8.1.2. Contrastive-comparative analysis of multiple-meaning words of the source and target languages, and identify differences in their structure Identify similarities and differences in the semantic structures of multiple-meaning words caused by the need to have information about the convergence and divergence of multiple-meaning words in different languages with the aim of preventing translation errors. Polysemantic words is a language universal, the result of the action of the universal laws of development of multiple meanings. However, the manifestation of the action of these laws in different languages is different, therefore the comparative-contrastive analysis of multiple-meaning words can note the following differences: 1) the words of the source language and target language differ in its semantic scope and correlation with various groups. A significant word in one language may appear as unequivocal, and the other is how many meanings. So, the word "Baur", "liver", "liver" refers to the same denotata, but the words denoting them relate to different groups of semantic patterns unambiguous and multilingual word. The volume of words "Baur" does not match the volume of the meanings of the words "liver" and "liver" in Russian and in English languages. In Russian the word "liver" only has meaning; "big iron man and animals, producing bile and participating in the processes of digestion, metabolism and circulation" [Dictionary of the Russian language, 1983, 119]. In English "liver" - "liver" is also not portable values. In the Kazakh language "liver" is a significant word, and in Russian and in English is unambiguous words, although in all three languages they denote the same concept. Contrastive-comparative analysis of multiple-meaning words helps to identify the differences in the structure of polysemantic words not only in terms of paradigmatic values (core and non-core meanings of the word), but also focuses on the similarities or differences of the syntagmatic relations of various words.
Syntagmatic relations in the lexicon appear in the rules of combination of words, ability to connect with the circle of the lexical units. Lexical combinability can be very broad and limited. Limited combinations of words can be considered as frazeologicheskii associated values. Century Century Vinogradov pointed out that "most of the words and meanings of words are limited in their relations within a language semantic relations of the language system. These lexical values can occur only in connection with strictly defined terms of concepts and their verbal signs. For such limitations as if there is no reason in logic or semantic nature themselves denote objects, actions and events. These limitations are specific to the language laws verbal communication of values" [Vinogradov, 1978]. 2. Not the same socetaemost potency of words in different languages. Thus, in one language lexeme can have a broad meaning and includes a wide range of compatibility, but in other languages this word denoting the same denotation, has a narrow range of compatibility, compare the range and combination of words AK, white, weiß. In the Kazakh language, there are 46 combinations of words white \126-137/ Compare the environment of the words in white Russian (white snow, white nights, bright, white heat, white bone, white meat, white poems, defeat white, white ticket, in broad daylight, white, white flag, white terror. See in German: weiß, ein weibes Blatt Papier (clean sheet), die weiber Fahne hissen - to raise the white flag; ein wieber Fleck auf der Landkarte - white spot (unexplored), weiber Flub - medical Beli, weiber Kohle - white coal, energy, water; weiber Schrecken - white terror; der weibe Sport - 1) winter sports,skiing; 2) tennis; der weibe Tod - death on the ice (snow), Weibe Woche - week sales of linen goods, der weibe Sonntag - religious Sunday after Easter, die weibe Frau - Sueve. White lady (Ghost, coercion). German combination with the word Weiß - white also differ from similar combinations in Russian and Kazakh. Therefore, there is a mixed distribution of the word "white" in the language in which one word fields, in addition to the General have their own environment. 3. Not the same connotative meanings of words multiple-meaning words in the original and translated languages, as connotative values Express the subjective attitude of the individual, ethnic group to any subject of thought, expressing positive or negative evaluation of Axiologic. Connotation, according to C. N. Telia is a way of expression evaluation. It is in the evaluation expressed the attitude of the subject (individual and collective): "this ratio value par excellence, " writes C. N. Telia, and it provides answers to the questions: who estimates that, as for whatever reason or motive, and from what positions. Terms: (variables) relationship, the subject (the person with her tastes and Outlook) and the object (the fragment of the world in his system links) - connected in this respect, a value judgment, which is expressed a particular liking of the subject to the world" [Telia, 1986
AK, in Kazakh, Russian and English languages do not match the estimated values of the words expressed in the connotations. In negative and positive estimates, expressed in connotative values do not match evaluative meanings, cultural and value-based shades. In General, negative evaluation in portable values generated on the basis of color perception, are the same in Russian, Kazakh and English languages: black armand (black armband), black soul (dark soul), black mail (black mail), black news, black day, black eyes, black enemy, but in the Kazakh language of negative assessments with the word black more: Kara Zurek, Kara niet, Kara nd, Arabic, Kara is, Kara Hasan (miser), Kara basin (evil desire) and other However, the word "Kara" in the Kazakh language has positive values: Kara trolled (healthy and strong), Kara NPR (the crowd), Kara a (army), Kara KS (deep autumn), Kara ones (native land), Kara Kazakh family (home) and other
8.1.3 the Techniques of multiple-meaning words translation Methods of multiple-meaning words translation from a source language to the target language are different. One of them is receiving due to the context of translation. C. S. kapovich, focusing on the difficulties of translating multiple-meaning words, indicates that the interpreter should give an answer to the question, what exactly expresses one or another complex word in what context it is used, and not in a hurry to "grant" the most frequently occurring value. There are plenty of examples due to the context of the English translation of Russian words, for example: 1) magazine is a periodical publication; 2) ournal - scientific journal; 3) the log book the log book; 4) register - class journal; 5) minute book, minutes - the journal of the minutes of the meetings [kapovich, 2006, 24]. Polysemantic words of the source language in the process of interpreting and translating it into another language should be analyzed in the context of the positions of the first and second types. "The context position is the position of words in a contextual environment, which is clearly represented Sammy part of its lexical meaning" [Smolin, 19866, 101]. The first type of the context position is determined by the place of the word in this context the environment that implements a particular semantic component in syntagmatic relations. The second type of context positions determined by the place in context the environment, identifying certain semantic position paradigmatically related words. Syntagmatic relations of words - system semantic context, which represents a minimal binomial a combination of words that can be considered as the context position of the first degree. One member of this Syntagma is semantically realized the word, different is the key word, which comes semantic hint. The second type of the context item is a larger environment (the proposal, the text in which the word becomes paradigmatic and sistematicheskie relationships with many words, is expanding its semantic meaning. The reception detection values policemanager words by using the method of distributional analysis. In the process of conducting distributional analysis compares socetaemost model multiple-meaning words native language and the target language and identify matching cases, additional mixed and partial distribution, then identify the values and environments; words in comparable languages and some conclusions are drawn, for example, the analysis of multiple-meaning words in comparable languages shows that: I. some multiple-meaning words of the source language and the target language differs matching or contrasting distribution. In this case, constituency have only shared environment; II. Words are for further distribution, in which the environments of the analyzed words are almost no members in common, no prevent. So, for example, surrounded by the words get copper in portable values, there is almost overlapping combinations.
Compare the meaning of the wordcopperin the Russian language Coppervoice(voiced, sharp) Copperforehead(aboutpointlessstubborn, stupidman). II. The words of Russian, Kazakh andGermanlanguagesarepartialdistribution, ifthe environmentintersect, as constituencyhaveshared and privateenvironment.
Fig.18- Semantic structure of the polysemantic word
Fig. 17 - ratio values and LSV polysemantic words
8.2.1. Examples 8.2.2. Example No. 1 Table No. 4. The meanings of new words, new, neu new Newnen 1. Newly made or newly acquired, not or little used Gauz neu die neuere Literatur2. Newly opened, invented by die Welt Heue das Neue Test-ament 3. Unknown, little known to anyone mit neuen Kräften an die Arbeit gehen 4. Introduced instead of the previous, former, replacing the former or one that will appear, will replace the old. 5. Related to the closest time period. 6. That have recently emerged, appeared 7. What was not anything again open, heard the Example No. 2 - Intersecting and private environment in a multivalued words "brain", "mi", "das Brain" the "brain" das Brain, das Hirn 1. The Central nervous system of humans and animals-the substance that fills the skull and the channel of the spine, the body mysle-tion in humans. ein langsames Brain haben ihm haben sie das Brain geklaut, er hat kein Brain 2. The main engine, steering center something stammt das nicht aus defined Cehirn, sein Cehirn treibt Blasen, Cehirnakrobat 3. Soft tissue filling the cavities of bones der Hirnfatzke die Hirnfuge das Hirngespinst sich mit Hirngespinsten quälen 4. Mind, the mental capacity of a 5. Dish from the brain of some animals 6. To the bone, to the last degree, with all his being.
People with brains Spinal cord The brain
8.3.Reference submodule. Reference frames. "Glossary". List of basic and additional literature". "Reference sites" 9.3.1. Glossary Differential characteristics - distinctive signs. Implicit meaning is expressed by the meaning of the word. Integral signs which signs A significant word - a word that has several meanings. The basic meaning of the word - meaning, minimally dependent text. Non-primary meaning of the word value, dependent on context. Explicit meaning - the meaning expressed by means of the lexical units. Epidymitis relationships - relationships the derivative, when from the main poisondamage values Geminate additional derived values lexico-semantic variants of the word (LSV).
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