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Name and expand the main ideas and principles of non-classical science.

Expand the paradigm of classical science.

Formulate and expand the main ideas and principles of classical science.

Basic principles of classical science:

1) Fundamentalism;

2) Elementarizm (the name of any atomistic line item as which affirms that the difficult phenomena can be understood only by the analysis of the elementary elements constituting them.);

3) A determinism (Laplace, the determinism rejected existence of accident in the nature);

4) Monizm (single theory, Principle of unity of laws of the terrestrial and heavenly worlds);

5) A reductionism (to mechanics, the highest forms can be completely explained on the basis of the regularities peculiar to the lowest forms);

6) Naturalism (it is pantheism ("all + God" - God in everything) + deism (recognition of God as No. 1). (recognitions of objective existence of the nature which is controlled natural laws)

7) Finalizm (final) is aspiration to final, complete and true knowledge.



Paradigm of classical science:

1) Ontology – a view of the world

Heliocentricism (Copernicus's opening); The Principle of matter is a substance; Fundamental laws mechanical; Determinism; Evklidova space geometry.

2) Gnoseology:

The subject is contrasted with an object; Unambiguity of the truth; Verification of an experiment; The Ideal of knowledge is a mechanics.

3) Methodology:

All empirical methods (observation, comparison, measurement, experiment); The Mathematical analysis is a paradigm of rationality; Induction (Bacon), deduction (Descartes); Modelling.



The nonclassical science arose during revolution of natural sciences and crisis of physics. It was crisis of a mechanical picture of the world (the integrated image of science).

1) Crisis of a concept of mother (matter) → impermeability, permanency and neunichtozhayemost

The theory of the field (Maxwell) is created;

• Becquerelbeamsopen;

• X-rays;

• Radioactivity (Curie).

• Thomsonopensanelectron

2) Openingofcorpuscularwavedualism

• principle of uncertainty of Heisenberg;

• Principle of a complementarity of Bohr.

3) Attributive concept of matter of space and world (special and general theory of relativity Einstein).

1. Assessment of a role of the subject and means (devices) of knowledge (the objectivism of classical science is rejected, representation of reality as something not depending on means of its knowledge, a subjective factor is rejected.);

2. Pluralism (plurality of the truth);

3. Relativism (idea of a natural limit of values, both sizes, and methods of their fixing. The relativism isn'tgnoseological anarchism, denial of obligatory informative regulations, objective criteria of knowledge; it doesn't exclude recognition of the absolutes - laws of mastering of concreteness.);

4. Nonlinearity – (the idea of a constructive role of the accident determining formation of new forms in an unstable form through fluctuations, to the new evolutionary changes of objects and processes giving rise);

5. A complementarity (the characteristic of conscious use in researches (observation, the description) of groups of mutually exclusive concepts);

6. Probabilistic nature of knowledge (except dynamic laws there are probabilistically statistical);

7. Presentation loss (Knowledge of transaction, responsible for growth, are determined not by generalization of factors, and the matematization excluding initial, substantial, conceptual clarity which in classical sciences precedes understanding of mathematical structures.).



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