Bakhtin, M. M. the Aesthetics of verbal creativity. - M., 1979. T. A. van Dijk. Language. Cognition. Communication. - M., 1989. Zalewski, A. A., Kaminska, E. E., Medvedev, I. L., Rafikova N. In. Psycholinguistic interaction of words and text. - Tver, 1998. Red Century. Century. From concept to text and back//Vestnik MGU. Ser.9. Philology, 1998, No. 1. Leont'ev A. A. Statement as a matter of linguistics, psycholinguistics and theory of communication //the Syntax of the text. - M., 1979. Leontiev, A. N. The General notion of activity. //Fundamentals of the theory of speech activity. - M., 1974. Sorokin P. Man. The civilization. Society - M., 1992. Tarasov E. F. Sociolinguistic problems of the theory of speech communication //fundamentals of the theory of speech activity. - M.: Nauka, 1974. Yur'ev A. N. The Russian language. Types and styles of speech. - Almaty, 2005. Jäger G. Translation und Translations - linguistis. - Halle (Saale), 1975.
3.3.3. Informational sites Http:// 3.4. Control training submodule. Operating personnel. "Job". "Exercises". 3.4.1. Tasks for independent work of students (IWS)
Insert, what is the dialectic of human activity. Draw a diagram of the correlation processes raspredsetevaya and of objectification in the aspect of "language - speech". Map the schema of subject and translation activities. Find their similarities and differences.
Tasks for independent work of students under the supervision of a teacher (SRSP)
Identify the function of translation as intercultural communication, describe them, find out how they differ from each other. Compare the definitions of text and discourse, data P. I. Galperin, L. C. Szczerba and T. A. van Dyck, and identify what is their difference. Describe the characteristics of the text and answer the question, what means of communication are used in the text. Determine what functional-semantic type of speech is this text: We entered the house. A young fellow, in a long robe of thick blue cloth, met us on the porch. From the front covered different colorful paintings, we entered a small room - Cabinet Radilova. I took off his hunting armor, put the rifle in the corner. (M Turgenev. Notes of a hunter). Determine what functional-semantic type of speech applies this text. Translate into English. Contrary to usual care Cossacks about the cleanliness, the room was all dirty and in the greatest disorder. On the table were thrown bloody coat, half of the sweet cakes and beside her osianna and torn calka for feeding the hawk. On the benches, scattered, leadi pistons, gun, dagger, pouch, wet dress and rags. In the corner, in a tub of dirty, stinking water, pulp other pistons; there was a rifle and a filly. On the floor was thrown network, several dead pheasants, and around the table were walking, tapping on the dirty floor, tied by the leg of the chicken. (L. Tolstoy. Cossacks).
Determine what functional-semantic type of speech applies this text. Bring on the Kazakh and English languages. People should be intelligent. And if he profession does not require intelligence? And if he could not get an education: both circumstances? And if the environment does not allow? And if intelligence will make a black sheep among his colleagues, friends, relatives, will just interfere with his relations with other people? No, no and no! Intelligence is needed in all circumstances. It is needed and for others, and for the man himself. This is a very, very important, and above all to live happily and long: Yes, long time! For intelligence equal moral health, and health need to live a long life, not only physical but also mental. (D. Likhachev. About intelligence). Determine the type of text. Earthquake similar one to another. Geologists and geophysicists studying the development of the Earth, have long realized that her appearance is constantly changing. But it happens, usually very slowly. Only earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are related to rapid - and because of the catastrophic events that seem to represent these changes. To date, no single theory adequately describes the evolution of our planet and at the same time explaining how the driving forces of change and their results are visible on the surface of the Earth. (Zhuravlev, M. Geoecology: a training manual). Carefully read the text, determine its internal and external structure. Analyze the text and make a diagram of the processes of perception and understanding of the translator's source text.
3.4.2. Exercises Exercise # 1. P. G. Chebotarev in his book "translation as a tool and subject of communication" (M, 2006) indicates that when translated in the General scheme of communicative interaction we have not two subjects and three, that is, the sender information, translator and recipient of information. The translator is "wedged" between the sender and receiver of information on the translation stage. Accordingly, the roles of the participants are classified from the point of view of communication in a special way: sender information first passes it to the translator in one language, and one becomes the recipient of the information then the interpreter becomes the sender of this information in another language, and transmits it to the target recipient (Chebotarev, 2006, S. 58-59). Define social roles of the interactants and build scheme of interaction of role partners.
Exercise # 2 After reading the definition of "genre" define the genre of the text, with whom you will work in the future.
The genre of the text is typical of a single text or group of texts reproduced the text characteristics that distinguish it from other texts that define the scope of its use, subject-logical content, purpose, sequence, solve communicative tasks and the language design.
Exercise # 3. Read an excerpt from a business text. Explain how it manifests: a) objectivity; (b) accuracy; clarity; g) standardisierung; e) completeness. For the investment of pension savings You can choose one of the managers of the companies which signed with PFC relevant contract. In this case, the chosen management company will be directed retirement savings reported on Your individual personal account on the date of the transfer of funds to the management company. The statement about the choice of the management company should be directed to the PFC no later than 15 October 2011. Applications submitted after October 15, 2011 will not be considered. Information about the amount of funds transferred to Your chosen management company, will be brought to Your attention additional upon execution of your application and will contain data on income received before the date of transfer of funds to the management company. Information about managing companies required to fill the application form can be obtained from the media. Information about the organizations that PFC authorized to certify Your signature, You can get in a work place, postal and banking institutions, in the media. On issues arising in connection with the receipt by You of Notice and application, You can apply to the territorial authority PFC at the place of residence or address: Department of PFC on, Astana, Kazakhstan, 050020, Ul. Sary-ARKA, D. 73. Pension Fund of Kazakhstan
Exercise # 4 Examine the Internet sites of Newspapers (for example,, Compare how covered the event in Newspapers in different directions (opposition, democratic). Translate passages of text into another language. Pay attention to the modes of transmission of metaphors, verbal aggression and verbal manipulation.
Exercise No. 5. Determine the method of presentation in a scientific text. Parcel 1: All engineers know math Parcel 2: Igor Smirnov - engineer Conclusion: Igor Smirnov knows math
3.5. Control submodule. Supervisory personnel. "Questions and answers", "Tests for intermediate control on"
3.5.1. Questions for self-assessment and answers to them
Why translation is seen as a secondary reproductive activity? What are the stages of reproductive translation activities can you name? Why translation is considered as a kind of intercultural communication? Why we can talk about translation as testoobraznuyu activity? What types of texts dealing with an interpreter?
What genres of texts you can call?
Options ototokoi otveta. This activity aimed at the creation of the product translational activity of Deneb. Translation is the reproductive process, it is implemented linguistic-textual activity on the material of the two languages daneta. Three adapalene. I. Stage of comprehension of the original text; 2) analysis of the source text, interpretation, decoding; 3) preparation of text perioddrama. In the process of translation is the communication activities of Deneb. In the translation process is the communication between O. R. (translator), trans. - P. daneta. During translation, the translator creates objectified text in the target language of Deneb. Translation is a linguistic-textual activity daneta. Text-the original text in the language of periodograms. With two types of texts daneta. There are many different texts: business, journalistic, nucleants. Official business; public normativnye texts, art, conversation, religiosidade Tests for intermediate control on the subject 1. What is the nature of the activity translation? In language-text activity In creating a secondary text In reproductive activity Understanding and comprehension of the original text In raspredsetevaya-objectification; the transformation of the source text in the translation product of creativity 2. Why translation activity is reproductive? Because text is created in the target language Created objectified text Because the text as the product is created in the secondary language Because the translator replaces the language code and encodes the text Because in the process of translating the source text is not transmitted verbatim, and converted 3. What is the difference between translation as intercultural communication from the normal communication? In the language As part of communicants That the translator has to deal with two types of texts In the secondary product Communicants three uses two languages, objectified text is created in the target language 4. Who among researchers gave the following definition: "work receptorsare process, objectified in the form of a written document, literary processed in accordance with the type of this document, the product consisting of the name (title) and some special units" T. M. Dreze M. M. Bakhtin T. A. van Dijk L. C. Szczerba
I. R. Galperin 5. What functional-semantic type of speech conveys the process of obtaining new knowledge about the object based on the logical conclusion that it explains the facts, events, indicating causal relations Description Reasoning Narrative Message The definition of 6. What genre of text functions such as the function of the message function of the impact Official Scientific Journalistic Art Spoken
3.6. Statistical submodule. The resulting frames (feedback) 3.6.1. Answers to questions: Question No. 1: Incomplete answer. Detailed answer. Correctly. Question No. 2: A superficial answer. You answered correctly. Question No. 3: A superficial answer. Detailed answer. Whiz! Question No. 4: True. Well done! Incomplete answer. Question No. 5: The full answer. Well done! A superficial answer. Question No. 6: Incomplete answer. Detailed answer. True.
3.6.2. Cipher tests E E E E In With
Case module # 4. The language of the translator as the subject of translation activity
4.1.1. Features of the linguistic identity of the translator as a bilingual person and mediator in interlanguage communication Speaking about the interpreter as a bilingual bilingual person, we take into account the specific traits of personality, and well, treating them as typical properties inherent not only to a particular individual but to the collective notion of "identity", "linguistic personality", "the language of the translator". The concept of "linguistic personality of the translator" is a collective, it has several features that are unique to the language of the person who is engaged in translational activity. Such features characterizing collective image of the personality of the interpreter, are, first, the possession of two or three language codes; second, the individual with specific language skills; thirdly, with the secondary language consciousness; fourth, with a high level of social and cultural competence; fifthly, the person who owns cultural, and full types of bilingualism; sixth, which has a definite structure; seventh, tolerance for other cultures, internalize its norms and values in the process of acculturation; eighth, who belong to multiple socionormal, the members of which he is; in the ninth, owning translation professional competence, knowledge and skills; in the tenth, the ability to comprehend and interpret texts, to translate it into another language; eleventh, able to exercise reproductive activities related to major speech segments-texts. Consider first such feature of the personality of the translator as proficiency in several languages, which characterizes it as a bilingual or trilingual personality. Bilingual linguistic personality is determined by K. M. Abisheva "as one of the manifestations of personality, defined by the sum of its individual properties and characteristics, which are determined by the degree of communicative and linguistic needs of bilingual cognitive-cultural band, formed in the course of a learning experience and level of language competence bilingual, ability to choose communicative code of communicative systems (first and second language system)when the automation between the signified and signifier (new) provides a complete perception and purposeful-ing the transfer of information, as well as its ethnic compression in the process of intercultural communication" [Abisheva, 2001, 47]. The translator, as a bilingual person, characterized by the possession of coordinationin type of bilingualism, in which two languages are completely Autonomous, each language has its own set of concepts. Grammatical categories of the two languages are also independent. This bilingualism is called full. Thought E. D. Suleymenova, "full bilingualism involving knowledge of both languages perfectly, extremely rare phenomenon" [Suleimenov]. Full bilingualism as a high level of professionalism inherent in certain groups of people - writers, translators, therefore, S. of Talanov drew attention to the necessity of mastering the translator full, coordinationin bilingualism: "DLN itanda, iindia e the process - ek Halit get-can, Omir tigen terebene, alipasa in Balanesti Baladi. Salardi arasin blame brrrp, then getter - audiomachine seberle toady. Ons stew ushin Audrey originally oyya I tln, al Sona Audra bestaande original tln mytyp Otaru Kerek" [Talanov].
The possession of such coordinative full bilingualism meets the requirements of professional competence of a translator, as incomplete knowledge of a second language (when a second language is perceived through the prism native), mixing systems of the two languages mixed bilingualism (when there is a single mechanism analysis and synthesis of speech, and coexisting languages differ in the level of surface structures), leads to the appearance of interference errors due to defective competence in the second language. A specific feature of the translator-bilingual is a possession of the cultural type of bilingualism. This type of bilingualism is the result of proximity of bilingualism, when the individual layers of the society due to cultural interests, professional needs, conscious choice of a second language, due to its authority and necessity, become acquainted with the texts in this language, master a second language. The possession of such type of bilingualism due to the pressing needs of society in need of intermediaries in cases of bilingual communication, when an individual bilingualism individuals aimed at satisfying the needs of society in the translators, and to meet the public queries about the achievements of other cultures by translating books, scientific articles, publications, technical literature from one language to another. Cultural bilingualism is bilingualism, which is effected by written channels. This bilingualism implemented in cases pristrastnych contacts when the contacts of the two languages are satisfied cultural needs of society. This peritrate contacts are made on the basis of the literary forms of the two languages. Translators not only acquaint the representatives of their society with the achievements of other cultures, and meet the needs of society in new means of communication. In this case, they implement the mechanism of reinterpretation. The linguistic mechanism of reinterpretation can apparently be explained by the possibility of understanding the individual languages as an integral and yet complementary systems division objective reality. "Any individual language, " says C. F. von Humboldt, can be called a fragment only in a figurative sense...the whole is composed of a number of interacting and consistently targeted parts, but rather from a number of methods representing always coherent, but always different functioning of these parts. In this respect, languages, if not to consider their relationship, rather, complement each other" [Humboldt]. Each such "language-fragment", as a complete whole, with his usual picture of the world and the organization of technical means not only clearly and "irresistible" distinguished from all other languages, but also because of the same "additionality" is associated with other languages.
In the process of familiarization with the new language systems of bilinguals is faced with various specific implementations of the functional-semantic similar, as would be "invariant" grammar and wider - language categories. Arising in carriers of two language systems in the sense of "deficit" gives rise to the intention to search and reinterpretation. The translator is characterized by belonging to multiple communities, as a member of different linguistic and cultural communities, as proficiency in several foreign languages facilitates the integration of it into another society, identifying it with the other members of this or another linguistic-cultural community. And in this case, bilingualism is "as a communicative bridge between the two (or more) multi-lingual teams" [Karlinsky, 2007]. Thought A. E. Karlinsky, bilingual in such cases comes in three language communities: the primary linguistic commonalities with the primary language bilingual; secondary linguistic commonalities with secondary language bilingual; bilingual linguistic continuum with two languages, regardless of the degree of ownership [Karlinsky, 2007]. A characteristic feature of the translator is also mastering them secondary language consciousness in the process of acculturation in a different linguistic and cultural community. It should move freely in the language picture of the world of other peoples, to know the value principles of different cultures, norms, value orientations, to have a common socio-cultural experience, relevant experience as a partner of the primary communication (the sender of the text), and the experience of partner secondary intercultural communication (the experience of the recipient of the text). The formation of their secondary language consciousness is in the process of inculturation and socialization within a different cultural system, learned members of another society. And in this case, the translator must know at a high level not only a second language, but the culture of another people. And only in this case he will be able to adequately understand the original text, interpret it and decode, translate into another language, focusing on the norms of the recipient of the text. Understanding and interpreting texts (original and translation) helps in this case, the similarity in the overall speech activity, common conditions of communication (common language), the conditions of understanding the content of the text and speech intentions of the author on the background value contexts learned as the sender of the text and the recipient. The translator is the person performing the secondary reproductive translation activity, as during the decoding of the text, the understanding and interpretation carries out the further encoding it in a second language, translates text and creatively reinvents it, eliminating and eliminating gaps, adapting the translation to the normative preferences of the recipient. The essence of the reproductive activity of the translator is to reproduce the original text in the target language. During playback of the original text, the translator does not seek literally translate every word of the original text, and reproduces the information received in tangible units of a second language, perebiraja its meaning. After stage preverjanja sense of the information received, the translator identifies the translated text with the original, and if it finds that the information submitted in the language of the translation is incomplete, then seeking reimbursement strategies information. And in this case he does not simply reproduce the text of the original, and creative processes it by choosing the right words, phrases, fit lexico-syntactic and stylistic figure, grinding phrases, achieving functional-stylistic and genre compliance, the adequacy of the meaning and intent of the author in the source and translated texts.
Thus, the language of the translator is characterized by the presence of certain features (the knowledge of two languages, mastering full and cultural types of bilingualism, the implementation of reproductive translation activity, achieving a high level of translation competence, knowledge of the culture of another linguistic-cultural community, the realization of oneself as representative of various societies, and so on), peculiar only to him.
4.1.2. The structure of the language personality of a translator Y. N. The guards, in their theoretical and epistemological model "linguistic identity" distinguishes three levels, which allow to consider a variety of quality characteristics of language personality in terms of three characteristics: verbal-semantic, cognitive and pragmatic [Karaulov, 1987, 3]. The defining parameters of the linguistic identity of the translator, which allow to describe his personality, has certain properties and characteristics that enable a person with cognitive and cultural range, degree of communicative needs, intercultural competence, language skills, and abilities are: motivation, verbal-semantic, cognitive, professional, socio-cultural, pragmatic, functional, motivational. Motivational structure parameter of linguistic identity of the translator allows you to find the motivation translation activities. Motive is the need to meet public requests, the need for bilingual communication needs in mediating the person who introduces the members of his society with the achievements of other cultures. It is the need for reinterpretation and vocabulary of their language by means of another language, acquaintance with the achievements and values of other cultures, the need to bring to the attention of the recipient with the necessary information in the target language serves as an incentive translation activities. Translation communicative need is determined by the imperative of communicants partner intercultural translation and communication in the exchange of semantic and evaluative information, presented in a dynamic, raspredelenno in living rehabilitating activities, and in the form of objectified labour, preserving traces of the activities of the communicants and their properties during primary and secondary stages of intercultural communicative activity. The degree of motivation is determined by the power requirements, which is concentrated in a communicative setting of the translator, in his communicative intention. It is linguistic-communicative setting plays a significant role in the transition from the General meaning of the concept to the stage of internal programming of speech actions. It is like the unity of communicative needs and demands of external reality precedes the beginning of the process of speech in one language with the sender of the message, then organizes the subject of the action of the forces necessary for the implementation of the secondary stage of communication - the decoding of the source text, converting it to another language and translation. Communicative language setting performs organizing, integrating and selective function, which is manifested in the actualization of the following: organization and actuation forces required for the exchange of information on the primary and secondary languages, the integration of the two language systems, selection of language codes necessary for the exchange of information, as well as the selection of language features necessary to convey the content of the source text and the communication to the recipient of the author's intent. Verbal-semantic structure parameter of a bilingual translator includes proficiency in two languages and linguistic competence in two languages, i.e., knowledge of phonetics, vocabulary, grammar first and second languages. Includes the vocabulary of the two languages - entire stock of words and phrases, which the translator is in the process of translation from one language to another. The translator is the ability to use the linguistic means in accordance with the social differentiation of language situations, the subsystems of the national language, knowledge of the meanings of the words of the first and second language. Verbal-semantic parameter allows us to characterize the translator as a person who can manipulate in the cultural space of the bodies of the characters of the second language by associating with their communication partner of the same mental images. This requires him to assign and secondary culture of the society in which he develops his mental functions of speech, language, get used to them in the process of secondary rehabilitating activities. E. F. Tarasov emphasized that the society, giving each individual culture to assign and build his personality allows him to shape up, with one hand, as a public person, and on the other hand, limits its part of their culture, of cultural items... It is the commonality assigned culture... enables symbolic communication when the communicants, manipulating in the intercultural space bodies of characters that can associate with them the same mental images" [Tarasov, 1996, 9-10].
The necessity of mastering as the bodies of the characters of the second language, and their mental images is the precondition for the understanding of communicants. To do this, the interpreter requires the formation of a secondary language consciousness. Linguistic personality must possess primary and secondary language consciousness, because they are, on the one hand, represent one of the variants of possible schemes of mastering the world (in each language has its own way of conceptualizing the world, so each language has its own special language picture of the world), on the other hand, linguistic consciousness is the means of creating, storing and processing of language signs. Consequently, the presence of the linguistic identity of the primary and secondary language consciousness presupposes knowledge of the language of pictures of different people, which leads to the existence of a common language and shared socio-cultural practices that contribute to the understanding of communicants. Cognitive parameter includes many characteristics that form in the process of cognitive experience of the interpreter of his inner world in the intellectual and emotional planes. Among the cognitive characteristics that are essential for language personality of a translator, it is necessary to specify, first, the knowledge of two language systems, providing adequate perception and understanding of semantic and evaluative information, knowledge culture media of another nation, its value standards. In this case we can speak about the cognitive aspect of language acquisition: "When we talk about communication or communicative-pragmatic aspect of mastery or proficiency, I mean how would a focus on the interviewee is ultimately communication because there is an optimal effect on the interlocutor. But acquiring a foreign language, we simultaneously digested inherent to the respective people of the world, a particular vision of the world through the prism of national culture, one of the most important component of which is language. The main task in the field of language acquisition can be formulated as follows: to learn to speak (or write) as says or writes native speaker (or at least strive to do so). Then the formulation of the main problem of such ownership in the cognitive aspect will be the following: learn to make orientation "as it is implemented by the native speaker" [Leontiev, 1999, 43]. It is the common cultural systems of the two Nations - the winners of the primary and secondary languages, the similarity of the images of the world will contribute to the success, relevance and understanding of the communicants in the process of translation.
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