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Site Preparation

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1. What stage of the design process does site planning refer to?

2. What does this stage involve?

3. What does a program of the site deal with?

4. What is program development based on?

5. Why is this program a constant process of refinement?

6. What do precedence relations between activities signify?

7. What natural sequences exist for construction activities?

8. What does the choice of appropriate technology involve?

9. What is the civil/site engineer responsible for?

5. Обсудите варианты и дайте определение понятия "site pro­gramming".

Site programming means...

>... making schematic design of a site plan.

>...estimating cost for construction and resources required.

>...study of different factors concerning future construction.

>...scheduling of activities to take place on the site.

>...definition of various work tasks to be accomplished.

>...choice of appropriate technology.

>...study on temporary works required for construction.

>...identifying all existing structures on drawings.

>...surveying the site.

preparation, activity, clearance, agency, vegetation, foundation, base, landscape, contour, strategy, prevent, excavate, balance, recyclable, topography, import, export

site preparation — подготовка строительной площадки;

grubbing — распахивание, корчевание;

development process — процесс строительства;

ground remediation — замена испорченного грунта;

fly-tipped materials — мусор, стихийная свалка;

balancing a site — планировка стройплощадки;

prescribed topography — картограмма земляных работ;

grading — нивелировка, профилирование, земляные работы;

finished contouring — устройство основания (под фундамент);

foundation drainage strategies — мероприятия по отводу грунто­вых вод;

site excavating — разработка котлована (под фундамент);

heavy earthmoving equipment — тяжёлая строительная техника;

to create a level — выравнивать дно котлована;

to backfill — заполнять, засыпать обратно.

[A site preparation consists of different activities, clearing and grubbing being the first step in the development process, and quite often setting the tone with the regulatory agencies for the rest of the project.]0 Site clearance means removing all the structures, hedges, ditches, rocks, trees, other vegetation, and services from a site. It might also include ground remediation where soil has been contami­nated, and the clearance of fly-tipped materials.

[Balancing a site refers to the practice of using existing soils and rock (including excavation spoils), as well as recyclable materials on site, to achieve the prescribed topography.]0 Soil and rock are re­moved from high spots and transported to low spots on the same site, so that importing and exporting soil, which adds significantly to cost, is avoided. This concept contributes to sustainability and is considered in the design and construction of all sites.

[Grading site area is the work of ensuring a level base, or one with a specific slope, for a construction work such as a foundation, the base course for a road or landscape improvements.]0 The earthworks* created for such a purpose are often called the sub-grade or finished contouring. Proper site grading and foundation drainage strategies are required in order to prevent water damage to basements and their contents.

Site excavation is a process in which soil, rock, and other materials are removed from a site, typically with the use of heavy earthmoving equipment. [The site is excavated to create a level, clean area to work, with the foundations being established in the excavated area.]0 A site may also be excavated and backfilled to confirm that the material di­rectly under the site is of proper quality. The depth of site excavation can vary, depending on the object to occur.

* Earthworks are engineering works created through the moving and/or processing of quantities of soil or unformed rock. (1 600 п.зн.)

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