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Lesson 6.2.1.Ecological Problems

Environmental Protection

Дидактический материал к занятиям 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3

Ex.1 Listen to the poem. What is it about?

Ex.2 Choose three pictures (on the previous page) which best match the poem. Now look at the list of problems and match them with the pictures. What do you think has caused these problems?

water pollution, litter, destruction of the rainforests, air pollution, drought.

Ex 3. a) Study these examples with clauses of reason and result.


· The workers went on a strike due to/because of/owing to/ on account of bad working conditions.

· They put the animals into the game parks because/as/since theywere threatened with extinction by hunters.


· It is so dangerous to sunbathe nowadays that people tend to stay in the shade.

· He is such an interesting professor that students crowd his classroom.

· It was raining hard. As a result/Consequently/So/ Therefore, the match was cancelled.

b)join the following sentences below in every possible way.

· New laws have been introduced to stop factories polluting the atmosphere,

Pollution is damaging our environment.

· The ozone layer is getting thinner. More and more people are getting skin


· Tigers may become extinct. Hunters are killing them for their valuable skins,

· The climate is changing. The Sahara Desert is spreading.

· Fish are dying. Industrial waste is polluting our seas.

· Many cosmetic companies have stopped testing their products on animals.

There has been pressure from animal rights groups

Ex 4. Do this exercise in writing. Giving Russian equivalents:

a) put nouns as synonyms: threat, extinction, survival, unwanted things, species,

living, animals, crops, danger, waste, destruction, issue, grave, dry weather,

damage, famine, drought, hunger, plants, fumes, gases, question.

b) form Past Simple, Past/Present Participles of the verbs: release, pour, heal,

choke, chop, contaminate, threaten.

c) express your points of view in writing using the words given above with clauses of reason and result.

Ex 5. Read the sentences, then listen to the tape and underline the correct word.

1. Rare plant and human/animal species are disappearing.

2. The trees are being cut/chopped down for paper or to make room for cattle farms.

3. Birds and animals lose/miss their homes.

4. Factories are polluting our rivers and lakes with dangerous oils/chemicals.

5. Sea life is threatened with extinction/loss.

6. Cars and factories are giving off dangerous waste/fumes.

7. We can plant trees and adopt/adapt animals.

Ex 6. Read this article about the problems of our planet. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A - F for each part (1-4). There is one heading you do not need to use. There is an exam­ple at the beginning (0). Write the thesis of the text.

A A watery grave. D Nature can healitself.

B Running out of time. E No trees - no life.

C Chokingto death. F We can do it!

We have spent thousands of years fighting for our survival. Yet now we have discovered that our planet is under threat and, to make matters worse, it's all our fault.

[0] [B]

The rainforests are dying, rare plant and animal species are disappearing, rivers and seas are being contaminated, crops are failing to grow, people are dying of hunger and the air is being polluted. It's time we woke up to these problems and started repairing the damage.

[1] [ ]

One of the major problems is the destruction of the rainforests in South America. They are home to half the world's species and to millions of people. Moreover, the rainforests clean the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen. The trees are being cut down for paper or to make room for cattle farms. As a result, birds and animals lose their homes and die. This destruction is also bringing about changes in the climate, air pollution, flooding, drought and famine. If we continue to burn and cut down the rainforests as we are doing now, the earth will never be the same again.

[2] [ ]

Another big problem is water pollution. Do you like swimming in the sea or drinking a cool glass of water on a hot day? These simple pleasures may soon become a thing of the past. Factories are polluting our rivers and lakes with dan­gerous chemicals. Oil tankers are releasing thick, black oil into our oceans. Tons and tons of industrial and domestic waste are poured into our seas. Consequently, sea life is threatened with extinction.

[3] [ ]

Air pollution is another important issue. The cars and factories in and around our cities are giving off dangerous fumes. In the past few years, more and more people than ever before have developed allergies and breathing problems. If we don't do something now, our cities will become impossible to live in.

[4] [ ]

Fortunately, it is not too late to solve these problems. We have the time, the money and even the technology to prepare the way for a better, cleaner and safer future. We can plant trees and adopt animals. We can create parks for endangered species. We can put pressure on those in power to take action. Together we can save our planet. All we need to do is open our eyes and act immediately.

(V. Evans, J. Dooly. Enterprise 3. Coursbook. U.18, p. 79)

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