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Cloning of a Ewe


Lesson 7.3.3. Genetic Ingineering

Ex 1. Listen to the passage for a second time, follow the graphic, take notes and then describe all the stages of cloning.

(The Roslin Method)

1. an ewe à 2. a mammary cell à 3. cells

7.the mammary cell and the nucleus

4. another or the same eweà5.the eggà6.the nucleus

8.clusters of embryonic cells


9.a surrogate mother

10.a clone of the donor ewe

Ex 2. Fill in the correct word from the list below:g enetic, engineering, researchers, living, games, molecular, unforeseeable.

In the early 1970s scientists first discovered that it was technically possible to move genes – biological material that determines a …….. organism’s physical makeup – from one organism to another and thus to give bacteria, plants and animals new features and to correct …….. defects of the sort that cause many diseases, such as cystic fibrosis.

Most researchers in ……….. genetics were excited by the potentialities that suddenly seemed within their grasp. However, a few ………… – as well as many people outside the field – were disturbed by the idea; they thought that genetic mix-and-match ……… might spawn new diseases, weeds and pests. Some people even argued that genetic ……….. should be banned at the outset, before ………… horrors were unleashed.

Ex 3. Match the nouns with their definitions.

1. 1. ethics 2. cell 3. genetics 4. clone 5. gene 6. species 7. ban 8. biotechnology a) order with authority that smth. must not be done b) a group of organisms produced from one ancestor c) group having common characteristics able to breed with each other d) science dealing with heredity the ways in which characteristics are passed on from parents to offspring e) a branch of philosophy; science of morals f) one of the factors controlling heredity g) microscopic unit of living matter enclosing a nucleus with self-producing genes h) the use of living organisms by humans

Ex 4. Match the synonyms\ antonyms from column 1 with the ones from column 2.

1. active 2. to correct 3. disease 4. unleash 5. possible 6. cause 7. potentiality 8. outside 9. argue 10.right 11. perform 12. benefit a) a) wrong b) b) illness c) c) passive d) impossible d) e) make e) f) mistakes f) g) possibility g) h) leash h) i) make happen i) j) inside j) k) agree l) do a piece of work

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