Key readings Abisheva K. M. Comparison - social components of language as an ethnic marker and the problem of adequate transfer of support funds //Components structure of the Russian language and its teaching methodology. - Arkalyk, 1997. Bagaeva E. A. Towards comparative studies of linguistic means of expression comparison in German and Kazakh languages //Functional-semantic aspect of the study of linguistic units. - Alma-ATA, 1992. Kunin A. C. Sustainable case comparison in Russian and in English (the experience of a comparative analysis of the Russian language abroad, 1969, No. 3. Oholiav C. M. Sustainable comparison, in the system of Russian phraseology. - L.: Publishing house of Leningrad.University, 1978. Kadyrov because of Structural-semantic nature of the comparison in the Kazakh language. - Alma-ATA: Mektep, 1985.
Further reading Bally W. French style. - M., 1960. Genticin A. M. Figurative comparison in the Kazakh language and the ways of its translation into Russian and English languages (based on translations of the poetry of Abai Kunanbaev in English and Russian) //proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, 1982, No. 1. Kondakov N. And. Logical dictionary.- M., 1971. Margaryan E. C. Cultural tradition and the problem of differentiation of its General and local manifestations //Methodological problems of the study of ethnic cultures. - Yerevan, 1978. Maslova Century A. Cognitive linguistics - Mn.: Tetrasystems, 2005. Potebnya, A. A. From the notes on the theory of literature. Aesthetics and poetics. - M: in "Art", 1976. Webelieve, E. Language as a means of access to the processes of cognition //Bulletin of Kasmu. Philological series, No. 6(96), 2006. Kourou So Tracy taeuber Kazakh language. - Almaty: "Arys" baspasy, 2007.
1 4.3.3. Informational sites
uz-Translators: For translators
14.4. Control training submodule. Operating personnel. "Job". "Exercises". 14.4.1. Job Tasks for independent work of students (IWS) Write a report on the theme "national specificity comparison. Write a report on "Methods of translation comparisons of OIA five".
Tasks for independent work of students under the supervision of a teacher (SRSP) Note from the book S. Maugham "the Moon and sixpence" 10 comparisons in original and translation, and define the methods of translation comparisons. Analyze the statement Century. I. Barton that comparison and metaphor can be used in cognitive (heuristic) function, that is, "as a form of reflection of the most common properties and relationships of objective reality", "as a means of cognition of the same properties and relations" (Barton C. I. Comparison as a means of knowledge. M., 1978, 48) and draw conclusions about the cognitive nature of the comparison. Determine what the error is a "false analogy" in the statement: "the War for a country like physical exercise for man". In the following examples, locate, compare, translate it into English Ira - cunning as a Fox, Ira - sly Fox. Define thematic group member expression In the Russian language, write them in a column and set their national identity: a piece of cake, as bitter radish, as the wall peas, fit as a fiddle as cabbage, mushrooms, wet cock as chicken in the soup, like water on a duck, like a hen with an egg, as the grey gelding, like a bull, like a rabbit as a pancake, as kvashna, as on a furnace, as a canvas, as copper samovar, as a log, in an oblique fathom, in three boxes (to tell) and other Write down 10 comparisons of the compositions of the original and compare them in translation. Identify the techniques of translation comparisons. Compare between methods grammar comparisons in Russian and in English languages and make a table to show the matching results.
14.4.2. Exercises Exercise # 1. The Reveiw comparison of the source language and identify the transfer comparison in Russian and English languages. Soyinka - So called Nara for his black and power - obediently stepped back, sweeping the ground hanging from the legs long hair (C. Dosanov. Second life).
Exercise No. 2. Check whether there is semanticeskaja transformation in the translation of OIA five. Write down five comparisons of works "the Way of Abai" and translate them into Russian and English languages. Only you mustn't think I'm different don't mean that lived, they say, life is short, like a flower, and love does not have tasted that the berry not started (n Gasanov. Second life).
Exercise # 3. Compare, comparison of OIA and five-and identify whether the omission of the original comparison in five. AK ARIMA stndig Akku ISDN KZN Ala Alma, AirCap Alan Asym (D. Dosanov. Ech life). Hood, brown, black, narrow eyes (C. Dosanov. Second life).
Exercise # 4. Identify the basic codes of culture, used to form images of comparisons.
14.5. Control submodule. Control and personnel training. Questions and answers on them. "Tests for intermediate control". 14.5.1. Questions and answers on them
What is the difference image from the logical comparison? What is the national specificity comparison? What methods of translation comparisons native language you can call? What is the method of replacing the original comparison? What is the method of selecting the functional equivalent? What kind of translation errors occur during the transmission of the comparisons of the source language to the target language?
Answer options. Answer button. 1A. If the logical comparison is one of the methods of cognition that figurative comparison is taking the scenic characteristics of the object of thought through its comparison with heterogeneous concept, the subject of Dane B. Logical comparison is used to compare objects to each other, arranged for assimilation of heterogeneous predetemined. 2A. The national specificity of the comparison is that the image (b), and associations related to heterogeneous items every nation, inadequate, which is associated with the convergence of objects of different classes on the basis of associative thinking ethnic groups, in different increasing substrate adhesion of various characteristics of the subjects. Yes no B. national specificity of comparison associated with the use of different codes for its expression, inadequate in different ethnic groups. Yes no 3A. Welcome replacement, semantic analogue selection equivalents in five, skipping comparison, descriptive translation. Yes no B. Replacement comparisons of OIA in five/ Yes no 4A. The method to replace the original comparison is to replace it with equivalent comparisons in five. Yes no B. Replacement synonymous of sravnenitel. 5A. The method of functional analogue consists in the selection of comparisons in five, which performs the same function as the comparison of OIA. Yes no B. Selection of equivalent comparison in five.Yes no 6A. Translation errors are the consequence of failure replacement realities in comparisons of OIA, permit comparisons. Yes no B. Incomplete transfer of figurative comparisons of the national language. Yes no 14.5.2. Tests for intermediate control on the subject 1. Comparison expresses the quality, to the same extent and characteristic of his subject, and his object? Logical Figurative Figurative language Associative National 2. Comparison has a logical structure, but its linguistic expression: 1) the topic; 2); 3) the criterion of comparison; 4) comparison Logical Figurative Figurative language Associative National 3. What components of the comparison are national specifics? Theme The way the indicator comparison Posledstviyami, binder Shape code The third comparison 4. What is the transfer of the comparisons is to destroy comparison of OIA? How to replace Receiving selection of the semantic analogue of Receiving a specification of the image comparison Receiving descriptive translation 5. What is the admission semantic transformation of the original comparison in five? Replacement In selecting the functional equivalent of the In the pass comparison of OIA In selecting the denotation equivalents in five In the semantic transformations within gipergeometricheskoi replacement generalization image comparison, specifying its 6. The following ways of expressing the elements in the source comparisons specific to any culture: big atingi Ararat, held garyp, Jitka ber. Dosym ed in-tidy eunan, life then TERENA Boylan. TASA up Bibr, Botada bosap kg. Jas ozdy mayran, Saul ngenda ayran Russian Kazakh English German French 7. For a culture characterized by the use of the following comparisons with national specifics: got ' em for life as Christ's bosom, as the watchtower, like a cockroach behind the stove, fold hands a pretzel, paddling money with a shovel, the sky is really sick Russian Kazakh English German French
15.6. Statistical submodule. The resulting frames (feedback) 14.6.1. Answers to questions Question No. 1. Detailed answer. True. Incomplete answer. Question No. 2. Detailed answer. True. Incomplete answer. Question No. 3. The full answer. Whiz! A superficial answer. Question No. 4. The full answer. True. A superficial answer. Question No. 5. Detailed answer. True. A superficial answer. Question No. 6. The full answer. True. A superficial answer.
15.6.2. Code to the tests A C B E E B A
Analysis of problems associated with the description of the categorical structure of science "Theory of translation", the definition and characterization problems "untranslatable", national-specific translation requires the formation of translation theory as a new discipline with its own categorical apparatus, as well as science, developed the theory of the adequacy of the translation. Therefore, the result of this survey, we found that: science "Theory of translation" should be institutionalized and to take its place among other disciplines, has its own categorial structure of science, the circle of the theoretical problems and issues. Its object of study is a secondary reproductive translation activities, subject to the result of this activity, as well as the translation ability of the translator. The subject of this activity - interpreter; the methodology of this science complex. It is an integrated paradigm that includes a number of General scientific principles and methods, as well as astronaute methods used in the practice of translation activities; translation is a communicative activity entity. It can be characterized as a secondary reproductive activity, as it has, first, the dynamic nature is characterized as a function of (speech activity), and secondly, as a form of activity (primary and secondary languages used in the translation process as a means of organizing translation lingualcommunicative activity); thirdly, as the substance (the way the verbalization of human experience and a transformed form of the activity of subjects of this activity). Translation can also be represented as the implementation of the dialectic processes of objectification and raspredsetevaya, as well as one of the species of the subject, as it has all the signs of activity. However, translation is also characterized as an act of intercultural communication and textual activity; the language of the translator has a more complex nature. In the structure of its highlights seven parameters (verbal-semantic, cognitive, functional, socio-cultural, professional, motivational, pragmatic). An interpreter is a bilingual identity, characterized by certain linguistic abilities and a high level of translation competence; during translation activity the subject of the translation is faced with the problem of national-specific due to the inadequacy of cultures and differences system languages, therefore, determined the components of cultures, the assimilation of which represents the difficulties described species lingualtechnik barriers and gaps; the problem of defining the translation associated with the attempt to resolve terminological disorder in this area, the vagueness in the definition of "translation". Translation is defined as purposeful, satisfying the needs of society in bilingual communication reproductive-mediating activity, actualizing during the three stages of translation activity, during which there are primary and secondary intercultural communication, implementation of specific functions, with specific actions related to the understanding and comprehension of the source text and its interpretation in the framework of the culture of the destination secondary text is a transformed life of a translator; in the translation process, the translator is faced with different kinds of translation, allocated on the basis of different criteria (the form of the spiritual and practical activity, the activity of mental mechanisms, actualizing in the translation process, the criterion of genre and stylistic varieties, linguistic criterion, the criterion of the degree of contact languages in the translation process). The basic techniques of translation can be characterized in three ways transfer: transformation, interlinears, pragmatic; the most effective model of the translation process is a cognitive-pragmatic model that allows to describe the translation in all its forms and as a secondary reproductive activity, and acts as intercultural communication and as a textual activity; translation realities causes certain difficulties still no exact classification realities (denotation and connotation), is not defined groups, the difference between the gaps. So, look at the description of realities, their types and techniques of translation into another language; difficulties in translation-related and multiple-meaning words translation, because the translation process is semantic interference associated with the divergence of the semantic structures of words in different languages. In this regard, in the work described semantic structure of polysemantic words, given its definition, identified the types of differences in the semantic structure of words of different languages, the described techniques of translation; complications occur when translating idioms. Therefore, in the comparative characteristics of phraseological units in linguistics and in perevodovedenie shown their national specificity and described the basic techniques of translation of phraseological units;
when translating synonyms also have difficulties, as a novice translator difficult to immediately find an adequate replacement words of the source language. For this he needs to have an understanding of the classifications of synonyms, types of relationships between dominant synonymous, and some members of this synonymous paradigm, know the techniques of translation synonyms. Therefore, the work focuses on comprehensive characterization of synonyms on the methods of transferring them into another language; the terminology is also associated with considerable difficulties, then that many translators do not assess for themselves the cognitive essence of the term, its properties, which causes complications in the selection of its equivalents in another language. In this regard, the paper discusses the terminology concept, described its properties set forth the basic techniques of translation terms; the most difficult is also the transfer of such stylistic means, as metaphor, metonymy, comparison. So, they characterized as a cognitive entity, identified their linguistic and cognitive nature, describes the causes of translation errors, classification of mental, metaphorical and metonymic models, describes the basic techniques of transferring them to another language. Detailed description of the main components of the categorical structure of science "the Term translated" and the focus of researchers, students on the problems of translation theory shows that this branch of science Humanities linguistics intensively developed and improved, solving actual problems of the theory of language
The tests for the first boundary control
1. What is the object of the discipline of translation theory? A) System-language, functional language, the semiotic side of the transfer; The Object is a conglomerate of items that need to be combined with the idea of translation (General laws, a systematic study of its nature, the study of the translation process, the problem of adequacy of translation, its relationship with other spiritual activities, and others); C) Posrednicheskaja translation activities in the framework of interlingual communication submitted directly (process), and indirectly, i.e., reflected in the results of the translation process); D) the Process of cross-language verbal communication; E) Secondary, reproductive mediating translation activity. 2. That is a matter of translation? A) the Process of translation activities and its results. In the Process of translation in a broad socio-cultural context; (C) the Process of identifying the entity drop-down in various aspects; D) the Original and translated texts, knowledge, and experience of the interpreter, especially the perception of the people that are targeted in the text; (E) The mediating translational activity. 3. Who is the subject of the translation industry? A) Bilingual C) The Mediator C) Otpraviteli text D) the recipient of the text E) Bilingual mediating translation activities and providing bilingual communication 4. What method is used as a methodological tool of analysis in the method of typological simultaneous comparison? (A) Component; C) Distribution; C) Contrastive-comparative; D) Method of interpreting and understanding; E) Method of transformational analysis. 5. What method is used to study the set of environments in which this element may occur? (A) Component; C) Distribution; C) Contrastive-comparative; D) Method of interpreting and understanding; E) Method of transformational analysis. 6. What is the nature of the activity translation? A) language-text activity B) creating a secondary text C) In the reproductive activity D) understanding and comprehension of the original text E) In raspredsetevaya-objectification; the transformation of the source text in the translation product of creativity 7. Why translation activity is reproductive? A) Because it creates a text in the target language B) Creates objectified text C) Because the text as the product is created in the secondary language D) Because the translator replaces the language code and encodes the text E) Because in the process of translating the source text is not transmitted verbatim, and converted 8. What is the difference between translation as intercultural communication from the normal communication? A) In the language B) In the composition of communicants C) that the interpreter has to deal with two types of texts D) In the secondary product E) three Communicants, two languages are used, objectified text is created in the target language 9. Determine how to manifest the dialectic processes of objectification and raspredsetevaya in the translation industry A) Speech (objectivation language characters) - language material (objectification) C) Language (obligatory system that contains information about the phonemes, words, phrases, sentences), it is the process of speaking and understanding the language material (the result of a process of speaking and understanding); C) Language - speech - speech activity; D) it (original text) - the perception of foreign-language text is a translation language (translation into another language) by means of another language; (E) Motive (need translation), perception (objectivation), text in one language to text in another language (objectification) 10. Determine the peculiarities of translation as an act of intercultural communication. A) K1 (speaking) →K2 (understanding)
общий язык
В) К1 (говорящий) К2 (слушающий)
общность языка
общность социо-культурного опыта
С) К1 (говорящий) К2 (слушающий)
общность языка
общность социо-культурного опыта
регулирование акта коммуникации этническими стереотипами и постулатами
D) К1 (говорящий) К2 (слушающий)
(отправитель сообщения Я2)
(получатель текста Я2)
(источник сообщения Я1)
(опосредую-щий реципиент Я1)
Е) К1 + К1 + К1 →К2
11. One among the scientists gave the following definition of text as the "activity testoobraznogo producer, directed to a specific recipient" A) T. M. Dreze C) L. C. Szczerba (C) M. M. Bakhtin D) I. R. Galperin E) T. A. van Dijk 12. What shall be the sign text expresses the relations existing between the parts? A) Connectivity C) The Structure C) Informative D) Integrity E) Modality 13. What types of texts serve two functions: function and aesthetic impact A) official lyrics B) Public-informative texts C) literary texts D) Spoken texts E) Religious texts 14. Who among scientists gave this definition of linguistic identity: "the Set of abilities and characteristics of the person behind the creation and perception of speech works (texts), which differ in: a) the degree of structural-linguistic complexity; b) the depth and accuracy of reflection of reality; C) specific target orientation"? (A) C. P. Kopecky In) Century Century Sparrows (C) Y. N. Karaulov (D) A. G. Baranov (C) M. R. Kondubaeva 15. Who among linguists gave this definition of full bilingualism: "Full bilingualism involving knowledge of both languages perfectly, extremely rare phenomenon" A) B Hasanali C) E. D. Suleimenov (C) A. E. Karlinsky D) M. K. Isaev E) M. J. Djusupov 16. What type of language personality can be attributed to the translator? A) communicative personality C) national identity C) Linguistic personality D) Bilingual person E) Professional identity 17. Who of the following types of linguistic identity is characterized by the structure parameters, such as: motivation, verbal-semantic, cognitive, pragmatic, professional, functional, socio-cultural? A) communicative personality C) national identity C) Linguistic personality D) Bilingual person E) Professional identity 18. One among the scientists talked about the fact that translation competence competence transfer? (A) Century Wills In) D. Haims (C) N. Chomsky D) A. D. Schweitzer E) Y. Naida
19. Who among scientists gave this definition of translation competence: translation proficiency in two languages (at least receptive mastery of the source language and reproductive in the target language), in which languages are mapped to each other; the ability to "translation and interpretation of the source text (i.e., to the vision of his eyes medium of another language and another culture); ownership of technology transfer (i.e., a set of procedures that provide an adequate reproduction of the original), including modifications required to successfully overcome the "cultural barrier"; the knowledge of the norms of the target language; knowledge of provisions of this style and genre of text; a certain amount of "background knowledge"necessary for an adequate interpretation of the source text, and in particular what is called the "knowledge"necessary for the successful transfer of this specialization of an interpreter. The concept of translation competence can be specific to the different types of translation and include, for example, creativity necessary for art, and in particular, poetic translation (A) Century Wills In) D. Haims (C) N. Chomsky D) A. D. Schweitzer E) Y. Naida 20. Who among researchers gave the definition of translation as dvukhfaznoi activity? A) C. N. Commissioners B) The HP Barkhudarov C) A. D. Schweitzer D) Acting Cadet E) C. C. Seals 21. What the researcher classifies translation on reason according to the operation of the mental mechanisms? A) The HP Barkhudarov B) R. K. Minyar-Belorusov C) S. C. Seals (D) S. Of Talanov E) Century Century Sdobnikov, O. C. Petrov 22. What translation theory focuses on how to have complied with the three group matches: 1) compliance equivalents; 2) compliance analogs; 3) compliance with adequate replacements A) Transformational model C) Semantic model (C) Model of natural correspondences D) Model of the levels of equivalence E) the Denotation model 23. This technique is typical of what translation theory? The interpreter interprets the source text, links language units of OIA with the relevant denotata of the world. Then, identifying the denotata, he describes them with the means of the target language, replaces the names of the respective denotata A) the Theory of natural correspondences C) the Transformational model of translation (C) the Denotation theory of translation D) a Semantic model of translation E) Model of levels of equivalence 24. What model is translated as a holistic process that takes into account communication, text-language activity entity translation process, its reproductive nature of the cognitive activity of a translator? A) the Theory of natural correspondences C) Situational-denotation model C) Denotation model D) Informative model E) Communicative activity model 25. In any translation models are possible such translation? A) I. In the process of analyzing the structure of the original is converted into nuclear structure IA II. The transfer of nuclear structures in five III. Synthesis (reverse engineering) A) a Semantic model of translation C) Transformational model C) Denotation model D) the Theory of natural correspondences E) Model of levels of equivalence 26. What kind of transfer stated in this definition: the change of components in the structure of supply A) Permutation C) Replacement (C) The Omission D) Adding E) Descriptive translation 27. What kind of technique is characterized in the following definition: "the reception, the essence of which is to reduce redundant words necessary to convey meaning in the translation language" A) Permutation C) Replacement (C) The Omission D) Adding E) Descriptive translation 28. What kind of reception it is possible to say in cases of replacement of the generic concepts in OIA species in five: A) permutation C) replacement (C) generalization D) specification E) descriptive translation 29. What technique facilitates formal pohonenom to recreate the original lexical units using phonemes translating language: A) Transliteration C) Transcription C) Antonymy translation D) Effeminacy original values E) Specification 30.What kind of technique is characterized as "the translation of the inner form of the word, its structure through the use of funds translating language? A) Transliteration C) Transcription C) Calques D) Tightening E) Generalization
The code tests the first boundary control E E E C B E C E E E C A C C B E E A D D B C C E B A C C B C
Tests for the second boundary control 1. Who among researchers gave this definition of "national form": "this is a whole system of people's thinking, reflected in the images. It is caused by a peculiarity of history, ways of life, beliefs, customs, skills, and tastes of every nation. To capture the features of the national form in another language is one of the biggest difficulties that must be overcome translator" A) R. Faizullaev C) P. (Tech (C) A. D. Shmelev D) A. Verbitskaya E) B. N. Kozlovsky 2. Who of scientists identified the national-specific components of culture, giving a complete picture of its national identity? A) A. D. Shmelev C) A. Verbitskaya (C) C. G. Ter-Minasova D) J. A. Sorokin, I. Y. Marcovina E) I. A. Sternin (Moscow) 3. In which national culture time is seen as cyclical, mythological, situational, family, environmental? A) The Russian In English C) Kazakh D) German E) Spanish 4. Who among researchers introduced the concept of "key word culture? A) A. D. Shmelev C) A. Verbitskaya (C) C. G. Ter-Minasova D) J. A. Sorokin, I. Y. Marcovina E) B. N. Kozlovsky 5. Who among researchers gave this definition of reality: words or combinations, naming objects, characteristic life (life), cultural, social and historical development of one nation and another alien (A) Century, SAC C) C. N. Telia (C) C. I. Florin, C. P. Vlahov D) A. I. Fedorov E) C. S. Vinogradov 6. Who of the following authors believed that the realities are words, no translation in the translation? (A) C. S. Vinogradov B) Century Century Vinogradov C) C. C. Sipowicz G) A. D. Schweitzer D) C. C. Vlahov, I. Florin 7. What group of onomastic words are now listed realities: Oval Cabinet, the Hill, Honest Abe A) Place Names B) Anthroponyms C) Titanime D) Zoonomy D) Hydronyms 8. What is Express the connotation realities? A) Grammatical meaning B) Lexical meaning In) Estimated value G) Denotation (subject) is
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