word for word translation
Fig. 10 are examples of the translation corresponding to certain ways
5.2.2. Examples Example No. 1: Translation transcription is a formal pafonine the reconstruction of lexical units using phonemes translating language, for example: Yuri - Yuri Subaru - Subaru Facts on file - facts he file New Quarterly press new press Quaterly New newspaper Novaya Gazeta Example No. 2 Transliteration Capitalism - capitalism Communism - communism Democrat Democrat Ideology - ideology Internationalism - internationalism Japan-Japan Catholic - Catholic Example No. 3 Welcome add: He grasped my hand with a nervous impressments Which alarmed me and strengthened the suspicions already entertained. His countenance was pale even to ghastliness, and his deep - set eyes glared with unnatural luster. In Russian translation: Shaking hands, he clenched his hand to me, and this nervous vehemence reawakened and strengthened my earlier fears. In the face of Legrand was a look of deadly pallor, sunken eyes sparkled with feverish brilliance. In this example, first of all, we see this transformation as adding. The translator adds the word "greeting"to clarify that Legrand squeezed his hand when he greeted. The verb "graspy" is translated by the verb "squeezed". This verb means "to pinch, squeeze my hand." The translator showed how much Legrand squeezed his hand when greeted. There was also the replacement of the English phrase "already entertained" adjective "recent" in the semantic development. Subject in the English sentence is transformed into a circumstance the place in the Russian proposal " his countenance" in the face of Legrand". Moreover, the possessive pronoun "his" is replaced by your own name "Legrand". In English personal pronouns are used more often than in Russian.
5.3. Reference submodule. Reference frames. "Glossary". List of basic and additional literature". "Reference sites". 5.3.1. Glossary Replacement of parts of speech is a welcome replacement of missing parts of speech, unmatched shapes and designs of translation. If the original form is not in the target language, or perform other functions, it may be replaced with another or change its character.
Calques is the process of translating the inner form of the word, its structure through the use of the resources calciuma language, resulting in the language of the translation of new words, motivirovannyh meaning and structure of words. Descriptive translation is the essence of descriptive translation lies in this conversion, when the word in the translation process is replaced by the phrase, periphrasis, descriptive expression, in some cases euphemisms. The omission is welcome when when translating individual words, phrases, and even that-clause, excessive from the point of view of the interpreter, are not necessary to convey meaning, are omitted or reduced. A permutation is changing the sentence structure of the source language in the target language when the components of the sentences of the source language is changed in the translation process in its place. Translation transcription is a formal pafonine the reconstruction of lexical units using phonemes translating language, phonetic imitation of the original words. A pragmatic way of translating is a pragmatic adaptation of the text when the source text is adapted to the norms of the target language. Practical transcription of the record of foreign words by means of national alphabet based on their pronunciation. Transformational method of translation is the process of converting units of one language in another. Transliteration is a formal letter-by-letter recreate the original lexical unit with alphabet translating language, letter-by-letter imitation of the form of the original word.
5.3.2. The list of basic and additional literature
Key readings
Barkhudarov HP Language and translation. Questions of General and special theory of translation. - M.: International relations, 1975. Kazakova, T. A. literary translation. Theory and practice. - SPb.: LLC Inhabitat", 2006. Commissioners Century. N. Theory of translation (linguistic aspects) - M.: Higher school, 1990. Sdobnikov centuries, Petrov O. Century translation Theory. - M, AST: East-West, 2007. Talanov C. Korkem euderma Turala. - Almaty: Asmare Baspasy, 1962.
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