1. Ivin A.A. Understanding and values - logical structure of understanding // Questions of philosophy, 1986, No. 9. 2. Thevagina FORCE TOWARDS a typology of methods component analysis Applied aspects of linguistics. - M., 1989. 3. Kuznetsov A. M. Problems of component analysis in the vocabulary. - M., 1980. 4. Nysanbaeva D.A. Subject-action Genesis of language // proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, 1991, No. 10. 5. Sabitova M.L. TO the question of cross-language correlation idioms in raznostoronnih languages // Vestnik Kazumasa, 2000, No. 1. 6. Suleimenov ED Kazakh and Russian languages. The basics of contrastive linguistics. - Almaty: Demeu, 1996. 7. DMITRY Shmelev. The problem of semantic lexical analysis. - M., 1973. 8. Gadamer H. Klеine schriften. - Tubingen, 1967. 9. Dilthey W. Gesmmelte schriften. Bd.VII. - Stuttgart - Gottingen, 1968.
2.3.3. Reference and informational sites Lantra - L (http:www.geocities.com/Athens/7110/lantra.htm.) http://dmoz.org
2 .4 Control training submodule. Operating personnel. "Job". "Exercises".
2.4.1. Tasks for independent work of students (IWS)
1. Describe communicative and active nature of language. For more details, review the D.A. Nysanbaeva "Subject-action Genesis of language" published in the journal "proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR", 1991 no 10. 2. Write the definition of contrastive linguistics from the book AT Suleymenova "Kazakh and Russian languages. The basics of contrastive linguistics". - Almaty: Demeu, 1996.
Tasks for independent work under the guidance of a teacher (SRSP)
1. According to the position that said-thinking, secondary to mental activity, reproductive activity of the translator has three sides: 1) communication as a form of life translator (function); 2) a means of understanding and translation from a source language into a target language (primary and secondary languages as a means of understanding, interpretation and translation); 3) as a way of verbalizing the human experience (original and translated texts), how do you explain the action activity and anthropocentric principles in the process of translation activities? Make a chart of the interaction activity, anthropocentric and cognitive principles in translation. 2. Using the methodology contrastive-comparative analysis, a set of universal elements and categories of contrast in Russian and Kazakh, Russian and English languages. 3. Map phraseological equivalents in Russian and English languages, determine their types, the degree of equivalence white spot is blank spot side by side - side by side to be the master of its fate - be one's own master away, home is best - there is no place like home air castles - castles in spin to live like a cat with a dog - lead a cat and dog face to face - face to face lucky - good fortune like a yardstick swallowed - bolt upright powerful - high and mighties good riddance - good riddance 4. Using the method of component analysis, compare the composition of words AK, white, white in Kazakh, Russian and English languages.
1. Transform nuclear supply source of the Kazakh language Myung, euderma blind oimen and turn them into transformation of passivization, substantively, transformation introduction, transformation of srovnatelnosti, the transformation of woodnote, the transformation of the question sequence, etc. in the target language (Russian and English). 2. Segment of the source text, using the methodology proposed R.K. minyar-Belarusian. Translate it to English, decoding the symbols and conventional signs. Compare the original text and the translated text.
The original text
The text in the target language Soon diversity among herds were seen private Yurt. It was clear that the nomads were desales straight rows and arrived to the place at the same time: all villages have already installed kerege and now brought dome Yurt from long uyk, painted in bright red and visible from afar. Then they began to throw rug and all is calm green sea was covered with white domes. Soon in the heart of the villages rose vismistananda Large Yurt Ulzhan are buried. Barely finished its installation, as in all other villages began to appear their Large Yurt. All the Parking is located from akshoky no further than the length of run of the snow. While Ospan and his companions down to the village from the hill, got to the Parking lot Ulzhan are buried, installation Yurt ended everywhere. Fifteen villages, grew up in a deserted valley, immediately enlivened her, was filled with noise and movement. Not stopping at the Big Yurt, the brothers went straight to the funeral aul of Tatiana, located next to the Parking lot Ulzhan are buried. (Moutou. The path of Abai, s).
2.4.2. Exercises Exercise # 1: Read excerpts from D. Austen's "Mansfield Park" and interpret it on four levels hermeneutic interpretation (grammatical, stylistic, historical, subjective linguistic): But why go to the crew Crawford or in the crew? "said Edmund. Why not take advantage of Mama's Phaeton? When the days first started talking about this trip, I could not understand why not to go in the carriage, if we are talking about a family visit. How? "cried Julia. - This weather to be three in a closed carriage, when you can sit in the cab" (Doten. sobrac, Vol.2, s).
The exercise No. 2: Using the method of the transformational analysis convert the proposal carpenters built a large house owner on the edge of the forest of the source language in the target language. Convert nuclear proposals in the transformation of the question sequence, comparative transformation, crossing, substantively, and other passivization
Exercise # 3: Review the table Contrastive-comparative analysis of idioms and identify General and contrastive in different languages":
Contrastive-comparative analysis idioms
Exercise # 4. Using the method of distributional analysis will compare the environment of the words AK, white, white, weibe in different languages. Identify them the same and additional distribution.
2.5. Control submodule. Supervisory personnel. Questions and answers on them.
2.5.1. Questions for self-assessment and answers to them
1) What is the methodology of science "Theory of translation"? 2) What scientific principles are the starting point for this discipline? 3) What scientific methods are used in translation theory? 4) what contrastive comparative analysis? 5) How is the procedure component analysis? 6) What methods of lexical transformation of the original words can you name? 7) What methods of segmentation of the text describes R.K. Minyar-Belarusian? 8) What are the levels of the method of understanding and interpretation in the process of translation activities you can describe?
A. Methodology is a set of scientific principles B. the Methodology of translation theory are the principles, methods (scientific and astronaute) A. For the theory of translation of the source are anthropocentric, cognitive, activity B. Anthropocentric principle A. In translation theory, component analysis is used B. To scientific methods are competent analysis, distribution analysis, the method of comparative-contrastive A. Contrastive-comparative method compares the values of two languages B. Pairwise comparison of the units of the two languages in order to identify similarities and differences A. Procedure component analysis consists of the following steps: 1) decomposition of words of the original language and translation components; 2) identification of differential components; 3) identification of the integral components; 4) conclusion A. Techniques of lexical transformations are: generalization, specification, narrowing B. Hyper-hypokiniesia replacement, generalization, specification A. (1) the definition of the segment of the text; 2) segmentation of the text; 3) highlight important information; 4) recording main information by means of symbols; 5) the transition from character to full text; 6) creation of text B. the Division of the text into segments A. the First level of understanding and comprehension of the text; The second level of interpretation in linguistic and cultural terms The third level of interpretation at the level of norms of the recipient Levels of understanding and interpretation
2.5.2. Tests for intermediate control on the subject 1. What principle is aimed at the study of language in the process of human life? A. Cognitive B. Anthropocentric C. Pragmatic D. Activity E. Dialectical 2. Due to how the language can be studied as a form of creating and thinking A. Cognitive B. Anthropocentric C. Pragmatic D. Activity E. Dialectical 3. What kind of analysis is aimed at identifying the environment of the word, A. Method of transformational analysis B. Method of distributional analysis C. Component analysis D. Contrastive-comparative analysis E. Method of segmentation of the text 4. By what method can convert the units of the source language in the target language? A. Method of transformational analysis B. Method of transformational analysis C. Component analysis D. Contrastive-comparative analysis E. Method of segmentation of the text 5. By what method it is possible to comprehend and interpret the text of the original? A. Method of distributional analysis B. Method of distributional analysis C. Competent analysis D. Contrastive-comparative analysis E. Method of understanding and interpreting
2.6. Statistical submodule. The resulting frames (feedback) 2.6.1. Answers to questions Question No. 1. A. an Incomplete answer. B. You answered correctly Question No. 2. A. You answered correctly. Whiz! B. Incorrect answer. Question No. 3. A. Incomplete response B. You answered correctly. Well done! Question No. 4. A. Incomplete response B. You answered correctly. Question No. 5. A. that's the Wrong answer. Think again. B. You give a detailed answer to the question. Question No. 6. A. Incorrect B. the Correct answer. Question No. 7. A. You gave a detailed answer. Whiz! B. Incomplete answer. Question No. 8. A. You answered correctly. B. You give a superficial answer.
Tests' Cipher 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. E
Case module # 3. The essence of the translation 3.1. Theoretical submodule. Theory. Information frames
3.1.1. Translation as an activity Activity approach to translation allows to represent the process of translation as an activity of the spiritual and practical nature, related to communication and language with procedural and dynamic nature. The activity essence of the translation can be expanded on the basis of the provisions of L. C. Szczerba, about three aspects of speech activity and the dialectic of objectification and raspredsetevaya. L. C. Szczerba, studying three aspects of speech activity, gave them the following definition: The first aspect is speech activity, including the processes of speaking and understanding; the second aspect is the dictionaries and grammars of languages - language system; the third aspect of language material, i.e. the set of all languages spoken in the particular situation in a particular epoch in the life of this social group [szczerba, 1974]. In the translation of the secondary rehabilitating activities the process of speaking and understanding takes place in a situation of simultaneous interpreting, and while translation the attention of the translator focuses on the understanding of the source text based on the primary language code (primary language system). Source text - the trail of the activities of communicant or the author, whose properties as a subject of activity turned into a converted form object properties activity. According to the law of dialectics every human activity involves primarily the process of transformation properties of the entity acting as the characteristics of its operation, its movement and life in the properties of the object of activity, characteristics that are transmitted by human-to-object and get a new form of existence is inseparable from its subject media. K. Marx called this process opredeljivanje: "the Process dies in the product... Work connected with the subject of the work. The labour embodied in the subject, and the subject in the form of activity [Unruhe], now on the side of the product is in the form of resting properties [rudende Eigenschaft], in the form of being" [Marx, Engels, 1963]. The product of labour can be assigned consumed as any gift of nature, completely regardless of and with indifference to the fact that the commodity is the result of human labor. But the product of labour can be assigned to and in this way, when it acts as objectified labour as subject form active abilities. Last work out in the product and turned to resting property, reborn to new life and re-enters in the form of human activity. This process raspredsetevaya. The dialectic processes of objectification and raspredsetevaya during translation activity is manifested in the fact that the translator in the process of understanding the text of the original has to deal with objectified, turned into object properties text that captures the traces of the activity. It is the subject form of the active abilities of the author of the text. The translator in the process of understanding and interpretation of this text raspredsetevye it, restoring it to new life. When this unit's primary language code, resting in objectified form as language material-product, come back to life in rehabilitating language-the text of the translator's activity. After the source text is understood, comprehended and understood by the translator, it transcodes raspredeleny text in the target language, again turning it into an objectified product of its interpretive secondary activity. This translation is the result of creative reproductive activities translator in objectified form, but in another language comes to the addressee, which again raspredsetevye it using the signs of language in a dynamic form. Imagine the processes of objectification and raspredsetevaya in diagram No. 3: As you can see, activity nature of translation is manifested, first, in the actualization of the processes of speaking and understanding in the process of raspredsetevaya objectified source text; secondly, in the use of units of language systems of the primary and secondary codes, thirdly, the transformation of the source text in the translation product of labor already in the second language and the newly objectified on the basis of the secondary code, fourthly, in raspredsetevaya destination specific product of translation activities in the language of the recipient.
3.1.2 Translation as intercultural communication The translation process can be seen as an act of intercultural social communication, during which the exchange of information between speakers and recipients. The translation can be thought of as the process of recoding of the thoughts expressed in one language by means of a second language. Translation as an activity for the exchange of information can be considered in terms of information theory, as it has all the components of the communication that includes the following elements: information source (the speaker), the communication channel (the environment in which the transmission of the message), the receiver (the device receiving the information (the recipient), the code is a means of exchange of information), the product of the speech text. Communication as a process of exchange of information is carried out in intercultural environment, the subjects of which have a common language and a shared social experience, the same system of cultural values and orientations. Unlike communication, translation is a bilingual communication, when the communication is by means of two language codes. Stakeholder communication in translation more, because in addition to the two interactants (sender and recipient) has the person engaged in the translation process decoding messages on the primary code and encoding it with sign language secondary language. It is the translator who is fluent in two languages. He is the mediating link between a source (the author of the text, the speaker and the addressee, the recipient information in another language. However, the translator can act as a recipient of the message from the sender, and the role of the message sender to the recipient in another language. In the translation process, the sender (the author of the text, speaking) transmits a message or objectified in the form of (text) or passes directly in raspredelenno (oral communication). This message is encoded in the primary, source language code. Interpreter who speaks a primary language, it takes the encoded message, decrypts it, interprets and clarifies for himself. Then the received message is transformed by the translator in the same message, but in another language, when a translator, interpreting the received information after seeing it in raspredelenno (marks primary code into dynamic elements rehabilitating activity), again opredmechivaetsya it, turning it into objectified text - converted form of their life. The recipient of the message - recipient in the process of exploring objectified in the secondary language is a product of the translator's work again raspredsetevye this text, but on the basis of characters of a different language system. Consider the process of translation as intercultural communication scheme No. 5: Translation is viewed as a form of communication, because its components are similar to the structural components of communication: the communicants, interaction, code, function, result. However, this type of communication has its own characteristics, which shows, first, that in the translation of the subject of communication more. In this case, communicate not two communicate (speaking and listening), and three - communicant, mediating communicant, recipient. Secondly, the processes of speaking and listening as if repeated, as initially transmits information between the sender of the original message and the translator, which acts as the recipient. This recipient, receiving information on the primary language code and decoding it. In the process of transformation of text using the characters of the second language and its transmission to the recipient, the medium of another language, the translator acts as the sender of the message, but in another language. Recipients in this case will be the recipient of the message translator. Thirdly, in the process of translation activities are two language - primary source language (S) and the secondary language is the language of the translation (translation language). Fourthly, during the updating of translation activities are performed certain functions, such as communication (communication and information exchange), representative (the representation of the source text in a second language, remaining faithful to the original), regulatory (rules, postulates communication). Fifthly, intercultural communication is a type of mediating communication. A distinctive feature of the process of mediated communication is that it, in addition to the two normal for any communicative process (generation of the source text partner and perception of the text partner), there is an intermediate phase (transcoding from one natural language to another). This phase is referred to as linguistic mediation (sprachmittung), and the person providing language mediator (sprachmitter) [Jäger, 1975].
The concept of mediated translation, Jaeger correctly draws attention to the special place of translation mediated communication, however, this trait is not differential for translation. Sixth, classifying the sign of translation as a form of intercultural communication is its public purpose, the essence of which consists in the ability to meet the needs of society. On the thoughts of L. K. Latysheva, the public purpose of the translation is its permanent sign that is present in all implementations. "The public purpose of translation, " writes L. K. Latyshev, - is that the maximum (data linguistic or extralinguistic conditions) to bring bilingual communication with translation to natural language communication as to perform communicative functions, and from the point of view of their implementation" [Latyshev, 1988, 9-10]. Seventh, the result of translation as intercultural communication differs from the usual intercultural communication, as the product of translation activities should be issued no common language, owned by partners, and other third language - the language of the recipient of the translated text. Eighth, the specificity of translation as intercultural communication is, according to C. N. Komissarova, in the triune identification of two multilingual texts. Such communicative comparison of the source and target text distinguishes translation from any other transmission mode for another language" [Commissioners, 1980, 33]. The translation is not limited to the act of writing or speaking translator. It is an act of intercultural communication involving two voice works in different languages, combine in this act as different forms of the same message. Therefore, in translation it is always assumed the existence of two texts plus their Association in the process of communication. In other words, here we deal with three different speech acts: (a) the act of communication through OIA, creating original; b) the act of communication with the help of five, creating the translated text; C) act of Union (communicative equating) speech works, which were achieved through communication acts (a) and (b)" [Commissioners, 1980, 34]. Ninth, translation as a kind of intercultural communication not only determined by the sociolinguistic factors (social and situational variables)included in the socio-cultural rehabilitating activity partners in the translation process of social history communicants, "channel" exchange information, social language codes), but is governed by cultural variables, as in the process of translation activities are of special importance to the adequacy of normative attitudes, value orientations and values and principles of the subjects of the source and target texts. It is the similarity of stereotypes, postulates of communication, values and norms contributes to the understanding of the subjects of translation activity and correct interpretation of their source and target texts. In a situation of transfer of the knowledge of the cultural systems of the partners is a condition of effectiveness of the process of translation, since "culture is a set of meanings, values and norms that are owned by the interacting entities, and a set of media that objectivist, are engaged in socializing and reveal these values" [Sorokin, 1992, 218]. Tenth, in the process of translation activity creates a secondary text, which, although it reflects and transmits the basic information contained in the source text, but contains traces of creative activity of the translator. Therefore, according to A. D. Schweitzer, the translation can be distinguished from other types of intercultural communication on the basis of two characteristics: secondary text and installed on the replacement (the representation of) the source text in a different language and cultural environment.
3.1.3. Translation as a textual activity The confusion of the concepts of "text" and "discourse" in the literature due to the fact that many researchers and these concepts were seen as products rehabilitating activities speaking and listening. M. M. Bakhtin exactly defines the text, viewing it "as a result of the activity testoobraznogo specific producer, directed to a specific recipient" [Bakhtin, 1979]. The discourse was also determined as language material formed in the process of symbolic interaction. At the present stage of development of cognitive science discourse is studied in broader terms, communicative interaction, combining the process and the result. Thought I. A. van Dyck, "the discourse is speech stream, the language in its constant motion, absorbing all the variety of historical periods, individual and social characteristics as communicant and communicative situation in which communication occurs. In the discourse reflects the mentality and culture, as a national, universal and individual, private" [van Dijk, 1989]. The text from the perspective of linguistics is seen as a holistic unit of communication, the General design and the content of which is transmitted through the language unit. T. M. Dreze gives this definition: "the Text as a complex sign and complete unit of communication is a system of semantic elements functionally (i.e., for the specific purpose of communication) combined in a single closed hierarchical communicative-cognitive system General concept or idea (the communicative intention of the subjects of communication) [Dreze, 1984, 57]. In psycholinguistic terms, the text is studied in the framework of a specific communicative situation; however, the form and content of the texts are determined by psychological characteristics of individuals participating in the communication, as textprovider producers. Therefore, in speech activity, the text examines how verbal, symbolic form is fixed (in oral or written form) the product rehabilitating activities. And in this case it also seems correct definition of the text, this L. C. Szczerba, which takes into account linguistic and psycho-linguistic characteristics of the text as objectified labour and the processes of speaking and understanding of the subject of communication: "all language values with which we operate in word and grammar, as concepts, in the immediate experience (either psychological or physiological) we are not given and can be displayed by us only from the processes of speaking and understanding, that I call in such of their functions language material... Under the latter I can understand, therefore, not the activities of individuals and the set of all languages spoken in the particular situation in a particular epoch in the life of this social group. In the language of linguists who are texts" [szczerba, 1974, 26]. I. R. Galperin, considering the text as a work receptorsare process, objectified in the form of a written document, literary processed in accordance with the type of this document, the product consisting of the name (title) and some special units, such as paragraph unities combined different types of lexical, grammatical, logical, and stylistic connection with a specific focus and pragmatic installation" [Halperin, 1981], stated on such signs text as a header, different types of links and the number of special units - components of the text. In addition to these signs, the text has such features as unity, wholeness, including thematic, communicative and structural unity. Can be called as the signs of the text modality, functional-semantic relatedness, informative, good structure.
Connectivity is explicitly expressed the relationship between adjacent sentences of the text. The main means of communication in the text: 1) lexical means of communication (synonymous, contextual, repetitions, full, repetitions, the pronominal substitute); 2) lexico-grammatical means (unions, Union adverbs, introductory words and phrases); 3) grammatical means of communication (- aspect verb forms, word order, syntactic parallelism); 4) serial link sentences in the text. In parallel connection, the first sentence says something in common, and each subsequent opens and completes its meaning. Means of communication such proposals are similarities in the construction of sentences, matching or contrasting words and sentences, for example: "was unbearably hot July day. The sun blazed in the sky, hovered, and the heat was relentless. The air was impregnated stuffy dust" (I. S. Turgenev). When the serial link every following sentence contains something new in comparison with the previous suggestion, but it remains with him closely related. 5) communications act repetition, pronouns, synonyms, for example: "I first came to the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana. Astana has made a big impression on me, as it is a modern metropolis". The structure of the text expresses the relations existing between the parts, elements, units of the given object). In the text are highlighted thematic, logical-composition and content (predicative) patterns. Thematic structure of the text forms the subject matter, i.e., as reported in the text. Logical-compositional structure of the text reflects the sequence of semantic units in the text, for example, article, review, report, have a special composition. The structure of the content. The content of the texts is reflected and reified through language signs knowledge of the fragments of reality. Language tools have formal symbolic expression in the form of lexical, phonological, grammatical and syntactic categories. The text has structural integrity, as it has an introduction, main part, conclusion. An indicator of the completeness of the text is the title reflecting the content of the text. The structural integrity of the text also implies taking into account the characteristics of its external and internal structure. The internal structure of the text differ in such structural-semantic parts: the beginning (start), main part (middle) and the ending. In the beginning is usually marked theme. It also provides information on the characters, the place and time of the event. The main part develops the theme outlined by the proem. It is observed sequence of events, changing storylines, actors, speech of the characters. The end of the text embodies the outcome of the story and indicates the completeness of the event, contains the conclusion. The integrity of the text implies its meaning unity, which implies the presence of deep meaning and thematic unity. Thought Century. Century. Red, deeper meaning is expressed through the concept, which minimized contains semantic structure of the text. "Concept, " writes centuries of Red, is the embodiment of intention as some psycholinguistic categories. From a substantive point of view, under the concept is understood as meaning a single semantic structure of the text, which is the embodiment of intention and through it the motive of the activity of the author, which led to the firing of the text" [Red, 1998, 57].
Concept as the embodiment of intention provides the author's intent. Intention, motive statements appear in the speech situation as the fragment objectively existing objective reality and includes a number of speech acts. During the actualization of the situation of the speaker and the listener, guided by a particular motive, feel the need of speaking and carry out their intentions - intentions that contains the author's intent. On the basis of intention arises concept, which contains the core of the text. It is a collection of element of the text's meaning and embodies its thematic unity. It is through a concept is meaningful, semantic unity of the text. Wholeness arises in the process of awareness and understanding of the text as a result of the analytico-synthetic activity of the recipient [Leontiev, 1979]. In the act of communication by the author of the text expresses some of the content, which should occur at reading in the perception of this text. Here is the contents that occur in the human psyche and can be defined as wholeness. Functional-semantic types of speech. Functional-semantic type of speech is a universal typological unit of text that is allocated on the basis of various characteristics (communicative-pragmatic, logical-semantic, structural and semantic). There are also such types of speech, such as description, narration, definition, reasoning, proof, message. Description - this is such a functional-semantic type of speech that contains information about the object, its properties, characteristics, character, structure, and different event modality. The text descriptions are typically used to describe the nature, expression of the human condition, his portrait of the situation. The kind of description is a definition. The purpose of the definition is characteristic of the subject based on the instructions of its essential features. The story is functional-semantic type of speech in which transmitted information about events, actions that occurred in the past, ever. The reasoning is functionally semantic type of speech, through which is passed the process of obtaining new knowledge about the object based on a logical conclusion about it. Text-reasoning the explanation of any facts, events, indicating causality. To build such texts need three parts: the thesis (main idea), evidence-based cast the argument proving the main idea of the thesis, conclusion (General conclusion), the message. The message is functional-semantic type of speech used to convey information about any events, circumstances. The purpose of the message is to inform about any objects, events, their characteristics and changes. The information content. The informative text is that the text passed to various messages. And depending on what is being communicated, there are three types of messages, called " information: factual, conceptual, and podtekstoval [Yuriev, 2006, 12-13]. Factual information text is a description of facts, events, venue, duration of action, reasoning of the author, the movement of the plot. Conceptual information is the expression of the worldview of the author, his main thoughts, ideas works. Extratext information. It is only implied. It occurs due to the ability of words to conceal a hidden meaning.
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