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Vocabulary Exercises. Reading Comprehension Questions

Reading Comprehension Questions

Vocabulary Notes on the Text

liable to Customs duty подлежащий уплате пошлины
to calculate the rate рассчитывать ставки пошлины
relief (from) льгота, освобождение от уплаты пошлины
to dispose (of) избавляться от чего-л.
deposit of duty and tax залог в виде уплаченных пошлин и налогов
refundable возвращаемый. возмещаемый
excise license акцизная лицензия
test certificate сертификат заводских испытаний

1. What duty and tax are Motor Vehicles imported into the United Kingdom liable to?

2. How are rates on vehicles calculated?

3. What relief can be granted in certain cases?

4. Can a vehicle for the importer's personal use be disposed of without the Customs’ permission?

5. What kind of documents should the importer have to satisfy the officer at the port of entry?

6. Within what period may the vehicle be imported after the arrival of the owner?

7. In what case may a deposit of duty and tax have to be paid?

8. How can that deposit be refundable?

9. What must be done, after the Customs clearance, to license and register a permanently imported vehicle?

10. What is a vehicle test certificate?

Explain the meaning of these words and phrases within the text

liable to duty and text; the purchase value of new vehicles; to grant a relief; vehicle is tax-paid and declared to Customs; the vehicle can not bedisposed of; proof of possession; insurance policy; a deposit of duty and tax may be refundable; to qualify for relief; to license a vehicle; port of entry; a certificate of exemption; by prior appointment


Complete each sentence using an appropriate form of the word in the italics

1. When it come to take care of customs formalities in import and export, transit and storage, you can rely on DHL’s expertise. They have their customs experts at all major border-crossing ports, customs offices, seaports and airports and international freight traffic centers.

2. Safeguard against importation of dangerous pests, the U.S. Department of Agriculture require that the undercarriage of imported cars be free of foreign soil. Have your car steam-spray or clean thoroughly before shipment.

3. For your own safety, security, and convenience, not use your car as a container for personal belongings.

4. Before import any vehicle it is essential that you ensure it will be able to deliver in Australia by contact the Vehicle Safety Standards Branch.

5. Under this legislation it is an offence import any new or secondhand vehicle unless it meet the safety and emissions standards apply to vehicles to be used on Australian roads.

6. You will require to complete all the formalities clear your motor vehicle through Customs at the port of importation.

7. From 1 April 1997 cost recovery charges for the processing of entries apply in Australia. The charge will depend on whether the entry be an electronic or a documentary (manual) entry.

8. Excise duties impose on alcohol, tobacco, cars and gasoline, and are pay before or at the time imported goods present to customs authorities.

9. Customs duties on foreign cars use for over 7 years, imported to Russia, equalize with duties on new cars since January 1, 2002. This was the recommendation put forward by

a working group on Russian car market protection measures.

10. Before bring your vehicle to Australia,.you should check with the motor vehicle registration authorities of the State or Territory where it intend to be registered ensure

that it meet their registration requirements.



Think of the nouns that can be modified by the adjectives and use them in sentences of your own

personal; dangerous; illegal; motorized; relevant; prior; refundable; foreign; international; heavy-duty; mandatory; original; federal; driving; specific; nonconforming; pursuant (to); responsible; official; subject (to)

Fill in the gaps with appropriate words and word combinations from the box given below

All privately imported vehicles are... the same rates of Customs duty and Goods and Services Tax (GST) and, where applicable, Luxury Car Tax (LCT) as commercially imported vehicles. The Customs duty is... the Customs value of the vehicle.

The rate of Customs duty payable is that which applies to the particular type of vehicle on the date it is entered... in Australia. GST and, where applicable, LCT applies at the date you import the vehicle into Australia. Without... which can be obtained from the Vehicle Safety Standards Branch,... of $12,000 may apply.

As Customs duty varies according to vehicle..., and is subject to change, you should contact a Customs office before importing any vehicle into Australia.

Prior to making... your vehicle you should take into account the costs involved in the process such as: freight, Customs duties and..., steam cleaning for quarantine purposes, other wharf and transport charges and any costs involved in having the vehicle meet State or Territory..... (whether your vehicle will indeed meet these requirements should be checked prior to importation).

To prevent the entry of..., noxious weeds and insect pests into Australia, Quarantine authorities inspect all vehicles on arrival and may require them to be.... This is usually effected by steam cleaning. You should remove all soil and any other matter from your vehicle (including the underside)... to Australia.

To avoid any..., have available documents such as passport, driver's licence, purchase and transportation documents, bills of sale, registration and insurance papers, service records and log books.

Customs has no control or authority over motor vehicle or motorcycle... or registration requirements in Australia.


properly cleaned; delays; based on; a permission to import; design and value; subject to; prior to exportation; a decision to import; entry processing charges; diseases; registration requirements; a special duty; specifications; for Customs purposes



Match the words and their definitions

1. excise (a) information or evidence that shows that something is definitely true or definitely exists  
2. compliance (b) the right to not have to pay the full amount of tax or interest on an amount of money
3. caravan (c) to get rid of something that you no longer need or want:
4. deposit (d) a tax that a government charges on services used and goods sold inside its country
5. proof (e) ordered by a law or rule
6. relief (f) a vehicle that people can live and travel in on holiday.
7 certificate (g) the practice of obeying a law, rule, or request
8 to dispose of something (h) a first payment that you make when buying something expensive such as a car or house
9. mandatory (i) given back to you (especially money)
10.refundable (j) an official document or record stating that particular facts are true.

Do you think these statements are true? Discuss your answers with the other students

1. In Europe cars used for more than 7 years are withdrawn from circulation and will be utilized at the expense of the producer starting from January 2006. Russia is the only state now neighboring with the EU that has not reacted to the forthcoming changes yet.

Meanwhile, a stream of old cars might gush (flow quickly and in large quantities) out to Russia from 2006 that will sell here for a song. The decision to raise duties on them up to the level of those on new ones is rather mild in comparison with similar measures taken in other countries


2. Certain categories of imported goods are subject to licensing, such as chemical means of flora protection, ethyl alcohol and vodka, precious metals, data encryption machines (meant to put information into a form called a code that other people are unable to read) and software, military machines, explosives, and nuclear materials and technologies. The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of the Russian Federation and other governmental agencies grant licenses for such goods and information.

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