The list of basic and additional literatureKey readings
Abisheva K. S. Kazakh-Russian language contacts and questions of assimilation of words in the language system of the recipient. - Almaty: RIO VAK Republic of Kazakhstan, 2000. Arnold N. In. The polysemy of the noun and lexico-grammatical categories // Foreign languages at school, 1969 No. 5. SAC Century, a Comparative typology of Russian and French languages. - M., 1983. Novikov, L. A. Semantics of the Russian language. - M., graduate school, 1982. Sipowicz C. S. Handbook of translator from Russian to English Russian-English Translation Handbook. -Mn.: Terrasystems, 2006.
Apresyan Y. D. Experimental investigation of the semantics of the Russian verb. -M.; Nauka, 1967. Budagov R. A. Man and his language. - M.: Nauka, 1975. Vasiliev L. M. Polysemy // Studies on semantics. - Ufa, 1975. Vinogradov centuries Lexicology and lexicography. M., Nauka, 1978. Dudchenko centuries Lexico-semantic analysis of the equivalence of the values of one of the thematic groups in Russian and German // Aspects of lexical meaning. - Voronezh, 1982. Russian and Soviet society. The language of modern Russian literary language. - M.: Nauka, 1968. Smolin K. P. Component analysis and semantic reconstruction in the history of words // Problems of linguistics, 1986, No. 4. Telia Century. N. Connotative aspect of connotative semantics units. -M.: Nauka, 1986. Ter-Minasova S., Language and intercultural communication. -M.: Publishing house of Moscow state University, 2004. Szczerba L. C. Selected works on linguistics and phonetics. -Leningrad: Leningrad state University, 1958.
8.3.3. Informational sites Uz - Translations: For translations P3yum.\ library
8.4. Control training submodule. Operating personnel. "Job". "Exercises". 8.4.1. Job Tasks for independent work of students (IWS)
To write a paper on "Methods of multiple-meaning words translation". Summarize the section of "Transfer of multiple-meaning words and homonyms" in the book of C. S. of Kapovich "Handbook of translator from Russian to English Russian-English Translation Handbook. - Mn.: Terrasystems, 2006. - S. 23-31.
Tasks for independent work of students under the supervision of a teacher (SRSP)
What is the method of translation used in the transfer process connotative values in the following context (translated from French to English)? Athanase, ne dans la banliene rouge de Trelaze, Athahase lintrepide, alerta directement larcheveche. - Atanas, a native of Trelaze, red farmhouses of Angers, fearless Atanas appealed directly to the management of the diocese. What transfer method should be used when translating from Russian into English word "to write". What is the equivalence of multivalued verb in English, compare: write (total value) - write write (music) - cоmpose write (paintings) - paint write, compile (project) - design. Identify the composition of words: "solid", "atty", "hard", solid, using the method of component analysis. Analyze the environment of the words "solid" "atty", "hard", "solid" with the help of the method of distributional analysis. Using context is due to receive, investigate the value of lexico-semantic variants of polysemantic words in the following context:
"Vulgarity always found it hard and sharp judge" (A. M. Gorky, SOBR. Op. 16 T. M., 1979, 16, S. 51). Determine the correct translation of the word "Baur" in English, see the following contexts: "the First spoke Bearden. It for the whole summer he found nothing and now have got out earlier than others - Ochakov, my liver, God now promises you a good year" [, Musrepov. Awakened edge, S. 79]; "Sugars white soul, is of such words in the legs fell to Bulakbay. - My liver, my friend, to re-live start [, Musrepov. Awakened edge, S. 111]. Determine whether the range and combination of words "small" and "shallow". Determine the method of transfer in the context of the first position, realizing the value of lexico-semantic variant and multi-meaning words acute, sharp stars, sharp boots socks, acute cold, acute pain, acute hearing, a keen eye, sharp wit, sharp joke, sharp laughter, sharp, sharp judge, acute hatred, sharp focus, sharp memory, the pungent smell, etc. Put them in Kazakh and English languages. Determine whether the meaning of "dewiss" "of course", "Rene", "naturally" in different languages. What method in this case you can use? Determine the method of transfer in the words "der Arm upper limb of a person from shoulder to fingers), "die Hand "from wrist to fingers." In Russian and Kazakh languages the concept of "ol", "hand" used in the meaning of the word "hand". Identify, what is national identity nemnogo composition of concepts in different languages.
8.4.2. Exercises
Exercise # 1 Write down in a notebook the meaning of the word "velvet" and identify the major and minor values given word (LSV), draw a diagram of the CE mantic structure of the given words: velvet dress, velvet eyes, velvet voice, velvet bells, velvet brow, velvet glitter, velvet laughter, velvet bass, velvet smooth, velvety sleep, velvet grass, velvet sand.
Exercise # 2 Copy, paste instead of the points eligible on the meaning of words: Farcical...., horse..., Sasani..., drum...satin...plush..., cast iron... Words for reference: Roth, laughter, style, vaudeville, leaves, voice, head.
8.5. Control submodule. Supervisory personnel. "Questions and answers on them." "Tests for intermediate control on". 8.5.1. Questions for self-assessment and answers to them
1.What do you understand by the term "semantic structure of the word"? 2. How can you define the concept of lexico-semantic variant? 3. What signs are called integral? 4. What signs are called differential? 5. What are the differences in the semantic structures of multiple-meaning words of the source language and the target language can you name? 6. How do you understand the term "additional distribution"? 7. Whether the method of anthropomorphism in different languages? 8. What is the essence of taking the "context-driven translation"?
9. What focuses the method of component analysis?
Answer options Button 1. A. Semantic structure - the content of the word B. the Semantic structure is a structural set of possible word lexical values, options and shades of meaning - LSV Yes no 2.A. Lexico-semantic variant is the non-primary meaning of the word Yes no B. Lexical-semantic variant is a derived value, Apocalypses from the main, direct spaceneedle 3.A. Integral characteristics are the characteristics of the word discriminating values. Yes no B. Integral characteristics are the characteristics of unification. They show similarities direct and dopolnitelnih, minority znacheniya 4.A. Differenzialnye signs is a Discerner of the meaning of the words of Dane B. Differenzialnye signs is the unification of princedale 5.A. The semantic structure of polysemantic words of different languages differ in the value Yes no B. Semantic structure of polysemantic words of different languages differ in value and by compatibility, do not match their portable of spaceneedle 6.A. Additional distrubute is surrounded by the words Yes no 7.A. No, not solpadeine B. Anthropomorphism is a universal semantic law, when the properties of a living subject pripisyvaetsya inanimate. This law svoebrazno refracted in different languages Danet 8.A. Context-driven translation is a translation that takes into account the meaning of the word in contextedit B. This method of translation, which takes into account the contexts of the first and second posizione 9.A. The method of component analysis focuses on identifying components of the meanings of the word in two languages, the translator tries for translation to take into account all the components of the meaning of the word (seven) and translate, choosing the most appropriate option from the composition of these componentevent B. Verifies the values of mnogoznachnye
8.5.2. Tests for intermediate control
1. Who among data scientists talked about the fact that the vocabulary of a language increases not so much quantitative as qualitative? A) R. A. Budagov C) L. A. Novikov (C) Century Century Vinogradov D) I. C. Arnold E) A. N.Shmelev 2. Who among scientists gave this definition of a polysemantic word: "Under the polysemy (multiple meanings) is the ability of words to have multiple meanings (cemem)" A) R. A. Budagov C) L. A. Novikov (C) Century Century Vinogradov D) I. C. Arnold E) A. N.Shmelev 3. What scientists consider a multivalued word as unity LSV (lexico-semantic variants)? A) R. A. Budagov, Centuries Vinogradov C) L. A. Novikov, I. A. Sternin (Moscow) C) I. C. Arnold, D. N. Shmelev D) J. D. Apresian, K. P. Smolin E) M. M. Kopylenko, O. N. Seliverstova 4. What kind of analysis of multiple-meaning words reveals similarities and differences in the meanings of the words? A) Comparative method C) Distributional analysis (C) Method of component analysis D) Contrastive-comparative analysis E) Method of transformational analysis 5) What kind of analysis polysemantic words focuses on the environment of the word? A) Comparative method C) Distributional analysis (C) Method of component analysis D) Contrastive-comparative analysis E) Method of transformational analysis 6. What is the word called lexico-semantic variant? A) Direct value In a Derivative value C) Invariant D) Derived figurative meaning that is different from producing shades of meaning E) the Figurative meaning 7. What are the signs of polysemantic words belong to the integral? A) Discriminating C) Combined (C) Determining D) Differential E) Unite the signs indicating the similarity of the basic and additional values
8.6. Statistical submodule. The resulting frames (feedback) 8.6.1. Answers to questions Question No. 1. A. response Surface B. Detailed, correct answer Question No. 2. A. General, incomplete answer B. a Detailed answer. True. Question No. 3. A. Incorrect answer B. True. Well done! Question No. 4. A. the Correct answer B. Incorrect Question No. 5. A. response Surface B. Detailed. The right answer. Question No. 6. A. response Surface B. Detailed, correct answer. Question No. 7. A. General response. Incomplete B. Detailed, correct answer Question No. 8. A. the Correct answer B. Postateinyi response. Incomplete Question No. 9. A. response Surface B. Detailed. True.
9.6.2. Code to the tests 1) And 2) In 3) 4) D 5) 6) D 7) E
Case module No. 9. A national approach to idioms and problems of translation to another language 9.1. Theoretical submodule. Theory. Information frames. 9.1.1. General classification of phraseological units in linguistics and in perevodovedenie Before considering this problem, we define our relationship to the term "phraseological unit" and to the volume of phraseology. At the present stage, there has been three approaches to phraseological material - wide and narrow. The first opinion expressed in the works of A. I. Efimov, E. M. Galkina-Fedoruk, A. A. reformed, V. Vinogradov. So, A. I. Efimov, E. M. Galkina-Fedoruk, A. A. reformed belongs to the phraseology of any sustainable phrases, Proverbs, sayings, fairy-tale beginnings, aphorisms, winged words. C. C. Vinogradov, also understanding the idioms in a broad sense, allocates idioms by different criteria: the basis for selection of idioms is phraseological semantics as a defining characteristic. Based on this criterion centuries Vinogradov allocated phraseological fusion, phraseological unity phraseological combinations [Vinogradov, 1978]. But phraseological combinations have been allocated to them on other grounds than phraseological fusion and unity. The absence of a common principle in the allocation of phraseological units leads to an understanding of how idioms expressions "slack", "to hold the stone in his bosom", "railway", "sensitive issue" and others In phraseology were included phrases with carrying value of one of the components, manifested in a narrow compatibility with certain words (evil, annoying, creepy feeling, and so on). A broad view of the object phraseology also adheres M. M. Kopylenko, which emphasizes that within the phraseology can be studied all kinds of individual and group matching tokens. According to M. M. Kopylenko, from the phraseology exclude: 1/ education type to the bone, leg, nose, under wraps, under sideways, not teeth, etc. 2/ Proverbs, aphorisms; 3/ composites - education, in which combinations of tokens changed, which led to casinofortune. However, if we start from a broad understanding of object phraseology as "the combination of lexemes"proposed by M. M. Kopylenko and H. W. Popova, phraseological material to be included in phraseology, in phraseological dictionary, will be infinite [Kopylenko, Popov, 1989]. A narrow understanding of object phraseology found in the works of A. M. Molotkova, MT Tagiyev, I. A. Fedosov, etc. So, A. I. Molotkov highlights how the object phraseology only the category of sustainable verbal complexes that unfairly leaves out inclusion in the phraseological dictionary of numerous phraseological units [Molotov, 1974]. I. A. Fedosov, [Fedosov, 1987] understands phraseological unit only the adhesion and cohesion. In the works of N. M.Shan [Shan, 1985], O. C. Akhmanova, V. P. Zhukov provides the basic criteria and allocation of phraseological units: 1/ repeatable. Idioms are not created in the process of communication, and are reproduced in the finished form; 2/ semantic integrity. The main criterion for distinguishing phraseological units from word formations is precisely the nature of their correlation with reality, the integrity of the nomination semantic integrity in many cases determined metaphorical reinterpretation of free phrases; 3/ sustainability semantics. Resilience is a measure of the degree of semantic unity, indivisibility components; 4/ availability of components - the component parts of phraseological units, deprived of the main features of words; 5/ proof; 6/ expressiveness, emotionality; 7/ accent design (unlike words, phraseological unit has two or more stress). Based on these distinguishing characteristics, it is possible to distinguish a phrase from the words and phrases. Among them, as defining or relevant are highlighted in the semantic cohesion of the components and their razdelnopoloe. Other signs of a steady ratio values and a certain lexico-grammatical structure and their reproducibility in speech - defined semantic relatedness of word components. Based on the differential characteristics inherent in the phrase, we can give the following definition: phraseological unit is playing in finished form semantically non-free combination of words characterized by semantic integrity and idiosyncratic. From the point of view of semantic match idioms are classified differently in the work of centuries Vinogradov and N. M.The Shan. Vinogradov centuries in his article "On the main types of phraseological units" distinguishes these three types of phraseological units allocated from the point of view of semantic integrity: 1) phraseological fusion; 2) phraseological unity; 3) phraseological combinations.
Phraseological fusion is such phraseological units, which Express the overall figurative meaning, not derived from the values of the components of a phraseological unit, for example, headlong, down in the Shoe, take the beans, the dog to eat, etc. Phraseological unity idioms, the total value of which is partially motivated by the values of the components of phraseological units: to put teeth on the shelf, seven Fridays of the week, reckless, the first pancake is always lumpy and others 4) Phraseological combinations are phraseological units, components of words which consist of words not found in the free use, for example, Tosca green, sworn enemy, etc. N. M.Shan allocates the fourth kind idioms - phraseological expressions. These include idioms, components which occur both bound and free use: the things are there; you are afraid of wolves, no walk in the forest and others [Shan, 1985]. In perevodovedenie phraseological units are classified as the degree of semantic match (C.A. Fedorov), and the degree of fulfilment of certain pragmatic tasks (C. S. Vinogradov). A. C. Fedorov is based on the classification centuries Vinogradov and B. A. Larina, highlighting: 1) combination of variables; 2) sustainable metaphorical combinations, clearly stand out "by the presence of stereotypical", traditionalism and metaphorical reinterpretation, the departure from the original application; 3) idioms, different from the previous group "more deformed, shortened, far from the initial structure (lexical and grammatical) [Larin, 1977, 148]. In his thoughts, in perevodovedenie should be based on data classification, as "from the point of view of translation is extremely important such features of phraseological units, as the degree of semantic unity or separation of their elements, the degree of clarity or ambiguity of motivation, the presence or loss of the inner form, imagery), stylistic coloring [Fedorov, 2002, 220]. Therefore, A. C. Fedorov considers the possibility of translating idioms (phraseological growths), as his thoughts, specifying their untranslatability unreasonable. Such idioms in other languages which may correspond to the entire idioms, which can serve their faithful translation; 2) sustainable metaphorical combinations (phraseological unity). Such sustainable metaphorical combinations represent different degrees of motivation, transparency of the inner form to the national specificity; 3) variables [Fedorov, 2002]. C. S. Vinogradov gives the actual translation classification of phraseological units, dividing them into three large groups: 1) lexical idioms; 2) predicative idioms; 3) comparative idioms. Lexical idioms are semantically related words, and conceptually similar, for example, black stockings, old bird, without a king in the head and other Predicative idioms are complete sentences, entrenched in the language in the form of ready steady formulas, for example, better a bird in the hand than a crane in the sky; first step is the hardest and other
Comparative idioms are idioms that are entrenched in the language as a stable comparison, for example, sly as a Fox, rock solid, fresh as a Daisy and the other Is a special type of sustainable momentum. The most common models are: adjective + Union + noun; verb + Union + noun [Vinogradov, 2006]. In our opinion, for the translation more acceptable is the generally accepted classification of phraseological units according to the degree of semantic match, such as the classification of phraseological units is basically the same in many languages.
9.1.2 national peculiarities of phraseological units and problems lingvokulturologicka interference in translation For the linguist, translator and psycholinguist idioms interesting primarily because they carry the total social experience, contain patterns of ordinary, everyday consciousness, reflect national-cultural specificity of language. Expressing the abstract through the concrete, the abstract through sensual and visually tangible, idioms are a kind of form of reflection extralinguistic reality. Passing the compressed story of fables, legends, the essence of Proverbs, historical events, idioms are a powerful weapon compression values. In the compression strength of social experience in phraseology is most clearly demonstrated national-cultural specificity of language and its relation to the material and spiritual life of the people, its history. These "regular expression", according to F. I. Buslaev", are a kind of micromini, because they contain in themselves and the moral law, and common sense, expressed in a brief sentence, which was bequeathed by the ancestors to guide the descendants" [Buslaev, 19].
Appeal to the idioms is of interest in that it allows to approach the study of the characteristics of mental stock of the nation, especially the human psyche is not abstract, exploring some freestories of the subject, and in the context of and in connection with a particular kind of building culture characteristic of a particular people. As a result, the product of human activity, culture at the same time has the opposite effect on the formation of human mind and consciousness, it stipulates certain forms of regulation of human behavior. For a translator - the study of phraseological units is of interest in that it allows you to identify the forms of manifestation and reflection in the idioms of identity mental warehouse of the people, the peculiarities of the psyche of the individual, inadequate representatives of different ethnic groups. ofioms perform reflexive function, carrying the age-old experience and value system of the people recorded in the content idioms as figurative language units. In their figurative content embodied cultural-national worldview and the peculiarities of national mentality. Therefore, phraseological units are national specifics, which appears first, in the reflection of the mental stock of the nation and national consciousness; secondly, to Express the diversity of national forms and national flavor of the culture of a people, which is reflected in the phraseological image, a kind of different Nations; thirdly, the peculiarities of phraseological units is manifested in inadequate different peoples ways of establishing the phraseological image; fourth, the national specifics of their manifests itself in inappropriate connotations content idioms; fifthly, in the national specifics of the design them with the help of linguistic means. National-cultural peculiarities of phraseological units is manifested in thoughts Y. S. Maslova, in that they reflect the specific features of national life: "speaking of idioms, often celebrate their national identity. Undoubtedly, in every language there are many specific form, and motivation, and is particularly evident this peculiarity in those idioms, which reflected the specific features of national life and history of the people" [Maslov, 1987, 119]. The peculiarities of phraseological units is shown, according to C. H. Cherdantseva, in that they can reflect directly the cognitive activity of members of the language team, based on the naive view of the world of native speakers, their relation to each other, to what happens to them in this world [foot of MT, 1996, 66]. In the opinion of K. K. Duisenova, cause the differences phraseological systems in different languages are features of phraseological pattern, including prototypes, archaisms, view of the world, processes, and types of dependencies in the world. The last factor in particular strongly determines, writes K. K. duysenova, the typology and the system of ethnic, ideological, national-cultural labeled phraseological images in a particular language. It is in this component, first of all, strongly disagree phraseological picture of the world of different languages" [duysenova, 2006, 29]. National marker offset of the idioms is the result of inadequate cultural connotation of the information contained in them shaped base and connotative Convento. About this Century, the SJC writes the following: "First in the world there is a kind of prototype situation, corresponding to the "literal" meaning of the phraseological unit. It receives the content, which is then rethinking, ie, formed the image of phraseological units based on the primary meanings of the words in the prototype situation. These primary words as would be in the image of its value. So there is an internal form (EOF), which contains basic information related to culture" [GAK, 1999, 104].
National markeroffset, as you can see, is manifested primarily in the specifics of the inner form of idiom and its specific design in different languages. Thus, the analysis of manifestations of national-cultural martirovannoj idioms in the process of mapping their method contrastive-comparative analysis shows that differences phraseological systems are noted in the following cases:
(1) inadequate figuratively-somatic division of reality on the basis of anthropomorphism. So, in Kazakh, Russian languages somatic phraseological units of the Russian and Kazakh languages are oriented each on their linguistic and cultural commonality, therefore, despite the coincidence in the basic conceptual plane, they differ from each other in the following points: 1) in the Russian language somatic idioms reflect the close family ties, and in the Kazakh far and near, for example, Baur a close relative), RATM, Baur (a distant cousin), Bel balasi (own child), Bel da etc. 2) reflect the ethnic and social differentiation AK seek, Kara seek. 3) somatic idioms of the Kazakh language more associated with the expression of the estimated characteristics of the person, than in Russian, see: AK Zhurek, TAS, Baur, without Burek (stale), auyzy gel, jelm aus, Ala a, money TSU (being shy) 4) in the Kazakh language in the values of somatic phraseological units, there is a strong positive atrocinerea orientation than in Russian: Arshin TS, (chest), chest (eng. Negative, jinx - Koz party, but Koz KREN, KZN taboo, positive). 2) National labelled idioms that describe the appearance of the person, due to the originality of value orientations, beliefs about the beauty of a person. This reflects the difference value judgments of each nation, cf.: Nurly Beth, Benin an Taman - blood with milk; poppies color - Kyzyl Shirali, ariat Koz, Ouma aus, Alma moyin, urali Koz - the fair maiden, the picture of beauty, Swan neck, turquoise eyes, slender as stem and other 3) phraseological image of national character is also inadequate. Idioms describing a person's character, different forms of execution used language features, for example, AK Zhurek, BA moyin, Ala a, wind in the head, mouth open, regardless of the person, Coon like that, grated Kalach, etc. without bourek, TAS, Baur, and others 4) marked National idioms, figurative reflect the life of the nation, its traditions, the type of economic activity, da's event, rum bar, beats saum wait, TSAU the CES, at shatterin jer, sier SSCE wait, flail language, cooking porridge, got ' em for life, thumbs beat, bread and salt, to fabricate a pretzel, neither fish nor fowl, pull GIMP, neither bitch nor a hitch, though the number on the head teshie and other 5) national specificity is also reflected in the diversity of national consciousness of the peoples, for example, the specificity of national consciousness of Kazakhs closely related "TRT TLC four kinds of cattle - the basis of his nomadic way of life, therefore a significant place in his ethnocentric system take idioms, Dating back to the images of the animal world. In the sphere of such idioms included us, first, such a metaphor which is based on part of phraseological turnover lexical component with the name of the animal (at SN fat, at Kirien kessu, at and oinau, Ala ozdy you, kr Audi jacinda, MISI tleu, at St and others); second, idioms containing the names of the traits, features of the external appearance of a person, correlated with the defining properties of inanimate objects and phenomena of reality, habits, behavior and appearance of animals: MIME AU, aristanti airu, TLC bla, ITsE ru and other
Thus, the analysis of the national peculiarities of phraseological units shows that culturally-shaped and language markeroffset them is a result of inadequate perception of the world through the prism of their culture, lifestyle, lifestyle, world view. All this is reflected in the divergent phraseological images of idioms.
9.1.3 Methods of translation of phraseological units For a full translation of idioms should be taken as the starting position classification according to the degree of semantic match as the main types of phraseological units (phraseological fusion and phraseological unity) can be translated using idioms in another language. And in this case you can use the technique of idiomatic translation by choosing the appropriate equivalents in the target language. Researchers are the following types of equivalents: 1) absolutely identical phraseology, semantics, style, lexico-grammatical forms and syntactic structure, for example: heart aches - Jean augy. 2) full phraseological equivalents idioms Russian and national languages, the same morphological and syntactic characteristics; 3) incomplete or partial the first step is Alasi Adam open - mouth your aus 4) phraseological equivalents (match conversion idioms bills turnovers in meaning and style) the language of well-hung - ausina sausan then 5) phraseological policelike (match Russian and national phraseological units of meaning and stylistic characteristics, partially phonetically) to draw a parallel - parallel tcsu 6) borrowed idioms Demyanova ukha - Demian ohasi [Bayramov, 1989]. M. I. Sabitov, considering the cross-language correlation idioms in raznostoronnih language, identifies the following types of phraseological units mapped in the interlanguage plan: 1) are identical IFF the material, content and functional community matching idioms, which are the result not so much of the language of kinship, but also linguistic, cultural and historical ties. Such idioms are characterized by the highest degree of formal semantic and stylistic similarities; 2) direct equivalence as the similarity of the structural organization of forms of community values and functions of the related idioms. These idioms are characterized by full or partial semantic and stylistic coincidence, correlation of vocabulary or grammatical structures; 3) synonymous IFF. Is defined as meaningful and functional equality related idioms that are not characterized by structural-typological similarity. Idioms of this type are motivated semantic basis; 4) equivalents differs homonymy and polysemy, i.e. the sameness or difference of the aspect of the organization at large or smaller differences in the cumulative sense [Sabitova, 2000, 79]. Based on this classification, take them as a basis and on the basis of their characteristic: the reception of the translation of phraseological units with the help of equivalents. When using this method, you can specify several cases: Translation by selecting an absolute equivalents, for example: safe and sound - safe and sound, to live like a cat with a dog - lеad a cat dog life, almost (to rest) on our laurels - rest-op one's laurels, the salt of the earth - the salt of the earth, to play with fire - to play with fire, the hour has come (struck) - one's hour has struck, there is no smoke without fire there is no smoke without fire, white night - AK tn, Golden handcuffs - Altyn war, black market - Kara Bazaar, white elephant - AK PL, sinus take to make a proposal, etc. 2) Partial equivalence. Partial frazeologicheskie equivalents may be the same value, stylistic colouring, but you can get the lexical composition, such as to promise mountains of gold - to promise wonders, to promise the moon, away, home is best East or West, home is the best, buy a pig in a poke to buy pig in a poke, is the first project is the first portent (sign), not worth powder and shot, the game is not worth the candle, the talk of the town the talk of the town, massacre of the innocents - the massacre of the innocents, there is no smoke without fire - birds of a feather flock together.
Thus, when translating idioms from one language to another, it is important to focus on the preservation of their national specificity, loyal to the national image that requires a careful selection of the target language idioms, equivalent, similar, can also figuratively to describe the subject of thought, and colorful, and figuratively to describe it, to have a certain impact.
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