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Reading and listening


Lesson 7.3.2. Biotechnology

Language development

Ex 5. Fill in the words from the list, then make sentences using the completed phrases.

Virtual, human, initial, global, fully, to record, artificial, colloquial, customer, website.

1……………trends 2……………design 3……………intelligence 4………….features 5…………requests 6…………………targets

7…………assistant 8…………language 9………………response


Ex 6. Fill in the correct preposition, then make sentences using the completed phrases.

1. personal service … the cost; 2. to be … the initial targets; 3. could be dealt;

4. global trends … website design; 5. developed … …the computer animation; 6. information … data banks; 7. can be programmed… information; 8. answers… questions; 9. to be typed …; 10. being transmitted … the Internet

Ex 7. Word Formation. Give their derivatives used in the text.

Assist ______, develop ________, person_______, provide_______, apply ______, able _______, intelligent_______, inform ______, frequent _____, question ______, differ ______, full____, art________, animate____.

Ex 1. Search for the latest developments in one area of Information Technology. Make a summary of your findings to report to the rest of the class. In addition to journals, magazines and newspapers, you can try different websites.

Ex 2. Read the sentences, then listen and mark them as T (true) or F (false).

1. The simple definition of biotechnology is the use of living organisms by humans. 2. We have been cloning plants for ten years. 3. Now with the help of biotechnology we are able to develop safe crops, medical treatments and etc. 4. Traditional and modern biotechnology share different foundations. 5. Traditional biotechnology harnesses the potential of processes performed by living organisms.

Ex 3. Read the article and put the paragraphs in the correct order, then explain the words in bold.

What is Biotechnology?

Both traditional and modern biotechnology share the same foundation: the use of living organisms to enhance crops, fuels, medical treatments and a host of other tools that can help humans. The two schools of thought about what biotechnology is can elicit much debate. Whereas modern biotechnology manipulates the genes of organisms and inserts them into other organisms to acquire the desired trait, traditional biotechnology harnesses the potential of processes performed by living organisms, such as fermentation.

The definition of biotechnology varies, but a simple definition is the use of living organisms by humans. One example of biotechnology is cloning. We have been cloning plants for centuries. Each time a leaf is excised from a violet plant and placed in soil to grow a new plant, cloning has occurred. Today, we are not only doing the physical manipulation at the visual level but also on the molecular level. In modern or molecular biotechnology, we physically select the desired characteristic at the molecular level and add it to the organism's genetic makeup.

Biotechnology is the science for this century. With its advances, we are on the first part of a great journey. Humans have expanded their understanding of the biosphere by journeying into space and exploring the depths of the ocean. We have not only been able to look at the surrounding universe and the depths below with the advancement of tools and techniques, but we also have been able to live there. Advanced tools and techniques are now allowing us to look at the universe of atoms. Biotechnology is utilizing the sciences of biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, computers, and information technology to develop tools and products that hold great promise. Humans have spent thousands of years selecting for and cultivating the best traits nature has to offer. Now with the help of biotechnology, nanotechnology and a host of other sciences, we are able to harness these traits at the atomic level to develop safe and beneficial crops, medical treatments, biofuels and household products.

Ex 4. In pairs, ask and answer questions based on the text.

Ex 5. Identify the grammar structures used in the text. Explain their form, meaning and usage:

- conjunctions

- the of structures

- modal verbs

- irregular verbs

- verb tenses (Simple, Progressive, Perfect, Perfect Progressive)

- the Passive voice

- -ing forms (gerund and present participle)

- -ed forms (past participle)

- infinitive (its functions)

- compound sentences

- complex sentences

Ex 6. Listen to the description of the graphic and use the context to figure out the meanings of the following words and phrases. Use a dictionary to check your answers.

Ewe, provide, mammary cell, clone, copies of all genes, need, produce a sheep, only genes for proteins required by, active, grow, divide, generate precise copies of themselves, are deprived of nutrients, induce them to dormancy, can be activated in a laboratory dish, the nucleus is dislodged from, blend with the spark of electricity, molecules, program genes, engender the embryo, clusters of embryonic cells, are implanted into a surrogate mother, the resulting lamb, the donor ewe.

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