The list of basic and additional literatureKey readings
Bireh A. K. Metonymy adjectives in modern Russian) / / Vestnik Leningrad. Ser.2, Vol. 1(2), 1987. Vereshchagin E. M., Kostomarov Century, Language and culture. - M., 1983. Wolf E. M. Grammar and semantics of the adjective. -M., 1973. Analina L. K. Nomination and derivational relations. - Almaty, 1993. Kazakova, T. A. Practical basics of translation. English → Russiаn - SPb.: Publishing House "Union", 2006.
Ilyukhin N. A. The role of metonymy in the interpretation of the concept sphere of "man" (on the material of a mental model "receptacle"// Linguistics, 2002, No. 3. Lakoff G., Johnson M Metafore that we live in // the Theory of metaphor. - M., 1990. Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Soviet encyclopedia, 1990. Paul, Principles of language history. - M., 1960. Odintsova, M. P. Images of man - space in language picture of the world and Russian poetic speech // the Artistic text: units and levels of the organization. - Omsk, 1991. Ricoeur P. the Conflict of interpretations: Essays in hermeneutics. -M: Medium, 1995. Chernikova N. In. Metaphor and metonymy in the aspect of modern neology // Philological Sciences, 2001, No. 1. Jakobson R. Two aspects of language and two types opticheskih violations // Theory of metaphor. - M.: Progress, 1990. Morier H. Dictionnaire de poutigue et de rhutorigue. Udition augmentue. - Paris, 1981.
13.3.3. Informational sites ᄉwww.rslᄃ
13.4. Control training submodule. Operating personnel. "Job". "Exercises". 13.4.1. Job
Tasks for independent work of students (IWS)
Write an essay on the subject "translation Techniques of metonymy from Russian into English. Write a report on the theme "Mental metonymic models: their differences and similarities.
Tasks for independent work of students under the supervision of a teacher (SRSP)
Determine the difference between the mental metaphorical and metonymic models? Check that the mental metonymic models are in the Kazakh language. Check that the mental metonymic models are in English. Compare using contrastive comparative analysis of metonymic models in three languages. Check their similarities and differences. Give examples of metonymic transfer model "part - whole" in the Kazakh language. Describe the process of metonymical. Translate into English. Give examples of metonymic transfer in English. Describe the process of metonymical. Bring on the Kazakh language. Describe metonymic model name → product, products, actions, properties, hero → the name. Compare examples of metonidazole words on this model in three languages. Set a transfer of metonymy is the most productive. Describe the reception of the semantic transformation of metonymie source language in the target language. Describe the reception of the structural and functional transformation of metonymie source language in the target language.
13.4.2. Exercises Exercise # 1. Compare the texts in FL and five-and determine which way metonymic transformation occurs when one language institution, organization, government official called on the name of the streets and buildings, and the other requires direct nomination. Many of the Madison Avenue stars were involved in the presidential campaign The company President has attended many "stars" of the advertising business (in English Madison Avenue - this street, where the largest advertising Agency in the Russian - direct nomination). Fleet street can make or break a politician. The English press can make a career politician or ruin it (fleet street - the street where the wording of most of the English Newspapers). What does Downing Street think (Longman) - what he thinks about the British government? (outside Downing street is the residence of the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the exchequer, so this street is associated with the government).
Exercise No. 2. Analyze selected metonymic constructions, translate and define transfer it to five. 1. The world was insane, and I no longer wished to have anything to do with it 2. I spent a month of misery, I Suppose, in something very like a profound sulk
Exercise # 3. Compare the original text and the test of the five-note on the translation of the original metonymie in five. MNEs cchal, sandy gay, Bra Anau ler "aspirin, Saira arasin, - Dept Jaziri Satyr, Dept, cheese itanda cyberlab selgende, she older Tali aim: - Kelma ATYP PA? (M. Auezov. Abay Joly, 60B.). A swarthy young Zliha the Pew-opener "young Kelin" admired hostess in a whisper, as if afraid that her words would come, where you do not need. - This simple, courteous. In vain her Big Yurt disliked. But what they say: "Let it not be forgotten, let him look up, whose sanroc over her head, in what house hit" (M Auezov. The path of Abai, s.).
13.5. Control submodule. Control and personnel training. "Questions and answers on them." "Tests for intermediate control on".
13.5.1. Questions and answers on them How do you understand the term "analogical transfer"? What are the functions of metonymy? What types of metonymy you know? How do you understand the term "mental metonymic model"? The difficulties encountered in the translation process of metonymy source language? What are the differences between languages in the process of metonymical in different languages? Answer options Button otveta. Analogical transfer is the transfer of names from one subject to another according to the adjacency of posttetanic. Metonymy is the paths formed by the secondary nominalizarea. Nominative, expressive functionality. Characterizing and evaluation functions daneta. Indicative and substantive metonymically. Indicative of metonymy daneta. Mental metonymic models are models that contribute to the actualization of metonymic thinking in language and residnets. In cognitive linguistics mental metonymic model is investigated as a way of conceptualizing a more complex mental space through less complex mental prostranstvennye. The difficulties associated with the mismatch of mental models in different languages; the difficulties associated with cases of metonymic transfer, based on associations (metonymic epithet, synecdoche, antonomasia)Deneb, the Difficulties associated with case imanominee. Differences between languages when translating the original metonymie related to the failure of metonymic transfer models in different azcardinals. Differences arising from the indicative by metonimia of Danet 13.5.2. Tests for intermediate control on the subject 1. Which of tropes based on the hyphenation adjacency concepts? Metaphor Metonymy The epithet
Hyperbole Licata 2. Who of scholars defines metonymy as follows: "metonymy is a regular mechanism of secondary nomination conducive to the emergence of new words by semantic way of word formation" J. Lakoff, M. Johnson R. Jacobson L. K. Analina G. Paul Kazakova, T. A. 3. In these metonymic constructions realized what a metonymic model: Kalashnikov Kalashnikov; Colt - colt, Buhl - Buhl. The transfer material on the product Transfer with effect on the result Transfer with the name of the author on his work, the product Transfer of property to its owner The transfer of the appellation on the people of this country or on any associated with this event 4. What is the transfer of metonymie S used in the process of putting it on the five White house - the White house - AK Orda Welcome replacement Reception structural transformation of metonymie The deadline for full conversion of the initial metonymie Receiving adequate translation Receiving translation comment 5. What is the transfer source of metonymy used in this case: - instead of giving us the mistress of the rest? - Totsky said, looking at Ivan Fedorovich (Dostoevsky) - "Shouldn't we allow the hostess to retire?" Welcome replacement The reception of the structural transformation of metaphors The deadline for full conversion of the original metaphor Receiving adequate translation Receiving translation comment 6. What is the transfer of metonymy can be used when translating the original metonymie on other language: Hats obediently nodded Wye, Kara Beth! CRE CR Senin, araly CSCE Sapan Kara Beth! - Ded Welcome replacement The reception of the structural transformation of metaphors The deadline for full conversion of the original metaphor Receiving adequate translation Receiving translation comment
13.6.Statistical submodule. The resulting frames (feedback) 13.6.1. Answers to questions Question No. 1. The full answer. True. A superficial answer. Question No. 2. The right answer. Incomplete answer. Question No. 3. The full answer. True. A superficial answer. Question No. 4. Incomplete answer. Detailed answer. Well done! Question No. 5. Detailed answer. True. Incomplete answer. Question No. 6. The full answer. True. A superficial answer.
14.6.2. Code to the tests B C C A B D
Case module No. 14. Compare and ways of their translation 14.1. Theoretical submodule. Theory. Information frames.
14.1.1 Cognitive and linguistic nature of the comparison The comparison is a complex phenomenon that is being studied in various disciplines and from different points of view. From a logical point of view, the comparison is to establish the similarities and differences of objects and phenomena of reality. In the logic of the compared call concepts, the content of which, despite having different characteristics, there are also some common characteristics, based on which you can compare these concepts [Kondakov, 1971, 49]. Logical comparison is a comparison of expressing the quality, to the same extent and characteristic of his subject and its object. Logical comparison is only through language, and the structure of language comparison is based on the logical structure and through it conducts comparative semantics. C. M. Goltsev, considering the comparison as a logical reception, pointed out that "Comparison is one of the most important methods of cognition of objective reality. Moreover, in a number of other logical techniques comparison holds a special place as for each of them it is the primary and essential element. No analysis, no synthesis, no abstraction and generalization is impossible without comparison" [Goltsev, 1978, 16]. The comparison is not only logical method of learning, but also a tool of cognition, special way of cognition of reality. This is a complex phenomenon that includes not only the components of the human spirit (knowledge, consciousness, mind, thought, idea, creativity, planning, reasoning, inference, problem solving, matching, fantasy, dreams), but also processes such as perception, mental imagery, memory, attention and recognition" [Maslova, 2005, 15]. The activity of cognition is understood as the totality of all processes performed by the components of cognition in the process of human activity [Webelieve, 2006, 144]. The comparison is also a component of cognition, as the processes of perception, the formation of mental images, the recognition is carried out through the act of comparison. It is the comparison contributes to the implementation of the learning process. The learning process is always based on something already known and the goal is to understand something not yet known. In comparison, there are elements indicating the action of cognition, namely: 1) the data elements; 2) the elements of activities; 3) result. During the mapping of the two objects (specified and required) is detected General characteristic (cognition and perception), linking these two items. And then on the basis of the common characteristics are compared items. At this stage the specification of summarizing the names (concepts about the subject) under the General category of close concepts, summarizing their characteristics. The logical connection admission mapping activity cognition (perception, recognition, categorization, generalization) language is manifested in the fact that, firstly, the results rehabilitating activities are expressed in language; secondly, it is impossible to talk about the mapping of objects and phenomena, as people are not able to match them, so their essence for a person is determined only through perception, i.e., by creating in the mind of the person synthesized views about the complex characteristics of the thing. In the matching process, therefore, operates not by objectively existing objects, but only representations about them. Mapping is the process of human thinking. And thinking is concerned with the concepts, therefore, are mapped to concepts of the subjects. In connection with this comparison as a category of logic, assumes the existence of three elements: a) a concept that requires explanation (comparandum); b) the notion that serves to explain (comparatum);) posledstviyami connecting element that serves as a "bridge" between the two concepts... This is common between the newly experienced before known is called in Latin tertium comparationis, i.e., the third comparison, the third value when the two compared" [Potebnya, 1976]. In linguistics, the comparison is considered as a dialectical unity with both the content and the form. In the definition of the comparison, as a linguistic phenomenon, reflects the essence of it as mapping, i.e., the contents of this phenomenon and comparison, i.e., the linguistic form of this phenomenon. Comparing, representing the unity of form and values, closely linked to both the logic and language. Therefore, in the language than there is a logical structure, but the form of its language. Thought Century. M Ogoltsev, the structure of the linguistic comparison as follows: "Shaped comparative structure includes, first of all, components, expressing the logical elements of comparison; component representing the element a, or "theme"; component representing the element, or "image" (both of these elements are usually referred to as members of the comparison; a component expressing the third element of comparison, i.e., a sign, put in a basis of comparison ("the criterion of comparison", "comparing", tertium comparationis). A necessary element of comparative language structure index is also comparing m, indicating in terms of figurative comparison to the fact of assimilation with the first member of the second comparison. Means of expression of the element m is extremely diverse" [Goltsev, 1978, 34]. comparison maps are not the subject with the object, and the individual subject with the concepts. And above all it is the ratio of the elements provides a figurative comparison function of linguistic expressions. 14.1.2 translation Techniques comparisons The main ways of translating the source comparisons to another language are: descriptive translation comparisons, replacement comparisons metaphor, replacing the comparison is equivalent to comparing the target language. The analysis of national comparisons shows that very often in translation do not reflect national realities. Comparison of the source language are ignored, there is the literal translation of comparisons, for example, when translating the works of I. yesenberlin "the Nomads", there are some translation errors that occur due to ignorance of the national specificity of expression elements and m [Abisheva, 1997], for example: very often, the translator uses reception passes the comparison, not replacing them or analogs or descriptive expressions. Translated disappeared many bright deployed comparisons, so characteristic of the Kazakh people. Cf.: “Adamsite of Ames, cctag pershagen twenty, GLn Garan isoldi Tadiran Sulu Zhane Siisti Helge the finally ispain army CES Lybek Zheti asinan medresesi burp, Parsa, Turk, Arab tln irelan” (I. Yesenberlin, Cspencer, b.). In translation: "unearthly beauty was this fourteen-year-old girl. Moreover, contrary to the established laws against women, the great Ulukbek-Myrza gave his daughter seven years in madrasas taught her Persian, Turkish and Arabic languages" (I. Yesenberlin. Nomads, S. 93).
I. Yesenberlin often used in composition shaped comparisons of national realities, traditional poetic images, but in the translation they did not reflect, cf.: "BL he's a devil-he Alty jasar girl ed. ABA Ben kүn sulene somaliren, lken gaudinian bot Kader arattai AP-Kara, Ouma aus, bldrs Inder tech lstate an garlanda sikma, or asinan whom Ames musical Sulu". In translation: “It was a girl about fifteen years old. The rays of the sun played on the white face, little heart were compressed crimson lips, and black eyes reflected Batyr, Koblandy with unnaturally placed his hands”. Kazakh people have an ideal of beauty was a girl with huge, like a young camel eyes (bot Koz), with a small mouth (AIMA aus) (I. Yesenberlin. Nomads, S. 88). In translation there is an incomplete transfer of figurative comparisons of the original, i.e., with omissions and deviations from their subject-matter content, with the replacement of individual components (AIMA aus - heart), which also contributes to the distortion of the original, the depletion of important from the point of view of national poetics of the image. Welcome replacement comparison. Comparison of the source language can be replaced by an equivalent comparison, if the image In the same in both languages, and ways of grammatical comparison expressions can also be replaced by similar, for example: "Kultegin alandi can iyaman Hana Arap, elk creden keude soar bacillary Atin atop kelp, Kenneth SL cudgen" (I. Yesenberlin, Cspencer, b.). In translation: "Koblandy Batyr began to enumerate distinguished themselves in the campaign Batyrov, but suddenly stopped. Violently he shook his the tips of long, from ear to ear, black mustache. His eyes, the size of the palm of his hand, twisted red veins, stared at Khan" (I. Yesenberlin. Nomads, S. 24). In some cases a lot of comparisons replaced by one comparison, for example, al Osip kelp ostarin Tchen seijun-dariani TSI RCS-rces of Esau srill calendary idirty testardi GAA Li crma glyp Ala inlets valley ed. EC Jay Brda Adam Cronbach Ali AMIS, Anari. Berdan R cigada BOP tracyp kitchen tapal the boilie torail Myung Jew easy” (I. Yesenberlin, Cspencer, b.). In translation: “Saundarya was here violent and capricious river. Shore her overgrown with tall thickets of reeds, the wall stood the riparian forest that grew elm and dense thickets" (I. Yesenberlin. Nomads, S. 108). Interesting is the admission hyperbole comparison when replacing the target language. So, in the Kazakh language the Mongols like a handful of salt thrown into the river. Cf. "Kazakh gerne Alan moon basinscale San gainan ISD brunda-AK AZ-tn. Scan HOLAP Alan gerne TRT of balasana TRT Lys blende, Mool scene risesun he canadan bar Bergen TRT myn scar the finally APR bar. Mool nayantara Yes, a Shelek sua salinan the musical us tsdi Ali Kazak, arasina CRP, briolat any tln, DNN Alyp, sder de Kazak, polyp cited" (I. Yesenberlin, Cspencer, b.). In translation: "the Mongol invaders who seized the Kazakh lands were laconic. One-on-one had them in relation to the indigenous inhabitants of the steppes of Desht-and-Kipchak, and they quickly disappeared into the mass, as a handful of salt thrown into the river" (I. Yesenberlin. Nomads, S. 22) To transfer comparison in translation can be used, according to Antikine A. M., single metaphor, often genitive, metaphorization member which is the first vertex of the comparison, metaboliziruemami - second [genticin, 1982], for example: Alasses AZ Kara KS ajnadayn, Jurecka ICTY tip salad sayin.
Look in the mirror eyes dear Turns heart - will not himself
When using this method, the translator converts the comparison, replacing it periphrastic. Replace the original comparison can be performed by selecting functionally-equivalent comparison in the target language. The most successful replacement within generalization, concretization. The total core image remains unchanged, cf.: Zurek - TES, izti br - ASYL TAS Sol izzys mode Zhurek Almas.
Heart - sea, where joy - of-pearl Select them and will fade shore (M Taranovsky)
Receiving selection denotation equivalents in the target language. The essence of the method is that the national dyed comparison should be done, keeping the image comparison. When transferring comparison to another language, you must save the image In the structure of the comparison, selecting the corresponding names of denotata, concepts, which explains the subject of the comparison, for example: national-colored specific, do not have Parallels in language translation tools to translate literally, while maintaining a sense of brevity, imagery (arattai Koz - eyes like currants; say TSTA jariyan Sulu - beauty, like the midday sun, our ASDI tsvetelin as migratory birds), and so on Receiving descriptive translation.
The essence of this method consists in the destruction of the original comparison and replacing it in the language of the periphrastic translation, descriptive expressions, for example: "Belajar jowar Betty the created itty" (I. Yesenberlin, Kostandin, 80B.). In translation: "Full of gloomy thoughts, returned to bet Khan Abulkhair, and his eyes flashed lightning" (I. Yesenberlin. Nomads, S. 57). In the given case, there is only the logical content of the comparison, although it is necessary to pay attention to the replacement of the metaphor (lightning). In the process of descriptive translation comparisons translators can resort to inserting comparison, missing in the original, for example: "Belajar arinna bi butylamine alday gainda Otyrar Sulu mrty INEC pins galas anjani TS su Garage Koz iiin augarde" (I. Yesenberlin, Kostandin, b.). In translation "sat Motionless ahead of their Argunov handsome man with a black moustache Janibek and square, like a granite rock, Kerey. As cold sharp daggers were their faces" (I. Yesenberlin. Nomads, S. 27). In this case, the translator is not only added to the text of the new translation comparison, but had forwarded the comparison relating only to Carey. It is noteworthy that in this way the comparison is more consistent with the situation described in the novel. Thus, the analysis techniques of translation comparisons shows that in the process of transmission from the source to the target language you want to save the national specifics of the image, focusing on how the lexical expression of the image and grammatical making comparisons (element m).
Table No. 6 - Specificity of the expression element In comparisons of different languages
Thematic groupaverage element In comparisons Kazakh yazykovedenie element In comparisons Russian jazyka"Man", "Adam"family ties: how svekrovi as mother-in-law, as the bride, the bridegroom, as father, as mother age: as a child, as a child, as a woman, as the old man physical condition: as deaf as dumb as blind social membership: like a gentleman, like a thief, as a guest body part: as a finger, as a thorn in lasukalns, kiln, Aiel, jenő, ATA, GE, er, Erkek
Бала, кыз, бозбала, жiгiт, кемпiр, шал 2. Орудия, при- надлежности труда Дым коромыслом, как клещами вытаскивать, как шило из мешка, грудь колесом и др. Бiз, мойынагаш, күрек, балта 3.Предметы быта, домаш-него обихода.Как самовар, как печь, как в бане, как на салазках, как блин, как сыр в масле, руки кренделем, как тертый калач, Аркан, жiп, шелек, саба, астау, кiлем, макпал, киiз, тускиiз, киiз уй т.б. 4. Домашние животные. Как корова, как кляча, как сивый мерин, как коза, как крыса, как кошка, как свинья, как боров, как мышка. Ат, жылкы, қой, тай, тулпар, бота, туйе, нар, бұқа, қозы, тайынша, сиыр, шошқа, мысық, ит. 5. Домашняя птица. Как курица, как петух, как голубь, как уткатауық.6. Дикая птица. Как сорока, как сова, как коршун, как орел, как журавль, как лебедь и др. Кыран, сұнқар, каршыга, лашын, буркiт, ительгi, аққу, қаз, тоты, булбул, торғай. 7. Дикие животные, пресмы- кающиеся, рыбы. Как волк, как слон, как зебра, как змея, как рыба, как рак, как жаба, как рак в решете, как медведь. Қасқыр, арыстан, жолбарыс, аю, құлан, бөкен, арқар, теке, жылан, буйi, шаян, құрт, құмырсқа, балық, бақа. 8. Насекомые. Как мухи, как тараканы, как блохи, как саранча, как жуки, бабочка. Шыбын, кобелек. 9. Природа, стихийные явления. Как огонь, как море, как гора, как небо и земля, как черная туча, гром, молния, ветер, ночь, день, звезды, горы. Булт, найзагай, жел, дауыл, тун, кун, жұлдыз, тау, шөл, дария, теңiз. 10. Растительный мир. Как лен, как свекла, как вишня, как тополь, как липку и др. Тары, ағаш, шөп, жапырақ. 11. Вещества и их качества. Как железо, как сталь, как стекло, как дерево, как серебро, как вакса, как янтарь, как рубин и др. Тас, темiр, алтын, кумiс. 12. Предметы церковного обихода, религиозные и суеверные представления. Как в церкви, как икона, как у Христа за пазухой, как ладан, как демон, как ведьма, как в воду смотрел. Акырзаман, иман, перiште, қор қызы, сайтан, перi.
Ball, Kyz, bozbora, event, Kemper, EAS 2. Guns, accessory work a topsy-turvy as tongs to pull out, as the awl out of the bag, the chest and other BIZ, mayinga, crack, Balta 3.Household items, home-use.As samovar, as an oven, as in the bath, as on a sled as a pancake, like cheese in butter, hand pretzel as grated roll, Arkan, JP, Shelek, Saba, astou, Clem, Makpal, CIS, tuskys, CIS UY T. B. 4. Pet fee. As the cow, as nag as grey gelding, like a goat, like a rat, like a cat, like a pig, as a hog, as a mouse. At zylka, OI, tai, Tulpar, bot, tuye, Nar, BA, Kozy, Taiynsha, sier, Sosa, MISI it. 5. Poultry. As the hen as the rooster, a dove, as otkatu.6. Wild bird. As forty, like an owl, like a kite, like an eagle, like a crane or a Swan, and other Kyran, sonar, karchiga, Lashin, burst, itellg, Akku, AZ, toty, Bulbul, tori. 7. Wild animals, presly - penitent, fish. As a wolf, like an elephant, like a Zebra, like a snake, like a fish, like a cancer, like a toad, as cancer in a sieve, as the bear. User, Arystan, zholbarys, Ayu, ln, BCEN, Arar, Teke, jylan, buy, Shayan, RT, moyra, Bali, BAA. 8. The insects. Like flies, like cockroaches, like fleas, like locusts, like beetles, butterfly. Shibin, male. 9. Nature, natural phenomena. Like fire, like the sea, like a mountain, as heaven and earth, like a dark cloud, thunder, lightning, wind, night, day, the stars, the mountains. Bolt, nisaki, VC, dauyl, Tong, kun, Zhuldyz, Tau, SL, Darius, TES. 10. The vegetable world. As flax, beet red as cherry as poplar as sticky and other Containers, AAS, SP, japara. 11. Substances and their qualities. The iron, like steel, like glass, like a tree, as silver as the wax as amber, as Rubin and other TAS, Temir, Altyn, Kums. 12. Ecclesiastical objects, religious and superstitious ideas. As in the Church, as icon, as in Christ's bosom, as incense, as a demon, as a witch, as in water looked. Certamen, Iman, persta, or ISI, on, per.
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Fig. 30 - the Basic techniques of translation comparisons
14.2.2. Examples Example No. 1. National comparisons Csen inalbum, botany CSHA mlgreen, - Ded Re BRN GUP-shiip (D. Belew. Ain Armani). Myung s, SR, zerek amazpn-AU damn, me estrem, TSA oimai, euimin otin-otin itip orelup, CIS ayira today telmap Barep itatin detm bar (So Aktanov. Sara snresn). Spinning like a squirrel in a wheel. Poor as a Church rat. How about the wall pea. Worn as a hen with one chicken.
Example No. 2. The method of using semantic counterpart in the translation comparisons AK cilek kigen Saymanl AI Nariman sailship, Bruce APPA saala, Bruce AUA caidi (C. Elubay. AK Bose y). And yet his thoughts returned to Skipjam. She appeared before him in a white dress, walking forward, cleaving asunder of the night darkness. No, it's not Jamal, this is the white Swan flies over the black world (S. of Lobaev. Lonely Yurt).
1 4.3.Reference submodule. Reference frames. "Glossary". List of basic and additional literature". "Reference sites". 14.3.1. Glossary The comparison is shaped tool that has a logical structure, but the language form used to shape the characteristics and knowledge of reality through its comparison with other on the basis of any characteristics that form the basis of comparison. Structure comparison - comparative structure, comprising logic elements: 1) a concept that requires explanation; 2) a concept that serves to explain; 3) a third value when the two compared concepts. Language figurative comparison is shaped tool that is different from the logical by several factors: 1) the maps are not the subject with the object, and the individual subject with the concept; 2) members of figurative comparisons are "objects" heterogeneous, which leads to "imagery" comparison. Language the national comparison is shaped tool is formed as a result of languagefiles thinking ethnic groups, establishing shaped Association between heterogeneous objects, phenomena belonging to different classes.
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