
PSYCHOLOGICAL (L. Petrazhytsky) According to this theory a state was created because of different psychological properties of people: one part of them are leaders from the birth, the second part is for subordination.  
ECONOMIC (MARXIST) (K. Marx, F. Engels) A state arose up as a result of stratification of a society on groups with opposite interests.  
ORGANIC (H. Spencer) A state is as biological body: it has birth, it develops, it gets older and dies.  
GEOGRAPHICAL DETERMINATION (L. Mechnikov, E. Hontington) Climate and landscape played a leading role in the origin of a state.  
SPACE This theory explains the origin of a state with UFO interventions.

A state is a sovereign, political, territorial organization of public power, which expresses interests of all people or a group of people in a society; has the special apparatus of management and compulsion, creates obligatory rules for behavior (norms of law) for population.


Attributes of a state Content of attributes of a state
1. Territory This is the limited part of the Earth. Sovereignty of a state spreads to its territory. It is material basic of a state.  
2. Population These people live on the territory of a state and/or are citizens of this state. That’s why they have real possibility to protect their rights and freedoms by a state.  
3. Sovereignty It’s a main attribute of a state. There is no independent state without sovereignty. It is supremacy, independence and indivisible of state power to decide all questions inside a state and outside of a state in international life.  
4. Presence of political and public power The character of state power is political and public. Political character means that only the state power is supremacy, independence and indivisible, a state can create legal rules and the system of bodies of state power. Public character means that only a state makes decisions for all people, these decisions have obligatory character.  
5. Presence of the system of bodies of state power There is the system of bodies of state power (legislative, executive and judicial), which realize functions of management and compulsion.  
6. Presence of law There are obligatory rules of behavior for subjects of legal relations in a state. A state creates the law.  
7. Taxes, own currency note A state can collect tax. These taxes form a base for implementation of functions of a state.  
8. Presence of symbols of a state A capital, a coat of arms, a hymn, a flag, an official language


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