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Classification of vowels according to the stability of articulation

Intonation. Sentence stress.


Classification of vowels according to the principle of tongue position

Classification of vowels according to the principle of tongue position

Moving up and down in the mouth various parts of the tongue may be raised to different height towards roof of the mouth.

When the front or the back of the tongue is raised high towards the plate the vowel is called close. [i:, i, u, u:]

When the highest part of the tongue occupies the position intermediate between the close and the open one mid vowels are pronounced. [e, ^, ʒ:, ә]

When the front or the back of the tongue is as low as possible in the mouth open vowels are pronounced. [ᵆ, a:, Ͻ, Ͻ:]

Answer: Sentence stress is a greater prominence with which one or more words are in a sentence are pronounced as compared with the other words according to their informational (semantic) importance.

Sentence stress can also be subdivided as to its function into syntagmatic stress, syntactic stress and logical stress.

Sentence stress
In any sentence, some words carry a stress. These are the ‘strong’ or ‘lexical’ words (usually nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs). The remaining words are ‘ grammatical ’ words and are unstressed or ‘ weak ’ (conjunctions, pronouns, prepositions, auxiliaries, articles).

‘It’s the worst thing that you could do

2. Make the phonetic analysis of the following words:

Craters [kreitәs] 7 lett, 2 syll, 4 cons, 3 vowels, voiceless:k,t,s, son:r, acc to manner of art: occlusive stop:k, t, constrictive fric:s, constrictive son:r, acc to place of art: interdental:s, alveolar:t, velar:k.

Geologist [dзiolәdзist] 9 lett, 3 syll, 5 cons, 4 vowels, voiced: dз, voiceless:s,t, son:l, acc to manner of art: occlusive constrictive: dз, occlusive stop:t, constrictive fric:s, constrictive son:l, acc to place of art: alveolar:t, interdental:s,l, palate alveolar: dз

Geneticist [dзәnetisist]10 lett, 2 syll, 4 vowels, 6 cons, voiced: dз, son:n, voiceless:s,s,t,t, acc to manner of ar: occlusive stops:t, occlusive constrictive: dз, occlusive son:n, constrive fric:s, acc to place of art: interdental:n,s,alveolar:t, palate alveolar: dз

Stability of articulation. Vowels are grouped into 3 groups: Monophthongs, diphthongs, diphthongoids.

Monophthongs are vowels the articulation of which is almost unchanging: [i,e, ᵆ, a:, Ͻ, Ͻ:, u, ^, З:, Ә]

In the pronunciation of diphthongs the organs of speech glide from one vowel position to another within one syllable:[ ei, ai, Ͻi, au, зu, iә, έә, uә]

In the pronunciation of diphthongoids the articulation is slightly changing but the difference between the starting point and the end is not so distinct as it is in the case of diphthongs. [i:, u:]

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