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Тема 6.2. Охрана окружающей среды Environmental protection

The analysis


Lesson 6.1.3. Health and fitness

are you?

Ex 1. Answer the questions and see where you are on the fit-o-meter.Part1.

1.When do you get up?

I get up before seven o'clock./ Late. I get up ten minutes before school starts.

2. What's your favourite sport?

I like most sports./ I like most sports (on TV).

3. What do you have for breakfast?

I don't have time for breakfast. I have a coffee and a cake at eleven o'clock./ Eggs, muesli and a glass of orange juice.

4. How do you get to school?

I go by bus or car. /I go by bike or on foot.

5.What do you eat at break time?

A packet of crisps and a chocolate bar./ An apple and some mineral water.

6.When you play sports at school, do you:

hire in the clinging rooms? / stay for extra practice?

7.How much fruit do you eat?

I eat five pieces of fruit a day. / Sometimes I eat fruit sweets.

8.What do you do in your free time?

I sit in front of the TV and eat chocolate./ Free time? Never! I am always busy.

Ex 2. Now add up your points. where are you on the fit-o-meter? draw an arrow.

1 a=6 b=1 2 a=1 b=6 3 a=2 b=7

4 a=2 b=6 5 a=2 b=6 6 a=1 b=5

7 a=6 b=2 8 a=6 b=2


Ex 3. Answer the questions below. Part 2

When people call "help" do you run towards them or run away from them?

1. A wasp stings your friend. You quickly go and get some

a) cold water. b) butter. c) vinegar.

2. Your friend's nose is bleeding. You quickly

a) put his head back (so he is looking at the ceiling). b) put his head down (so he is looking at the floor). c) wash his face.

3. Help! Your friend has swallowed something poisonous. Stop! Don't

a) give her a drink of water! b) make her sick! c) call the doctor!

4. Your friend has fainted. You put his body

a) in this position:

5. Your friend has burned his arm, but not badly.

a) You call the ambulance. b) You hold it under the cold water tap for ten minutes. c) You put a loose bandage on it.

6. What is a safe body temperature?

a) 36°C-38°C b) 30°C-43°C c) 35°C. More or less is dangerous.


Give three marks for each correct answer. 1c 2b 3b 4a 5b 6a

14-18 marks: Brilliant! Are you a doctor?

8-13 marks: Good! Your friends are lucky.

3-7 marks: It's time to learn some first aid.

0-2 marks: Aaagghh!.

Ex 4. HEALTH AND FITNESS part 3.Answer the questions.

Your bus passes you as you are walking to the bus stop. What do you do?

a) I run for the bus stop and arrive there at the same time as the bus. All the passengers are looking at me in amazement and cheering.

b) I run for the bus stop and arrive there panting and sweating just as the bus is leaving.

c) I continue walking. There'll be another bus in half an hour and I don't want to get all sweaty and out of breath.


What's your attitude towards sport?

a) I'm good at sport and I'm in several teams.

b) I enjoy playing sport at school.

c) I hate all sport and I don't do sport if possible.

Mostly a: You are extremely fit and with a little training you probably could run a marathon.

Mostly b: You are an active person so you are quite fit. To become really fit, you need more dedication. Mostly c: You are very lazy and you aren't fit at all. Get out of your chair and start exercising.

(Mary Glasgow magazine)

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