Fig. 20 - the Ways of translation of phraseological units m OIA five
10.2.2. Examples Example No. 1. Proper names as an indicator of martirovannoj FE as Mama passed, Ivan Nepomnyashchy, work coat, der dumme August, Maitre Jacque, Jean de Paris, ESM handy ESC Joly, Asym handy such such Joly, Kleben basinda cnde IIN.
Example No. 2. Reflection in FE lifestyle of the people Hand werk hat goldenen Boden (craft will not be lost), Beamter auf lebenzeit (official life), Berliner Weibe (Berlin beer), nicht einen Dent Anstad (have no shame, no conscience). Traditional road ESIM Khan, mount Kultobe each meeting.
Example No. 3. Reflected in the different FE models of time: Cyclic and linear (Russian and German culture): gone is the time when we were inseparable, Die zeit verrint (time goes by), die Zeit dränot (no waiting time). The Kazakh culture. Cyclic time: the year of the monkey, year of the mouse; Mythological time: ancient times, long ago days; Environmental time: morning, lunch,wintering; Family time: it was in the Vault, during the memorial Asa Sauna. Situational time: time for milking mares, the time for boiling tea, time for boiling milk.
9.3. Reference submodule. Reference frames. "Glossary". List of basic and additional literature". "Reference sites". 9.3.1. Glossary Phraseological unity is a phraseological units, the total value of which is partially motivated by the values of the components of a phraseological unit. Phraseological combinations are idioms, the components of which consist of words that are not found in free use. Phraseological fusion is such idioms that Express the overall figurative meaning, not motivated by the values of the components of a phraseological unit. Phraseological equivalents (absolute) - absolutely identical phraseology, semantics, style, lexico-grammatical forms and syntactic structure.
9.3.2. The list of basic and additional literature
Key readings
Further reading
The Buslaev F. I. About teaching Russian language.- M., 1980. SAC Century, the Theory of linguistic change., - M., 1999. Larin A. B. history of the Russian language and General linguistics (selected works).- M., 1977. Maslov, Y. C., Introduction to linguistics,a - M., 1987. Molotkov A. N. Basics phraseology of the Russian language.- M.: Nauka, 1977. Sabitova because To the question of cross-language correlation idioms in raznostoronnih languages // Vestnik Kazuma and ME, 2000, No. 1. Fedorov A. C. Fundamentals of the General theory of translation (linguistic problems).- SPb.: The philological faculty of St. Petersburg state University; M: LLC "Publishing house "Philology", 2002. Fedorov, I. A. Functional-stylistic differentiation of Russian phraseology. - Rostov, 1987. Shan N. M. The phraseology of modern Russian language.- M., 1985. Foot of MT C. H. Idiom and culture. Questions of linguistics, 1996, No. 1.
9.3.3. Informational sites
uz-Translations:for translations
9.4. Control training submodule. Operating personnel. "Job". "Exercises". 9.4.1. Job Tasks for independent work of students (IWS)
Write a report on the theme "national specific idioms. Compare the passage from the book And. yesenberlin "the Nomads", S. Maugham "the Moon" in the original language and the translation, describe how the translation of idioms. Note from the book A. Ambracia "2000 2000 Russian English idioms idioms, set phrases".- Minsk: Potpourri, 2007, 50 idioms, map their equivalents.
Tasks for independent work under the supervision of a teacher (SRSP)
Pick 10 idioms of Kazakh, Russian and English languages, compare them and determine what is their national identity? Note from the "Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language" (SPb, Polygraphology", 2006 30 idioms, arrange them in groups, separated in the classification centuries Vinogradov and N. M.Shan according to the degree of semantic match. Slide 10 idioms from Russian into Kazakh and English languages, determine the transfer. Where to cicheti, bill of sale, to take the gun, hang dogs on someone, like cranberries, the voice of one crying in the wilderness, all born in the string to RUB points makes with from the hut, to the roaring of the Beluga.
4. Compare idioms in Russian and German languages using contrastive-comparative method. Select the character connotations, determine do they match: Ein Wolf im Schlafpetz - wolf in sheep's clothing Den Bock zum Cärtner machen - to let the goat in the garden Der Hund an dem Hen - dog in the manger 5.Determine the type of phraseological units of the German language according to the degree of semantic match: Jehem den Kopf (waschen - soaping, lathering someone head); keinen Finger krummen - do not hit your finger about a finger; auf Eis legen - freeze, not to let go.
9.4.2. Exercises Exercise # 1. Copy, paste the phraseological unit, a suitable sense in this situation. Crimson...,black..., black..., black..., black...,at the distance of translation of sheep..., no light, no...the king..., Fox..., grated...if you come... For inquiries sheep, soul, market, ringing, dawn, Patrikeeva, prosperity, Peas.
Exercise No. 2. Translate idioms in Kazakh and English languages, find the absolute phraseological equivalents: OTA may u, to live like cat and dog, between two fires, time is money, gentlemen of fortune, mass culture, happy end, fair play, to be or not to be.
Exercise # 3. Translate into Russian, determine the types of phraseological units in English according to the degree of semantic match. The hole of the bublik Out of the frying pan into the fire. Swim against the current Mirtal grip The gold mountain Broad shoulders Kick the bucket at bay Kilkenny cats
Exercise # 4. Determine the method of translation of English idioms into English: The queen of the seas - vladica seas; the stream of consciousness stream of consciousness; Black and White - black and white; bad egg - a rotten egg, hot potato hot potato (sensitive issue), cash cow cash cow; to be on cloud nine to be on the ninth cloud.
9.5. Control submodule. Supervisory personnel. "Questions and answers on them." Interim tests on" 9.5.1. Questions and answers on them
Questions for self-assessment
What types of phraseological units according to the degree of semantic match highlights centuries Vinogradov? Who was the classification of phraseological units in perevodovedenie? What is the peculiarities of phraseological units? How would you describe the term "equivalence"? What types of equivalents, you know? What is the admission comes from? How do you understand the term "functional analogue"? Answer options Button otveta. three types of phraseological edinica no B. Vinogradov centuries there are three types of phraseological units: phraseological fusion, phraseological unity phraseological combinations 2A. C. S. Vinogradov Yes no B. A. D. Schweitzer Yes no 3A. The peculiarities of phraseological units is manifested in the specifics of their internal forms, phraseological image in the ability of FE to reflect reality, lifestyle, life naroda no B. national peculiarities of phraseological units is manifested in their ability to reflect the traditions, customs naroda no 4A. IFF is available in five absolutely similar in semantics, style belonging to the structure of the phraseological units of Iyad no B. Equivalence is a complete coincidence FE OIA and Page no 5A. Absolute equivalents, partial equivalents, full phraseological equivalents Yes no B. Full equivalents Yes no 6A. Phraseological calques are perevoda no B. Phraseological calques is the translation of the inner form and structure of foreign idioms using the original units ASYCUDA no 7A. Functional analogue is a selection of idioms in the target language, performs the same function as in the Iyad no B. Functional analog is selection of similar idioms in Page no
9.5.2. Tests for intermediate control on the subject 1. this definition refers to what type of phraseological units according to the degree of semantic match:... this phraseological units, the holistic way, which is not the sum of the values of the components? Phraseological unity Phraseological fusion Phraseological combinations Phraseological expression Phraseological predicative expressions 2. Who among scientists was the classification of phraseological units in perevodovedenie? Century Century Vinogradov C. S. Vinogradov A. D. Schweitzer M. M. Kopylenko C. N. Commissioners 3. What type of phraseological units according to the translation of classification include the following idioms: wolves fear no walk in the forest, Curious Varvara at the Bazaar nose was torn off, to get as chickens in Osip? Lexical idioms Verbal idioms Comparative phraseological units Predicative idioms Noun idioms 4. What reception of the translation of phraseological units used in this case translation: to have a skeleton in the cupboard (closed) - to have a personal family secrets, hidden from outsiders Phraseological calques Functional phraseological similar Descriptive translation Translation using absolute equivalents Translation using a relative partial equivalents 5. What method of translating phraseological units used in this case: the sword of Damocles (sword of Damocles), to start business from startch (start from scratch)? Translation using a functional phraseological analogues Descriptive translation Phraseological calques Translation using absolute equivalents Translation using a relative partial equivalents 6. What method of translation of the idioms used in this case: tooth and nail - sleeves rolled up, it's raining cats and dogs - rain buckets of it? Translation using a functional phraseological analogues Descriptive translation Phraseological calques Translation using absolute equivalents Translation using a relative partial equivalents 7. What method of translation of the idioms used in this case to call the bluff - mcellen abiraman OU, to search for the afternoon with fire - sham arily zdeu, free bird - Erkin Kus? Phraseological calques Functional phraseological similar Descriptive translation Translation using absolute equivalents Translation using a relative partial equivalents
9.6. Statistical submodule. The resulting frames (feedback) 9.6.1. Answers to questions Question No. 1. Incomplete answer. Detailed answer. True. Question No. 2. The right answer. Well done! The wrong answer. Question No. 3. Detailed answer. True. A superficial answer. Wrong. Question No. 4. The full answer. True. The wrong answer.
Question No. 5. The right answer. Whiz! A superficial answer. Question No. 6. Wrong. Detailed answer. Correctly. Question No. 7. Detailed answer. True. A superficial answer.
10.6.2. Code to the tests B B D C E
Case module No. 10.The problem of translation synonyms 10.1. Theoretical submodule. Theory. Information frames
10.1.1. Classification of synonyms Translation synonyms - words with similar meaning but different in sound, causes particular difficulty, as a novice translator does not always accurately can find an adequate source word replacement in the target language appropriate to a particular situation. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account differences in the meanings of the words-synonyms, their expressive characteristics and style accessory. In this regard, it should be an accurate representation of the synonyms, their types, methods of correlation between them in synonymic rows. The definition of synonyms in the literature causes difficulties, because there are several viewpoints on the definition of synonyms. The most common definition can be divided into two groups: 1) semantic direction; 2) structural direction. Semantic direction characterized by the presence of three main subgroups definitions synonyms: 1) denotation, i.e., the object or phenomenon; 2) concepts; 3) values. Criterion denotation community as a condition of synonymical was nominated a number of such scientists as A. I. Galic, S. I. Abakumov, F. N. The Buslaev, A. A. Reformed, C. N. Klyuev, V. A. Sirotina. So, C. N. Klyuyev understands synonyms as "word-concept that reflects the essence of one and the same phenomena of objective reality, but different additional shades of meaning, and serving not only to substitute for each other, much to clarify thoughts and our attitude toward the suggestion" [Klyuyev, 1961]. The second group of criteria synonymical nominate the proximity of the concepts. In this case understood as synonyms of the word "different, but similar in value expressing the same concept [Bragin, 1981, 3]. The third semantic direction in the definition of synonyms criterion of synonymical recognizes the proximity of the meanings of the words and considers synonyms for words that are "identical or very close in meaning" [the Dictionary of synonyms, 1975, 7]. Representatives of the business areas in identifying synonyms come from the criterion of interchangeability. According to G. P. Golovanova, interchangeability is recognized criterion of synonymical. Interchangeability when establishing synonymic relations between words is understood as "the ability, on the one hand, semantic replacement coming in synonymic relations of words, as the possibility of using one word instead of another based on their semantic proximity, and the use of them in the same or similar nature of lexical compatibility contexts" [Golovanova, 1972, 113].
The analysis of different points of view on the nature of the synonym shows that the presence of the lexical structure of the language of an extensive system of different words, different meaning, expressive and stylistic nuances, leads to understanding the vicinity of the meanings of the words are not always the same as the researchers. However, most scholars recognize that the sameness or equivalence of the concepts assigned to the different words, the closeness of their values and interchangeability are the main criteria in the definition of synonymous words as a special lexical phenomena that distinguish it from other phenomena of lexical system of the language. In the definition of synonyms, this A. P. Eugenieva, indicates that synonyms should be considered only those words that relate to each other in their use and significance [Evgenyeva, 1964, 10]. The right is also recognized this definition synonyms: Synonyms for the words that are close or identical in meaning, denoting the same concept, but different from each other, or shades of meaning or stylistic colouring, or both signs" [Evgenyeva, 1964, 10]. As you can see, synonyms have regular identity values, way vzaimozamenjat each other. Therefore, under the synonyms we understand words denoting the same concept, similar in meaning, is capable vzaimozamenjat each other, differ from each other connotations and field use. Classification, synonyms, hierarchical and raznoaspektnyh. In the main, the most common types can be selected lexical, grammatical (morphological), syntactic [Polovnikova, 1981]. Lexical synonyms are words that are included in the series are United by affinity or identity values, the equivalence of concepts, for example: flood - the flood, the conclusion - the conclusion - the conclusion, summary. Lexical synonyms depending on the nature of the differences can be divided into three types:
1) synonyms, distinguished intellectual, semantic content (absolute synonyms or doublets), for example, doctor - doctor, linguistics - linguistics; 2) synonyms, different formal structure. Synonymous with semantic and expressive values. Synonymous with semantic differences, called semantic or ideographic. They differ from other shades of meaning, for example: loud deafening, cold ice, brave, brave. Conceptual synonyms to Express the shades of the same concepts, for example: smile-smirk, to work, to sit, to walk, to wander. Expressive synonyms can be the subject-shaped (year - Godin, forehead - forehead, to die - to die) and emotionally-fold differences (horse, nag, build - to rise). 2) Synonymous with the formal differences may be proper lexical, for example, courage is courage; lexico-slovoobrazovatel-tion (the old man, the lazy sloth, illiterate - ignorant), lexico-phonetic, for example, a wardrobe closet, and other 3) Synonymous with relational differences are stylistic synonyms. They differ in the sphere of usage and stylistic features, for example: message (common) - report (official); sleep (common) - sleep (spoken vernacular); genre, for example, a person (observatron.)- face (book.). Morphological synonyms are synonyms, different forms of words: people to people, silent, hostile - to be at loggerheads. Syntactic synonyms are correlated with each other (i.e., expressing the same idea) design, for example: a Mother asked her son to buy bread and the Mother asked her son, so he bought bread.
Synonyms are included in the synonymic series, incorporating words close in meaning, calling the same concept, but different shades of meaning and use. A. A. Bragin defines a synonymic row: "So highlights the differentiating role of synonyms, stands out not only in General is synonymous words, but even more important distinctive characteristics of each of the synonyms. Shades of meaning influenced by different combinations, different syntagmatic synonyms. Synonymic line - a kind of bridge between the world of cognitive concepts and the world of words, reflecting the process of cognition" [Bragin, 1981, 6]. In synonymic row the total value actualizes the dominant (main word synonymous row), and private values - the members of this series. In this series of words connected by identity or limit the generality of lexical meanings and are raznoraznim differential characteristics (shades of meaning, the field of use, emotional-expressive properties). In paradigmatic terms, the main characteristic of synonyms is a relationship of shared and private, based on correlation relationships, representing the correlation of words as distinctive members of the identity on a variety of grounds. The internal structure of the Microsystem - synonymic series is conceived as a sequence of elements with gradually decreasing relationship with respect to the reference value. Each element of a sequence is associated with a common element (the leading synonym-dominant), which represents the base of this group of elements and from which other elements are trait. The communication system synonymic rows represent the number of which in relation to certain groups kollektivnyh elements acts as consisting of similar items that are in the same sequence and mutually overlapping [Abisheva, 2000, 224]. In these series of different names associated or General concept, forming a number of synonymous names. Organising centre synonymic series is dominant, the word, which is common to all members of the synonymic series is expressed most clearly.
10.1.2 Techniques of translation synonyms The main transfer synonyms are replacement, selection of the functional equivalent, the translation member Hypo-gipertonicheskoj paradigm - synonymic row - generalization or specification. Welcome replacement of synonyms of the source language synonyms in the target language is implemented in the case, if these languages have synonyms that correspond to each other ideographic and stylistic and expressive characteristics, for example, synonyms of the Russian language: face, face, face, face, face do not always find a match in the Kazakh language. In the dictionary of synonyms of the Kazakh language C. measures taken by mr.bizakov "Synonymer Kazakh language" [Almaty, 2007] we find the following synonyms: Beth lit, Beth Bane, Beth is, Beth PSN, Keskin - calbet, Keskin - cap, Tr - TS, rat [Bishow, 2007, 139]. Stylistic synonyms "muzzle", "face" is transferred neutral synonyms, which reduces their expressive-shaped and emotionally-shaped shades of meaning. Selection of functional analogue - receiving selection of an adequate synonym in the target language that performs the same functions as are performed synonym in the source language, for example, the synonyms in synonymic row muddler, cap, hat, dilatory, rasaraja transmitted in the Kazakh language using functional analogues: barefoot, balbir, Bosa, mngas, maupas, Bolger, Bosal, bostow. Welcome generalization or specification of the value of the synonym is used in cases when instead of the word dominant, the main word synonymous number are members of this series, antonyms, expressing specific values, for example, "the rose" - the synonymic dominant in the series. Rose is a generic word and includes in its scope species the name of the rose: Alpenrose ("Alpine"), Apfelrose ("Apple"), Bengalrose ("Chinese"), Dornrose ("dog"), Duftrose ("elliptic leaf"), Essigrose ("French"), Heidenrose ("steppe"), Kohlrose ("Provencal"), Teerose ("tea") and other These words are synonymous with each other. This is a welcome clarification. Generalization synonymous values is carried out in cases of replacement of species concepts clan rose. Thus, in the process of translation synonyms should focus on the types of synonyms, their functions, their stylistic characteristics, in order to achieve an adequate translation. It is also necessary to consider the nature of relationships between dominant number of synonymous and members of the series, keeping these relationships in the target language.
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