12.4. Control training submodule. Operating personnel. "Job" Exercises.
12.4.1. Job Tasks for independent work of students (IWS)
Write a report on the theme "Cognitive direction in the development of the theory of metaphor". Read and outline article Y. A. Belikova "Impersonation in the book"the Russian language: an encyclopedia. - M., 1977, 285 S.
T asks for independent work under the supervision of a teacher (SRSP)
Turn the offer, which is a metaphorical phrase in Kazakh and English languages. Name the transfer: Muddy crowd of riders raced in the mountains. In the process of anthropomorphism converging phenomena of nature with human actions, replacement of moral phenomena and mental phenomena are physical. The following example find anthropomorphic metaphor: Mashadi stared him (the son - A. K.) after he was sorry son, but he folded wide his arms, saw the mountains, such as stern and proud as he is. Check whether the Russians metaphorical expressions like the fair maiden, my good fellow to pass by taking the traditional correspondence in Kazakh and in English? If they mean the same metaphors in English and their translation into Kazakh and English languages: sarily Kyz, Sulu Kiz (beautiful girl), red maiden (girl), Boz ball (Boz ball), fine fellow (great guy). Translate English metaphorical momentum in the Kazakh and Russian languages. Check whether there are any in this case, the structural transformation a dreаm of a dress, a beast of a car, a barrel of a man, an angel of a girl. Put this metaphorical expression of the cream of society in Kazakh and English languages. Bring cognitive metaphors: the black hole, desert tan in Kazakh, German and English languages. Install, what is the difference between cognitive metaphors from art. Translate linguistic metaphors load of memories, knowledge, running time, the train goes, time goes by, the rain comes in Kazakh, German and English languages. Install, what is the difference of root metaphors: a family tree of languages, a family tree, a branch of languages, the genetic relationship of languages, genealogical classification from other kinds of metaphors? Set features the following metaphors: chronic unemployment, yellow newspaper, the cancer of crime. Set the reception metaphoricaly shaped words: ground moaning - groaning the mother - land of cheese; the whispering birches, the sun laughs, brush it hladil and Tupelo.
12.4.2. Exercises Exercise # 1. Rewrite the text, determine the methods of translation of metaphors from Russian into Kazakh. Heart ascribed human attributes: cold, indifferent (MS Zhurek, Salin Zhurek), the wounded heart (aura Zhurek, sorry Zhurek, an Zhurek)configured hostile to the object of thought (Italy Zhurek, sm Zhurek), faithful (Shyn Zhurek, AK Zhurek, Animas Zhurek), fair (Adlet Zhurek), young, brisk (Jas Zhurek, et Zhurek), timid (regen Zhurek), passionate (Zhalyn Zhurek, ysty Zhurek, July Zhurek, Italy Zhurek), survivors of passionate love and betrayal (kriegen Zhurek) and other
Exercise No. 2. Metaphors of English translate into English, using the technique of structural transformation 1. Some literary works rise above heat distinctions of genre car to be out new riverbeds 2. By Blake, Eternity, measurable in clock seconds, trails endlessly into oblivion and reaches indefinitely into the future
Exercise # 3. Translate these sentences into English, please note the anthropomorphic model of the Russian and English languages. Storm haze the sky opened up The whirlwinds of snow spinning For Windows ached autumn wind, The glass was crawling rain
12.5. Control submodule. Supervisory personnel. "Questions and answers on them." "Tests for intermediate control". 12.5.1. Questions and answers on them.
As discussed metaphor representatives semantic direction? As is understood metaphor representatives psychological direction? What methods of metaphorization you know, What methods of translating metaphors can you name? The essence of the traditional reception of conformity? How do you understand the term "replacement metaphors"? How would you describe the term "anthropomorphic model of metaphor"? What is the admission structural transformation of the metaphor? As you can imagine the reception parallel naming metaphorical basis? Options ototokoi otveta. As semantic neologism, in which the combined direct and figurative meanings of Deneb. Semantic direction considers metaphor as a trope, in which there are semantic shifts on the basis of the characteristics of abstraction, expressive, semantic duplineonline. Representatives psychological direction metaphor is understood as the transfer of naimenovaniya. As trails, which includes direct and portable znacheniya. The genitive metaphors, personification of Deneb. Embodiment, the genitive metaphors, the transfer of words from one plane to another, the implementation of syntactically determined values daneta. Adding, traditional compliance Deneb. Structural transformation, permutation, traditional line, adding a parallel naming metaphorical basis daneta. Selection of appropriate equivalents of Deneb. Used in regard to the metaphors folklore, biblical, ancient origin, when in OIA and five have very different ways metaphorical similarity daneta. Replacement of metaphor is to replace the metaphor of OIA synonymous metaphor in another language Deneb. Replacement metaphors, rameterization is to replace the metaphor of OIA and metaphor Padanya. This embodiment of Deneb. Anthropomorphic model (personification) is a technique when the properties, qualities of a person are transferred to animals, inanimate objects, phenomena daneta. The essence of this method consists in the structural transformation of the verbal and grammatical metaphors. Deneb. Transformation metaphors OIA and Padanya. The essence of this method consists in the selection of equivalents metaphors of OIA in the translation language. Use them in parallel.Deneb. The selection of equivalents of the original metaphor in Paganet 12.5.2. Tests for intermediate control on the subject 1. What shaped tool has the following definition: "Trails, the essence of which consists in the formation of contextual speech values based on the similarity of some features of two objects Metonymy Metaphor Synecdoche Comparison Hyperbole 2. These metaphors relate to what metaphors according to the classification of structural directions: cast iron face an acute problem, thin man, velvety look Noun Verb Adjectives Sacrament Predicative 3. What direction in the classification of metaphors saw it in target aspect, i.e. by running a metaphor functions? Psychological Semantic
Structural Functional Cognitive 4. What method of metaphorization used in this context: its hard icy silence now caused him respect. She looked out the window and sat quite still, as in your own office, without asking a single question. Wow, what a cunt! The flint. Rock. The steel. Battleship Potemkin". (T, Ustinov. Great evil and petty mischief, S. 274). Impersonation The genitive metaphor The transfer of words from one plane to another Predicative metaphor Transfer names 5. What is the transfer metaphor is used in case of differences in grammatical and syntactic forms of OIA and five? The structural transformation of metaphors Welcome permutation metaphors Replacement metaphors Deetatizatsiya Parallel names metaphors OIA and metaphors five 6. What is the transfer metaphor is used in cases of differences in metaphorical constructions of OIA and five? Adding Replacement metaphors Welcome permutation Deetatizatsiya The structural transformation of metaphors
Case module No. 13. Problems of translation of metonymy. 13.1. Theoretical submodule. Theory. Information frames.
13.1.1 Metonymy as a cognitive mechanism rehabilitating activity In linguistics, metonymy is also considered as one of the main kinds of tropes that perform the function of secondary nomination: rename items, transfer of names from one subject to another in adjacency concepts. Linguists metonymy is investigated as a mechanism of speech consisting in a regular or occasional transfer of name from one class of objects or a single object to another class or a subject associated with data connectivity, zapredelnosti, involvement in one situation" [Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary, 1990, 300]. Metonymic is the transfer of names from one object to another "on the basis of their real or associative adjacency, connectedness, interdependence" [Morier, 1981, 743], i.e. on the basis of spatial, temporal or causal relations [Paul, 1960, 117]. The basis of metonymic transfer is the influence of external factors: the similarity or contiguity characteristics of two different objects or phenomena in the real world. Change the meanings of words based on metonymic type of transfer is also carried out when the respective influence of the internal regularities of the language, resulting in the strengthening and development of the semantic relations of words, subordinate to his main trends in the development of language - trend expressiveness and regularity. When wrapping the adjacency names tendency of the tongue to the regularity is manifested in the fact that new words, undergoes a semantic shift in the value adjacent to the relevant lexico-semantic groups, gaining the ability analogical application. Analogical transfer is one of the types of associative analogy, creating new words by secondary nomination on the basis of generalization and convergence on associative links related attributes of objects and the transfer of names from one subject to another. The tendency of the tongue to the regularity is manifested in the fact that metonymy serves as a regular mechanism of secondary nomination, contributing to the emergence of new words by semantic way of word formation. When metonymic transfer available in the language of the nominative funds are used in a new function named" [Ganelina, 1993].
When analyzing metonymie serious attention is paid to the distinction between these two mechanisms of speech, saying that if the allegorical metaphors based on the identification of objects, phenomena, concepts according to their similarity, the allegorical of metonymy based on the relationship (ownership) of things (objects, phenomena, concepts). Metonymy is the result of renaming one thing through another associated with it by the adjacency. P. Ricoeur, considering the relationship between metaphor and metonymy, talks about the possibility of the polar relation between metaphor and metonymy more General functional significance, which indicates the polarity of the metaphorical and metonymic processes of thinking [Ricoeur, 1995, 109]. According to R. Jakobson, "competition" between metaphoric and metonymic mechanisms manifests itself in any symbolic activity, whether verbal, intrapersonal, social, or any other [Jacobson, 1990, 129]. Recently metaphor and metonymy were studied in cognitive linguistics, which considers them as cognitive mechanisms of speech play an important role in racemachine and the generation of speech. Metonymy is studied in the framework of this science as the mental mechanism. J.Lakoff and M. Johnson, considering metonimia, as metaphor, as complex mental space (the area of feelings or social experience). In the processes of knowledge of these complex mental space correlate with simpler, specifically the observed mental spaces based on the adjacency of features. Transfer conceptualization observed mental space is directly observable on the basis of the related signs. This directly unobservable conceptualized and included in the conceptual system of a given language community. To illustrate the operation of metonymic mechanism J. Lakoff and M. Johnson characterize mental model "receptacle", widespread in the framework of the concept sphere of "man". As a generic concept for cognitive unit that accumulates knowledge about the world, involved in the process of racemachine researchers use the term "mental model". This category corresponds with a fragment of reality (knowledge which accumulates and is a result of its practical and cultural development. The main source of mental model serves as a perceptual experience (empirical way, decoratory experience). On the language system (associative-verbal level) this unit is designed in the framework of associative-verbal field. This means that the image (mental model) explicated lexical means of different parts of speech, different lexico-semantic and thematic groups [Lakoff, Johnson, 1990]. Metonymy can also be viewed in the framework of cognitive concepts offered j.Lakofa and M. Johnson in relation to metaphor. The authors of the source area is described by the concept of "signification m descriptor" (words or phrases representing concepts from different fields). In target - denotation descriptor (expression, representing the idea of the object of thought). As signification m and denotation descriptors form a finite set, and should be organized in a concise hierarchy that reflects the structure of the respective areas. These hierarchies can serve as individual inputs in base [Lakoff, Johnson, 1990]. Indeed, metonymy can be described as hierarchically organized a field in which you can select the original meaning (signification m descriptor), which produces secondary derived value (secondary denotation - secondary denotation descriptor). The migration source primary value on the secondary when the secondary nomination is made on the basis of mental models metonymic transfer, bringing different concepts based on associative links between them. The convergence of different denotata based on the sign of adjacency is the result of associative thinking in the process rehabilitating activity of the subject. It is the subject in the course of their cognitive cognitive activity brings on the basis of the Association of different concepts, finds common features, compares them, and on the basis of common features between the two denotata makes the conclusion about the necessity of deciding on various denotata under the General concept. Secondary concept is the result of the migration okoncatelnogo experience (empirical), reflected on the associative-verbal level as the primary category of the subject. If metonidazole name of the subject source is transferred to the denotation of the descriptor in the process rehabilitating and cognitive activity of the subject. In this case, there is a secondary conceptualization, manifested in the tabulation under one common notion of names significative and denotation of descriptors based on associative links between them. Metonymic mechanism racemachine manifests itself in bringing together the names of two items in the course of associative thinking and the announcement of nominations under one concept that unites two nominations in the associative-verbal network on the basis of sensory okoncatelnogo experience. Metonymy does not only nominative function, contributing to the emergence of secondary nomination of a new designation, but also has an expressive function. In this case we can talk about figurative metonymie contributing to the decoration of speech, for example, the month of pale beam leads on a sad face (I. Kozlov), emerald eyes, satin skin, cast iron color. Cf. also: "and he now continues to work from morning till night. Losing one job, looking for another, so that "hard labor" remains in full force and effect" [M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, T. 9, S. 199]. Thus, metonymy is a cognitive nature. Its essence is manifested in the fact that it is a cognitive mechanism racemachine facilitating the transfer of names signification m descriptor (source denotation descriptor - area goals) as a result of convergence on the basis of associative thinking the name of two denotata and summing them under one concept that unites two related concepts in the mental metonymic models.
13.1.2 Mental metonymic models Mental metonymic models contribute to the actualization of metonymic thinking in language and speech. In the language of metonymy is seen as an effective way of semantic derivation, leading to new words. In the style of metaphor is studied as an expressive trails. In cognitive linguistics metonymic mental model is investigated as a way of conceptualizing a more complex mental space through less complex mental space. Despite the fact that metonymy is studied in different ways, but at the same time allied Sciences, mental models of metonymically used in all Sciences. Among them seem productive mental models of methimazole in the field of noun and adjective. For nouns the most productive mental models are: content ↔ containing (structure - public or commercial institution, enterprise, for example, the structure of the banking, economic, educational, etc.; market - economic reflections in the sphere of trade; squirrels, rabbits, wolves - Belarusian cash signs and other); effects ↔ scene (space - a single complex of any of the events in a particular area, for example, a single space, economic, legal information, and so on; literary lounge - holding parties, debates on literary themes, and other [Chernikova, 2001, 87-88]. This model can be called and "receptacle - compatible". In the conceptual sphere "man" in this model plays a significant role. M. P. Odintsov about the conceptual sphere of "man" as the receptacle writes the following: "Man is possessed of mind, will, speech, active, i.e., acting in its choice "I", and at the same time is an inert thing - space which contains a variety of objects, substances, material (physical) and ideal (spiritual), such as physical and spiritual: the brain, heart, blood, stomach, chest, feeling such a unique spirit, as a soul, conscience, memory, mind, consciousness, thought, imagination, feelings, and personality traits: love, wisdom, kindness, envy, hatred, sadness, joy, and many others. In the spiritual space is not only all actually human, but limit the whole universe, everything that comes into the mind of a person in the subjective images of nature, animate and inanimate objects, micro - and macrocosm, of the cosmos" [Odintsov, 1991, 65]. Expansion model "receptacle" in the conceptual sphere "people" is governed by metonimia - various partial models: whole - part-whole "man - intellectual, emotional, ideological, speech aspects, for example: in my head → in the skull → brain → in → in mind - if only; chest → heart (soul) - > feelings - confusion. In his mind he made complex calculations. In our dreams - a trip to the sea - out of sight - out of mind [Ilyukhin N. A., 2002]. In the field of metonymie nouns are also common in such models as: 1) the transfer material on the product, for example, copper and copper money, pennies, penny; 2) the transfer of an appellation of the settlement on the totality of its inhabitants or the related event, for example, Borodino (the battle at Borodino field, Filevsky Council with the venue of the Council at Fili); 3) actions on the result, place or involved in the action of the subject (person, object, object, instrument), for example, stop a certain action and the location of bus stops), whistle (instrument whistle and device for whistling); 4) with the forms of expression of the content or its material embodiment in the actual content of, for example, a thick book refers to the subject, and interesting book for content; 5) with the industry knowledge of the science on the subject of science, such as grammatical structure of language and the study of its branch of linguistics; 6) social event, its participants, for example, "the conference will take place in may and the conference adopted an important decision; 7) social organization, institutions on the totality of its staff and premises, for example: "repair factory" and "factory went on strike"; 8) from the whole to the part, cf. the group - tree - pear - fruit; 9) emotional state the reason, for example, "horror", "fear" and "terrible event"; 10) the name of the author can be used to refer to his works or created models, for example, bull - "the name of the master and furniture with a certain type of decoration" [Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary, 1990, 300]. "Model" is a proper noun → work. The model has varieties: 1) the name of the own - product wizard named after him, for example, Kalashnikov (the inventor) → Kalashnikov (machine), Colt (inventor) - colt (weapon); 2) the name of the private - property, estate, land, for example: Mary is Presented to 3000 acres, from the speech of F. M. Plevako: "when Mary Presented was taken to Moscow to treat, who wrote in the name of the wife of Wagner that is Presented was taken to the madhouse. When this letter was written directly: "save its 3000 acres, her estate from the hands of the brethren." In the field of metonymie adjectives, productive models such as: 1) the characteristic of the object → a sign of another object, or is associated with the first object made from it or use it, for example, clean technology, environmental education, computer literacy; 2) the characteristic of the object → attribute of the action associated with the object (laser surgery, building export). Metonimia called adjectives indicative of metonymies. The complexity of metonymie signs is that they are based on nouns and in a greater number of participants transfer (if metonymie nouns or two items, for example: audience (premise) → audience (the people in this area); if metonymie adjectives: two items - one characteristic: brave - bold response (response brave man) [Bireh, 1987, 63]. The mechanism of metonymy adjectives arises from specific object as a mechanism for the nomination. The denotation of adjectives are the qualities, characteristics, attributes of objects. However, the quality, the property does not exist without its media and on "is an adjective always projected the value of the media attribute" [wolf, 1973, 7]. Detailed description of the mental metonymic models perevodovedenie necessary in order to understand how they operate in the cognitive process of human activity, as manifest themselves in different languages, are the same whether these mental models in different languages.
13.1.3 translation Techniques of metonymie Translation of the original metonymie on the target language in many cases is not straightforward, as different languages mental models of metonymy can match. So, in Kazakh and English languages are also common in such models as "part - whole"; "receptacle - gr"; "material product", "name their own work, "action - result", etc. Therefore, the main technique used in the transmission of metonymy, is to replace the original mental model of OIA on the mental metonymic model in five, for example, the mental model: the White house → the White house, AK I → AK I (AK Orda), White hоuse - White hоuse available in these three languages, only in the Kazakh language the concept of "home" replaced the word "Horde"with "national specificity in the sense of "Khan stake, the place of residence of the nomads", "military and administrative organization. However, in the translation process of metonymy source language difficulties are encountered. According to T. A. Kazakova, the greatest difficulty for translation are such cases of metonymic transfer, which is based on Association:
a) between subjects and one of his signs is metonymic epithet; b) between the whole and the part of the subject - synecdoche; in between a proper noun and a common noun, with an overall informative-indicative basis, antonomasia [Kazakov, 2006]. Let us consider the possible techniques used in the translation of these varieties of metonymy. Indicative metonymy arising in cases of transfer name of one concept to another based on common characteristics, causes really difficult, because when the secondary nomination appears figurative meaning, the meaning of which can be confusing for the medium of another language and culture. For example, phrases that emerged as a result of migration on mental models: a sign indicating the color of the clothes → indication that the person in the clothes, such as: brown speakers, brown, brown people evil will be incomprehensible to the addressee, if he has no cultural information about the supporters of fascism, neo-fascism, dressed in a brown uniform. In this case we are talking about the supporters of the political party. That is why the literal translation here cannot be used. The necessary translation and commentary the word. The method of translation of the comment is to give an explanation (brief or extended) to this phrase, to explain its lexical background. To give the concept of the negative associations with the term "brown". The appearance evaluation and stylistic connotations to the word "brown" is the result of the updating of the semantic structure of the original word potential of SEM. The semantics of any word includes not only the lexical concept created by its semantic structure, but also surrounding this word associations that arise in the course of its varied speech usages. These associations are so-called "lexical background of each word [Vereshchagin, Kostomarov, 1983]. Metonymy can be based on any of the components of the lexical background of words that are not included in its semantic structure and occasional manifested in the immediate context. Based on this principle education metonymic transfers. Potential seven fixed on the periphery of the semantic structure of words and the occasional seven, not fixed in the structure of words, and make additional statements on an implicit level. Thus, the phrase "jeans girl", "jeans kigen girl" in Russian and Kazakh languages have additional negative connotations, living on implicational level, and the negative assessment in the Russian language manifests itself most strongly. The English expression "a denim girl" does not pass a negative value judgment, available in Russian culture. This expression is not used in English. Therefore, in the process of English translation of the imagery of metonymie lost. In the process of translation of the expression "denim girl" in English language is necessary satanstoe translation of the commentary, explaining the fact that negative attitudes towards young people, dressed in denim clothing. In the Soviet period, jeans were worn by young people, mannequins and Papa's children, not working and not producing bread their work. And the attitude to such people was negative. And in the West jeans was considered normal work clothes, so in relation to the girl in jeans is not expressed negative assessment. Model the transfer of names from a social event, its participants" also requires the transfer of background knowledge, for example, translation from English expressions Thatcherland, Reaganomics, Watergate requires knowledge of the allusions, vocabulary, background, associated with the appearance of the shape data expression (Reaganomics, country Thatcher, the Watergate scandal) and other The complexity of the translation of metonymie source language, educated on mental models, "part - whole" "whole - part" is that in different languages, methods and constraints in expressions of these categories may differ from each other. In English metonymic transfer of this kind is relatively limited, because there are a number of other funds, primarily metonymic epithet arising on the basis of inflectional. On the contrary, in English synecdoche as natural as natural metaphor, and often without any stylistic loads, depends mainly on giving the syntactic function of a particular word. This discrepancy complicates the translation [Kazakov, 2006]. When translating a mental model of "part - whole" required functional stylistic and semantic transformation of the original expression, for example, in the process of translating English expressions: These wheels will drive you at your pleasure into Russian and Kazakh languages there is a replacement of the expressive English Russian "wheel" and the Kazakh "dinkelacker", for example: "These wheels guarantee a ride with pleasure." "Wasps dinkelacker stderr Riza, polyp ground kepl Baladi. However, lost in translation stylistic identity of the word. If the English expression neutral, in Kazakh and Russian languages, the use of the word "wheel", "dinkelacker" is a spoken vernacular in nature. And in this case, changing the style accessory of the word. Similarly, the translation of the following sentences with the Kazakh language in Russian is also changing stylistic identity and stylistic colouring of words and the structure of metonymy, cf.: "SG persent, AK gauly Orada jatar Horde Sauli"; "SBAR Bastian AK Saal, Kara Sealy iylep, batalay ethnicity", "Mnday GRT Kyzyl aren Jas ball of Ames. Lesn blen of bold, - Ded Abai", "the Holy child, a wife, a hundred sheep in the sheepfold", "white-bearded and black-bearded, headed by Subara left, having received the blessing", "Abai still could not calm down. You no need to explain. And so you understood me. Here not infants! Once there, enjoy your new happiness, and let us give to live".
As you can see, the translation of metonymy is destroyed. Metonymic use AK gauly, AK Saal, Kara Saul, Kyzyl ARIN is replaced in the translation process in the structural plan. In these cases, using the technique of structural transformation expressions. Translation of a mental model "a proper name is the nick name of any case, action also causes difficulties in the translation process. Case names are widely known in any culture, such as Plyushkin, manilow, Oblomov and metonymic transfers - Plyushkin, manilow, Oblomov has become common nouns denoting any trait that causes negative connotations may not be aware of the culture of the destination, so in such cases you want the full conversion of the initial metonymie. In the case restored direct naming, explains why the name became a household word. Should be used as a reception decoding quality, denoted metonymic name. In many cases, the translation is full, adequate translation, when there are cases of coincidence of language and cultural traditions of the expression of individual properties in comparable languages such as Kazakh, German, English, Russian languages similar metonymic use of words head, for example: smart head - head; bass (Basti), bass only, der Kopf (head), the head (head). These metonymic transfers are the same in many languages in the first set to be at the head of something", but may have differences in other differential characteristics. In Russian and Kazakh mental metonymic model "part - whole" coincides in many cases, for example, hat (muddler) - alpha (barefoot, balbir Adam), earflaps - time: cf.: "Train toldi Timea, Guzman tilp"; "the Train was filled with hats, like a herd of oxen"; "Sol atudy she cross ek Zurek of Esau tidy Tulagi"; "In the house like wild colts beat two pure heart"; "Ankama NS, quis Sulu degree Kara cserd CL astanga ALIP Euan money buy bosand is calmady"; "How many talented, wonderful feelings, black eyes, faded in homes Baev, as pearls, tarnished in the ashes". Thus, the analysis of metonymic usages in the language of the translation shows that the translation of metonymy requires the use of various techniques of translation, ranging from a full equivalent of translation on adequate mental models to structural changes in the functional and semantic plans.
Fig. 29 - translation Techniques of metonymie 13.2.2. Examples Example No. 1. Metonymic model "property - owner. A huge red-faced guard opened the door and said: - Mama, "Mercedes", you will be unable to issue any sound, I nodded (D. Dontsov. Pool with crocodiles).
Example No. 2. Metonymic model of "place, space is the people in it" ...but I'm a broken old man ruined by this damned scoundrel and a parcel of swindling thieves in this country (Thackeray) But I have broken the old man, devastated by this scoundrel and a gang of thieves and swindlers... our English".
13.3. Reference submodule. Reference frames. "Glossary". List of basic and additional literature". "Reference sites". 13.3.1. Glossary Metonymy - trails, the essence of which is shaped in the transfer of concepts about any subject on the basis of associations with other adjacency their concepts. Receiving a translation of the comment is welcome, when a translation of the original metonymie in five brief or extensive commentary, explains the lexical background metonymic words. Reception structural transformation is a technique when a translation of the original metonymie changing style accessory words, it is converted into structural and semantic terms. Synecdoche - way metonymic secondary nomination, when the whole name is replaced with the name of its parts.
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